Patriot Flash n' Smash

Standard* Typhon01


Ashy says... #1

This seems really good I must say! Seems like it's always going to be dealing a plethora of damage all the time. I'm not a huge of Goblin Electromancer personally, but I can see why you play it. I think Guttersnipe might be better, but it might not be, with all the instants... seems too good to pass up :D! Also, no Negate int he board seems interesting, but your board does look pretty good! I think Rest in Peace is pretty good, even with Snapcaster, just entirely preventing undying seems really good to me (depending on the individual meta of course lol) But great deck :D!

January 21, 2013 11:18 p.m.

WalzY says... #2

Thanks for the kind comments and the +1, I'll happily see what I can recommend for your deck!

Let's see.. I'd get rid of the rootborn defences. I see where you're coming from to protect the geist and such but it's a bit of a clunky card and you want to be jamming your cards in for as much use as possible. Those -3 Rootborns will allow you another Snapcaster Mage and another Azorius Charm. The extra Azorius Charm helps in the infinite life combo on your reckoner, always has utility as card draw and will shove any nasty blockers out of your geist's path while still slamming in with the angel.. plus you're going to be able to maximise the heck out of your charms using snapcasters left right and centre.

I have to say I'd try to have a good think about trying to get a little more stabilising consistency in your deck, which I think it's lacking at the moment based on how geist-centered the deck is.. simply because of the sacrifices you're making to focus around it in order to make it that bit more aggressive with the geist. So for example you generally aren't wanting Supreme Verdicts because that screws yourself over as you want to slam your geist down asap, but more importantly the Augur of Bolass are so incredibly useful as I found out the hard way when I started without them in control decks. The Augurs pretty much say get lost to any early aggro your opponent can throw at you, without triggering any nasty effects. E.g. Stromkirk Noble, Ash Zealot +++ any other common aggro nasties you see... and buy you extra turns if you have to force block them against Boros Reckoner without too much backlash damage... as well as the most important part of digging out all of your lucky charms to arm yourself to the teeth with all those instants/sorceries!

I think you've got the Sphinx's Revelations about right but not sure if you'll be able to fire them off productively in this deck, as they usually work best alongside lots of stall (which you have) and Supreme Verdicts (which you don't), so I think 2 is a sensible number... and obviously see how that's working out when you playtest them. Unsummon just works better than Cyclonic Rift from what I can see (as clearing the path for your Geist is the idea I'm guessing).

If you're wanting to make more space, I'd reconsider Aurelia's Fury. It doesn't seem too brilliant alongside your deck (I think you can get more value out of alternative cards, and the can't cast creature spells thing isn't particularly relevant to you as that's what your Geist hates - big nasty creature blockers!) So in one of those free spots you may want to put a Harvest Pyre in. I found this to be a very cheeky little card if you're digging up lots of stuff into your graveyard (works amazingly with Augur of Bolas too!) -> deal some damage with your Geist... want to punch through some last points of damage for lethal/put them in Boros Charm/Thundermaw Hellkite range? ---> Harvest Pyre targeting your Boros Reckoner ----> redirect to your opponent ---> !!! (My friend hates it when I do this to him, as it works even more effectively against his Dimir deck which churns cards into my graveyard like a machine giving me more ammunition.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents, so take what you like from it!

Definitely like this deck, combining a cheeky bit of aggro with control shields all around it, +1 from me!

March 2, 2013 12:13 a.m.

Typhon01 says... #3

I agree with Rootborn Defenses being somewhat of a clunky card, but it does more than save Geist of Saint Traft from an early demise. It also pops up a blocker when used during the combat step with geist. A 4/4 for 3 mana, with a geist-save, isn't all that bad if the situation comes up, and with 4 geists I see this interaction a lot. It also serves as a 3 mana mono color Boros Charm as far as the infinite life combo with Boros Reckoner is concerned. And in a tri-color deck, I've found out having access to all the colors you need doesn't always work out, so the mono-white aspect is relevant. I may consider going down to two, though.

Cyclonic Rift is actually a concept mostly separate from geist, more based on early game delay and late game finish with multiple attackers. In my mind, the one mana more than Unsummon is worth it for its worth as a late game blowout. I have Supreme Verdict in the sideboard, but whenever I use it, I do get a bad taste in my mouth watching my side go as well. I may put in Harvest Pyre in that slot to side in against mill decks, or at least try to work them in for playtesting with the reckoner/as a fattie killer.

Aurelia's Fury also moves those fatties geist hates into tapped position. It serves as another late-game blowout card, combined with early game stall. Aggro decks are a weakness if they get going too quickly, like a hyperaggro deck my friend plays with Lotleth Troll, Gravecrawler, Dreg Mangler, and a bunch of other really annoying Golgari beatsticks, but the ability to tap his guys before they punch me is really useful.

I will definitely reconsider the extra cards I have in my sideboard that you talked about. I certainly don't need the extra revelation or fury, and I'm looking to get rid of the Supreme Verdicts in there. Harvest Pyre, at least as a three of, would work excellently, and the fourth slot would serve for the fourth Azorius Charm.

I'd like to put in the augurs, but I don't know where to put them...

March 2, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Typhon01 says... #4

On second thought, my meta would probably do better with Skullcrack boarded in rather than Harvest Pyre, since I'm taking a lot of losses from a W/B token deck running Blood Artist. The damage is something I can work around, but his lifegain is stalling enough that the game goes on longer than I can handle. Not only that, but a little more dome-burn as an option would be relevant against almost any deck I usually come up against.

I could still lose the extra Sphinx's Revelation in favor of the fourth Azorius Charm, and figure out something to take the place of the extra Thundermaw Hellkite and Aurelia's Fury. Those slots could potentially hold the Pyres.

March 4, 2013 2:42 p.m.

Bababad says... #5

It seems GREAT!...but at $600+ it damned well better. I'd play, but it is WAY outta my price range. I suggest Witchbane Orb or Elixir of Immortality for SB to shield yourself from mill win cons.

March 5, 2013 9:51 p.m.

Typhon01 says... #6

Most of the money is in the Reckoners, Snapcasters, Thundermaws, Geists, Furies, and Revelations. Those and the mana base add up to roughly... Well... Almost all of the cost. I am not counting Bonfires because I'm looking to phase those out. This deck doesn't ever want to tap out at the beginning of it's own turn. At the end of your turn? Sure. But to lose all those options I usually have pretty much gets me nowhere fast.

Also, I actually phased out my Elixirs because I can usually punch the mill guy hard enough with my cards to win with most of my deck still intact... Or at least a third of it. Also, I think Psychic Spiral would be the card I'd play if mill ever became a problem for me.

March 5, 2013 10:07 p.m.

Bababad says... #7

Im a budget Elixir of Immortality is always my go to SB card because

1) creates a life buffer against aggro early game2) saves you from mill3) Playable before being able to be countered (1 drop)4) colorless cost (doesn't matter if you have blue5) You can use it in response to it being targeted by removal

but since you have Sphinx's Revelation you should be fine on life.

March 5, 2013 10:12 p.m.

Bababad says... #8

i guess enter doesn't work unless you double space...

March 5, 2013 10:13 p.m.

Zacoly says... #9

Any $600 dollar deck is bound to win a few games. You should add one more Sacred Foundry so you can break the $650 mark.

March 6, 2013 1:27 a.m.

nathansampson says... #10

I really like the set up of this deck.

March 6, 2013 2:17 a.m.

I like how the deck look but if feel like Geist of Saint Traft, Rootborn Defenses, and Aurelia's Fury could be replaced with some burn spells like Searing Spear and Mizzium Mortars, and maybe some drew card spells like Think Twice. I personally like blinking Augur of Bolas to draw one, however the miss sucks lol. Blasphemous Act Might be a fun one of card for board wipe and with a reckoner out it makes for a nice 13 damage to your oppenent.


March 14, 2013 4:42 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #12

I recommend Guttersnipe atleast to your sideboard because they do alot of damage especially if you have all four out. Imagine your swinging with Geists and Reckoners and you get blocked, throw out a Boros Charm all creatures are indestructible or you could do another 4 damage and on top of that you deal another 8 damage to them. The double strike is really only good if your attacking alone, with battalion you dont wanna do that obviously.

July 17, 2013 3:24 p.m.

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