
In progress. Going back to this deck to edit it after after a couple years. New deck is flash/Draw when damage/frog instants/life gain. I don't really like attacking in magic, but I do like drawing cards, so I decided to link the two as much as possible to combine what I like with a deck that can work. Everything below this may be out of date/being changed.

x17 draw when damage

Note: shift CMC up/down by 1-2 at a time when editing?

To edit: +1 anti-milling, +1 cantrip (T1/T2), +1 draw engine, -1 copy/redirect, -2 misc

Main deck at the moment. Idea is to maintain a hand size of 6-7 cards from the beginning in order to keep playing an Island every turn. Not including cards like Reliquary Tower, because I want useful cards in my hand, and I should edit my deck if I don't have anything good enough to play with 7 cards.

x8 cantrip cards that can be played on turn 1: Brainstorm, Illusion of Choice, Peek, Ponder, Preordain, Quicken, Shadow Rift, Whispers of the Muse

x4 cantrip cards that can be played on turn 2: Remand, Spreading Seas, Cloud of Faeries, Anticipate

x4 "Draw 2" cards that can be played on turn 3: Counsel of the Soratami, Divination, Mulldrifter, Winged Words

x4+ Defensive cards: Fountain of Renewal, Ivory Crane Netsuke, Polymorphist's Jest, AEtherize, Dissipation Field, Aetherspouts

x4 anti-milling cards: Laboratory Maniac


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 11 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

18 - 7 Rares

23 - 5 Uncommons

21 - 12 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Copy Clone, Energy Reserve, Squid 1/1 U
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