Creature (580)
- 1x Abattoir Ghoul
- 1x Absolver Thrull
- 1x Adaptive Shimmerer
- 1x Adorable Kitten
- 1x Aegis Turtle
- 1x Aeromunculus
- 1x Aether Theorist
- 1x Ahn-Crop Invader
- 1x Akrasan Squire
- 1x Almighty Brushwagg
- 1x Alpine Watchdog
- 1x Ambitious Aetherborn
- 1x Angel of the Dawn
- 1x Anointed Chorister
- 1x Anvilwrought Raptor
- 1x Arcbound Hybrid
- 1x Arena Trickster
- 1x Ashiok's Skulker
- 1x Audacious Thief
- 1x Auramancer
- 1x Aven Wind Mage
- 1x Aviary Mechanic
- 1x Aviation Pioneer
- 1x Axebane Beast
- 1x Azorius First-Wing
- 1x Azorius Knight-Arbiter
- 1x Banehound
- 1x Barging Sergeant
- 1x Bartizan Bats
- 1x Basri's Acolyte
- 1x Bastion Mastodon
- 1x Battalion Foot Soldier
- 1x Beast in Show
- 1x Blade Juggler
- 1x Blight-Breath Catoblepas
- 1x Blister Beetle
- 1x Blisterspit Gremlin
- 1x Blitz Leech
- 1x Blood Burglar
- 1x Blood Glutton
- 1x Bloodfire Expert
- 1x Bloodfire Mentor
- 1x Bloodstone Goblin
- 1x Bloom Hulk
- 1x Bogardan Rager
- 1x Bogstomper
- 1x Bone Pit Brute
- 1x Boneclad Necromancer
- 1x Boot Nipper
- 1x Borderland Marauder
- 1x Boreal Elemental
- 1x Brightwood Tracker
- 1x Brine Giant
- 1x Bristling Boar
- 1x Bronze Sable
- 1x Bulwark Giant
- 1x Burning-Tree Vandal
- 1x Bushmeat Poacher
- 1x Cabal Paladin
- 1x Caged Zombie
- 1x Caligo Skin-Witch
- 1x Captivating Unicorn
- 1x Carrion Imp
- 1x Carrion Screecher
- 1x Catacomb Crocodile
- 1x Catalyst Elemental
- 1x Cavalry Drillmaster
- 1x Cavern Whisperer
- 1x Celestial Enforcer
- 1x Centaur Courser
- 1x Centaur Healer
- 1x Centaur Nurturer
- 2x Centaur Peacemaker
- 1x Chainwhip Cyclops
- 1x Chandra's Embercat
- 1x Chandra's Magmutt
- 1x Charging Rhino
- 1x Charity Extractor
- 1x Checkpoint Officer
- 1x Child of Night
- 1x Chillbringer
- 1x Civic Stalwart
- 1x Cliffside Lookout
- 1x Cloudkin Seer
- 1x Cloudpiercer
- 1x Cold-Water Snapper
- 1x Colossal Dreadmaw
- 1x Concordia Pegasus
- 1x Consulate Skygate
- 1x Coral Barrier
- 1x Coral Commando
- 1x Corridor Monitor
- 1x Crossbow Infantry
- 1x Crypt Lurker
- 1x Crystacean
- 1x Crystal Seer
- 1x Custodi Peacekeeper
- 1x Daggerback Basilisk
- 1x Daggerdrome Imp
- 1x Daggersail Aeronaut
- 1x Dawning Angel
- 1x Daybreak Chaplain
- 1x Daybreak Charger
- 1x Daybreak Chimera
- 1x Daysquad Marshal
- 1x Deathbloom Thallid
- 1x Debtors' Transport
- 1x Dega Disciple
- 1x Desperate Castaways
- 1x Destructive Digger
- 1x Devkarin Dissident
- 1x Dhund Operative
- 1x Dire Fleet Hoarder
- 1x Dire Fleet Interloper
- 1x Discordant Piper
- 1x Doomed Dissenter
- 1x Dragon Bell Monk
- 1x Drannith Healer
- 1x Drannith Stinger
- 1x Dreamtail Heron
- 1x Drowsing Tyrannodon
- 1x Dukhara Peafowl
- 1x Durable Coilbug
- 1x Dusk Charger
- 1x Dusk Legion Zealot
- 1x Dwarven Priest
- 1x Eager Construct
- 1x Eddytrail Hawk
- 1x Efreet Weaponmaster
- 1x Eidolon of Philosophy
- 1x Elf Replica
- 1x Elite Instructor
- 1x Elite Vanguard
- 1x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Ember Beast
- 1x Enigma Eidolon
- 1x Epicure of Blood
- 1x Erratic Visionary
- 1x Essence Symbiote
- 1x Excavation Mole
- 1x Extremely Slow Zombie
- 1x Eye Collector
- 1x Facet Reader
- 1x Faerie Guidemother
- 1x Faerie Miscreant
- 1x Farfinder
- 1x Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
- 1x Feral Abomination
- 1x Feral Maaka
- 1x Ferocious Pup
- 1x Ferocious Tigorilla
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Festering Goblin
- 1x Festering Newt
- 1x Fetid Imp
- 1x Field Creeper
- 1x Fire Elemental
- 1x Fire Urchin
- 1x Flummoxed Cyclops
- 1x Flycatcher Giraffid
- 1x Footlight Fiend
- 1x Forgotten Sentinel
- 1x Fortress Crab
- 1x Frenzied Arynx
- 1x Frenzied Raptor
- 1x Frilled Deathspitter
- 1x Frilled Sea Serpent
- 1x Frost Lynx
- 1x Furnace Scamp
- 1x Gale Swooper
- 1x Gallant Cavalry
- 1x Garenbrig Carver
- 1x Garenbrig Paladin
- 1x Garrison Cat
- 1x Garruk's Gorehorn
- 1x Gearseeker Serpent
- 1x Gearsmith Guardian
- 1x Gearsmith Prodigy
- 1x Generator Servant
- 1x Ghor-Clan Wrecker
- 1x Giant Spider
- 1x Glimmerbell
- 1x Glint-Sleeve Artisan
- 1x Gloom Pangolin
- 1x Glory Bearers
- 1x Gnarled Sage
- 1x Goblin Arsonist
- 1x Goblin Assailant
- 1x Goblin Assault Team
- 1x Goblin Bird-Grabber
- 1x Goblin Champion
- 1x Goblin Deathraiders
- 1x Goblin Electromancer
- 1x Goblin Replica
- 1x Goblin Smuggler
- 1x God-Pharaoh's Faithful
- 1x Godhunter Octopus
- 1x Gorging Vulture
- 1x Grasping Scoundrel
- 1x Grasping Thrull
- 1x Gravel-Hide Goblin
- 1x Greater Sandwurm
- 1x Greenwood Sentinel
- 1x Griffin Protector
- 1x Griffin Sentinel
- 1x Grim Initiate
- 1x Grim Physician
- 1x Gruul Scrapper
- 1x Haazda Officer
- 1x Havoc Devils
- 1x Headwater Sentries
- 1x Healer of the Glade
- 1x Helica Glider
- 1x Heliod's Pilgrim
- 1x Herald of the Dreadhorde
- 1x Herald of the Fair
- 1x Hero of the Games
- 1x Hero of the Pride
- 1x Hexplate Golem
- 1x Highland Game
- 1x Highspire Artisan
- 1x Hired Blade
- 1x Hired Poisoner
- 1x Hitchclaw Recluse
- 1x Hobblefiend
- 1x Hoisted Hireling
- 1x Homarid Explorer
- 1x Honey Mammoth
- 1x Horned Turtle
- 1x Humble Naturalist
- 1x Humongulus
- 1x Hyrax Tower Scout
- 1x Igneous Cur
- 1x Ilysian Caryatid
- 1x Impassioned Orator
- 1x Imposing Vantasaur
- 1x Incendiary Oracle
- 1x Infectious Horror
- 1x Inhumaniac
- 1x Inspiring Captain
- 1x Inspiring Unicorn
- 1x Invading Manticore
- 1x Iron Bully
- 1x Ironclad Krovod
- 1x Irreverent Revelers
- 1x Jeskai Windscout
- 1x Jungle Delver
- 1x Keen Glidemaster
- 1x Keldon Raider
- 1x Kill-Suit Cultist
- 1x Kin-Tree Warden
- 1x Kinjalli's Caller
- 1x Kinsbaile Skirmisher
- 1x Kiora's Dambreaker
- 1x Kitesail Corsair
- 1x Knight of Sorrows
- 1x Knight of the Tusk
- 1x Kraul Warrior
- 1x Kronch Wrangler
- 1x Laboratory Brute
- 1x Lampad of Death's Vigil
- 1x Lava Serpent
- 1x Lavakin Brawler
- 1x Law-Rune Enforcer
- 1x Lazotep Behemoth
- 1x Lazotep Reaver
- 1x Leafkin Druid
- 1x Leonin of the Lost Pride
- 1x Library Larcenist
- 1x Lightwalker
- 1x Liliana's Steward
- 1x Llanowar Empath
- 1x Llanowar Visionary
- 1x Loathsome Chimera
- 1x Locthwain Gargoyle
- 1x Longtusk Cub
- 1x Lost Legion
- 1x Lotus Path Djinn
- 1x Loxodon Line Breaker
- 1x Loxodon Sergeant
- 1x Loyal Pegasus
- 1x Lurking Deadeye
- 1x Makeshift Battalion
- 1x Mammoth Spider
- 1x Maned Serval
- 1x Maraleaf Rider
- 1x Mardu Hordechief
- 1x Mardu Skullhunter
- 1x Mardu Warshrieker
- 1x Masked Blackguard
- 1x Mesa Unicorn
- 1x Metropolis Sprite
- 1x Midnight Guard
- 1x Migratory Greathorn
- 1x Millennial Gargoyle
- 1x Minotaur Sureshot
- 1x Mistral Singer
- 1x Moat Piranhas
- 1x Moonlit Scavengers
- 1x Moorland Inquisitor
- 1x Morgue Toad
- 1x Moss Viper
- 1x Mosscoat Goriak
- 1x Myr Landshaper
- 1x Mysterious Egg
- 1x Narnam Cobra
- 1x Netcaster Spider
- 1x Nexus Wardens
- 1x Night Market Guard
- 1x Night Market Lookout
- 1x Nightsquad Commando
- 1x Nimble Innovator
- 1x Ninth Bridge Patrol
- 1x Noxious Groodion
- 1x Nylea's Forerunner
- 1x Nylea's Huntmaster
- 1x Nyxborn Brute
- 1x Nyxborn Colossus
- 1x Nyxborn Courser
- 1x Nyxborn Marauder
- 1x Nyxborn Seaguard
- 1x Octoprophet
Ogre Gatecrasher
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 1x Onakke Ogre
- 1x Oran-Rief Survivalist
- 1x Oread of Mountain's Blaze
- 1x Oreskos Swiftclaw
- 1x Ornery Dilophosaur
- 1x Ornery Goblin
- 1x Overgrown Armasaur
- 1x Pack Mastiff
- 1x Pardic Wanderer
- 1x Passwall Adept
- 1x Patagia Tiger
- 1x Pathmaker Initiate
- 1x Pegasus Courser
- 1x Phase Dolphin
- 1x Pheres-Band Tromper
- 1x Pious Wayfarer
- 1x Pitchburn Devils
- 1x Plague Wight
- 1x Pollenbright Druid
- 1x Portcullis Vine
- 1x Pouncing Lynx
- 1x Prakhata Pillar-Bug
- 1x Prickly Marmoset
- 1x Pridemalkin
- 1x Primordial Wurm
- 1x Prismite
- 1x Prowling Caracal
- 1x Pyroceratops
- 1x Quirion Explorer
- 1x Rafter Demon
- 1x Rage-Scarred Berserker
- 1x Raging Kronch
- 1x Rakdos Roustabout
- 1x Rakdos Trumpeter
- 1x Rambunctious Mutt
- 1x Rampaging Rendhorn
- 1x Raptor Companion
- 1x Ravenous Rats
- 1x Razorfoot Griffin
- 1x Reaper of Night
- 1x Reckless Cohort
- 1x Reckless Fireweaver
- 1x Reckless Reveler
- 1x Redcap Raiders
- 1x Rhox Brute
- 1x Rhox Oracle
- 1x Rip-Clan Crasher
- 1x Riparian Tiger
- 1x Ripscale Predator
- 1x Riptide Turtle
- 1x Rising Populace
- 1x Roaming Ghostlight
- 1x Rosethorn Acolyte
- 1x Rotfeaster Maggot
- 1x Rotted Hystrix
- 1x Rubble Slinger
- 1x Rubblebelt Recluse
- 1x Rubblebelt Runner
- 1x Ruinous Gremlin
- 1x Rumbling Sentry
- 1x Rummaging Goblin
- 1x Rustwing Falcon
- 1x Sabertooth Mauler
- 1x Sacred Cat
- 1x Saddleback Lagac
- 1x Sadistic Augermage
- 1x Sage of Shaila's Claim
- 1x Sage's Row Denizen
- 1x Sage's Row Savant
- 1x Saheeli's Silverwing
- 1x Sailor of Means
- 1x Salivating Gremlins
- 1x Salvager of Secrets
- 1x Samite Pilgrim
- 1x Sandcrafter Mage
- 1x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 1x Saruli Caretaker
- 1x Sauroform Hybrid
- 1x Savai Sabertooth
- 1x Scaldkin
- 1x Scavenging Harpy
- 1x Scholar of Stars
- 1x Scorch Spitter
- 1x Scrapyard Mongrel
- 1x Screeching Skaab
- 1x Scuttlegator
- 1x Sea Gate Colossus
- 1x Sedge Scorpion
- 1x Self-Assembler
- 1x Selfless Cathar
- 1x Sell-Sword Brute
- 1x Senate Courier
- 1x Senate Griffin
- 1x Serrated Scorpion
- 1x Setessan Skirmisher
- 1x Siege Wurm
- 1x Sighted-Caste Sorcerer
- 1x Signpost Scarecrow
- 1x Silverback Shaman
- 1x Silverchase Fox
- 1x Simic Ragworm
- 1x Siren Lookout
- 1x Skarrgan Pit-Skulk
- 1x Skeleton Archer
- 1x Skirsdag Supplicant
- 1x Skitter Eel
- 1x Skittering Surveyor
- 1x Skola Grovedancer
- 1x Skophos Warleader
- 1x Sky Theater Strix
- 1x Skyknight Legionnaire
- 1x Skymarch Bloodletter
- 1x Skyreach Manta
- 1x Skyscanner
- 1x Sly Spy A
- 1x Smoldering Efreet
- 1x Snapping Drake
- 1x Snare Tactician
- 1x Snarespinner
- 1x Snickering Squirrel
- 1x Snowhorn Rider
- 1x Snubhorn Sentry
- 1x Solitary Camel
- 1x Sorcerer of the Fang
- 1x Soul Charmer
- 1x Soul of the Rapids
- 1x Soulmender
- 1x Soulreaper of Mogis
- 1x Spark Reaper
- 1x Sparktongue Dragon
- 1x Sparring Construct
- 1x Sparring Mummy
- 1x Spear Spewer
- 1x Spearpoint Oread
- 1x Spelleater Wolverine
- 1x Spellgorger Weird
- 1x Spellkeeper Weird
- 1x Spike-Tailed Ceratops
- 1x Spikewheel Acrobat
- 1x Spinal Centipede
- 1x Spined Megalodon
- 1x Spontaneous Artist
- 1x Spur Grappler
- 1x Squad Captain
- 1x Stampede Rider
- 1x Star-Crowned Stag
- 1x Staunch Shieldmate
- 1x Steamcore Weird
- 1x Steeple Creeper
- 1x Steeple Creeper
- 1x Stitched Drake
- 1x Stone Golem
- 1x Stone Kavu
- 1x Stonefare Crocodile
- 1x Storm Fleet Pyromancer
- 1x Stronghold Confessor
- 1x Sultai Scavenger
- 1x Sumala Woodshaper
- 1x Sunmane Pegasus
- 1x Swaggering Corsair
- 1x Sylvan Brushstrider
- 1x Syndicate Messenger
- 1x Teferi's Protege
- 1x Temple Thief
- 1x Tempting Witch
- 1x Tenth District Veteran
- 1x Territorial Baloth
- 1x Territorial Boar
- 1x Teyo's Lightshield
- 1x Thaumaturge's Familiar
- 1x Thicket Crasher
- 1x Thieving Otter
- 1x Thirsting Shade
- 1x Thornhide Wolves
- 1x Thraben Foulbloods
- 1x Thriving Grubs
- 1x Thriving Rhino
- 1x Thunder Drake
- 1x Thundering Ceratok
- 1x Tithebearer Giant
- 1x Tolarian Scholar
- 1x Tome Anima
- 1x Towering Thunderfist
- 1x Towering-Wave Mystic
- 1x Tragic Poet
- 1x Transcendent Envoy
- 1x Treetop Rangers
- 1x Triton Waverider
- 1x Trufflesnout
- 1x Trusted Pegasus
- 1x Trusty Packbeast
- 1x Turret Ogre
- 1x Twilight Panther
- 1x Two-Headed Zombie
- 1x Undead Servant
- 1x Undercity Scavenger
- 1x Underworld Charger
- 1x Underworld Rage-Hound
- 1x Utvara Scalper
- 1x Valduk, Keeper of the Flame
- 1x Valley Dasher
- 1x Valorous Steed
- 1x Vampire Neonate
- 1x Vampire Opportunist
- 1x Vaporkin
- 1x Vedalken Blademaster
- 1x Venerable Monk
- 1x Venomous Hierophant
- 1x Verdant Eidolon
- 1x Vernadi Shieldmate
- 1x Vesper Ghoul
- 1x Vexing Gull
- 1x Viashino Pyromancer
- 1x Viashino Sandsprinter
- 1x Viscera Dragger
- 1x Vithian Stinger
- 1x Vizkopa Vampire
- 1x Vodalian Arcanist
- 1x Voracious Typhon
- 1x Voracious Vampire
- 1x Vorstclaw
- 1x Voyaging Satyr
- 1x Vraska's Finisher
- 1x Vulpikeet
- 1x Walking Corpse
- 1x Wall of Mist
- 1x Wall of Runes
- 1x Wall of Vines
- 1x War Screecher
- 1x Warded Battlements
- 1x Wardscale Crocodile
- 1x Watchful Giant
- 1x Wayward Giant
- 1x Weaselback Redcap
- 1x Weldfast Monitor
- 1x Whisper Squad
- 1x Whitewater Naiads
- 1x Wicked Guardian
- 1x Wild Mongrel
- 1x Wild Wanderer
- 1x Willing Test Subject
- 1x Wily Bandar
- 1x Wind Drake
- 1x Wind Strider
- 1x Wingfold Pteron
- 1x Wishcoin Crab
- 1x Wishful Merfolk
- 1x Wispweaver Angel
- 1x Witness of Tomorrows
- 1x Workshop Assistant
- 1x Yavimaya Sapherd
- 1x Yoked Ox
- 1x Youthful Knight
- 1x Zephyr Spirit
Instant (174)
- 1x Abnormal Endurance
- 1x Acrobatic Maneuver
- 1x AEther Tradewinds
- 1x Alchemist's Gift
- 1x Annihilating Fire
- 1x Anticipate
- 1x Applied Biomancy
- 1x Arbor Armament
- 1x Arrester's Admonition
- 1x Arrester's Zeal
- 1x Auger Spree
- 1x Awaken the Bear
- 1x Band Together
- 1x Befuddle
- 1x Blade Banish
- 1x Bladebrand
- 1x Blindblast
- 1x Blink of an Eye
- 1x Blood Curdle
- 1x Bone to Ash
- 1x Burn Bright
- 1x Call to Heel
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Chain to Memory
- 1x Chandra's Outrage
- 1x Chandra's Pyrohelix
- 1x Command the Storm
- 1x Commencement of Festivities
- 1x Convolute
- 1x Convolute
- 1x Coordinated Charge
- 1x Corpse Churn
- 1x Cremate
- 1x Crippling Chill
- 1x Crushing Canopy
- 1x Death Ward
- 1x Defiant Strike
- 1x Deny the Divine
- 1x Disdainful Stroke
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Disperse
- 1x Dogpile
- 1x Douse in Gloom
- 1x Electrify
- 1x Erase
- 1x Essence Scatter
- 1x Expose to Daylight
- 1x Eyes in the Skies
- 1x Feat of Resistance
- 1x Fell the Pheasant
- 1x Final Death
- 1x Final Flare
- 1x Final Payment
- 1x Finishing Blow
- 1x Fire Prophecy
- 1x Flicker of Fate
- 1x Fling
- 1x Force Away
- 1x Forced Landing
- 1x Frantic Inventory
- 1x Frost Breath
- 1x Frostveil Ambush
- 1x Fully Grown
- 1x Gather Courage
- 1x Gaze of the Gorgon
- 1x Gerrard's Command
- 1x Get the Point
- 1x Giant Growth
- 1x Gideon's Reproach
- 1x Gift of Strength
- 1x Goblin Wizardry
- 1x Grasp of Darkness
- 1x Grotesque Demise
- 1x Growth Cycle
- 1x Growth Spiral
- 1x Hampering Snare
- 1x Hapatra's Mark
- 1x Haze of Pollen
- 1x Healing Grace
- 1x Heightened Reflexes
- 1x Infuriate
- 1x Inspire Awe
- 1x Inspired Charge
- 1x Invoke the Divine
- 1x Justiciar's Portal
- 1x Karametra's Blessing
- 1x Keep Safe
- 1x Kindled Fury
- 1x Last Gasp
- 1x Life Goes On
- 1x Light of Hope
- 1x Lightning Strike
- 1x Lofty Denial
- 1x Memory Drain
- 1x Mighty Leap
- 1x Moment of Heroism
- 1x Murder
- 1x Nahiri's Stoneblades
- 1x Natural End
- 1x Naturalize
- 1x Negate
- 1x No Escape
- 1x Ob Nixilis's Cruelty
- 1x Opt
- 1x Ornamental Courage
- 1x Peel from Reality
- 1x Pharika's Libation
- 1x Plummet
- 1x Pressure Point
- 1x Prying Eyes
- 1x Quench
- 1x Quickchange
- 1x Raise the Alarm
- 1x Raking Claws
- 1x Ram Through
- 1x Ranger's Guile
- 1x Rebuke
- 1x Return to Nature
- 1x Return to the Earth
- 1x Revitalize
- 1x Righteous Blow
- 1x Rookie Mistake
- 1x Root Snare
- 1x Run Afoul
- 1x Rush of Vitality
- 1x Sagittars' Volley
- 1x Samut's Sprint
- 1x Sarkhan's Catharsis
- 1x Scorchmark
- 1x Shatter
- 2x Shock
- 1x Shredded Sails
- 1x Smelt
- 1x Smite the Monstrous
- 1x Sorin's Thirst
- 1x Sphinx's Insight
- 1x Spidery Grasp
- 1x Spontaneous Flight
- 1x Startling Development
- 1x Steady Aim
- 1x Steeling Stance
- 1x Stern Dismissal
- 1x Stony Strength
- 1x Storm Strike
- 1x Strangling Spores
- 1x Stun
- 1x Subtle Strike
- 1x Sudden Spinnerets
- 1x Suffocating Fumes
- 1x Summary Judgment
- 1x Sure Strike
- 1x Swift Response
- 1x Syncopate
- 1x Take Heart
- 1x Teferi's Time Twist
- 1x Thirst for Meaning
- 1x Thrill of Possibility
- 1x Thwart the Enemy
- 1x Tidy Conclusion
- 1x Titanic Brawl
- 1x Titanic Growth
- 1x Totally Lost
- 1x Triumphant Surge
- 1x Trumpet Blast
- 1x Twin Bolt
- 1x Uncomfortable Chill
- 1x Undercity's Embrace
- 1x Unexpected Fangs
- 1x Unlikely Aid
- 1x Unsummon
- 1x Village Rites
- 1x Wilt
- 1x Zealous Strike
Artifact (47)
- 1x Altar of the Pantheon
- 1x Aradara Express
- 1x Armillary Sphere
- 1x Azorius Locket
- 1x Bronze Sword
- 1x Cobbled Wings
- 1x Cogworker's Puzzleknot
- 1x Consulate Turret
- 1x Explosive Apparatus
- 1x Glassblower's Puzzleknot
- 1x Gruul Locket
- 1x Guild Globe
- 1x Heart-Piercer Bow
- 1x Icy Manipulator
- 1x Inventor's Goggles
- 1x Mad Science Fair Project
- 1x Mana Geode
- 1x Mana Geode
- 1x Manalith
- 1x Manalith
- 1x Marauder's Axe
- 1x Metalspinner's Puzzleknot
- 1x Orazca Relic
- 1x Orzhov Cluestone
- 1x Orzhov Locket
- 1x Prophetic Prism
- 1x Rakdos Cluestone
- 1x Rakdos Locket
- 1x Renegade Freighter
- 1x Rosethorn Halberd
- 1x Scalding Cauldron
- 1x Short Sword
- 1x Silent Dart
- 1x Simic Locket
- 1x Sky Skiff
- 1x Sleeper Dart
- 1x Springjaw Trap
- 1x Strider Harness
- 1x Terrarion
- 1x Torch Gauntlet
- 1x Traveler's Amulet
- 1x Tyrant's Machine
- 1x Ur-Golem's Eye
- 1x Vial of Dragonfire
- 1x Weapon Rack
- 1x Wings of Hubris
Sorcery (110)
- 1x Act of Treason
- 1x Adventurous Impulse
- 1x Agonizing Syphon
- 1x Aid the Fallen
- 1x Attune with Aether
- 1x Barrage of Boulders
- 1x Bathe in Dragonfire
- 1x Blazing Volley
- 1x Bone Splinters
- 1x Bring to Trial
- 1x Broken Bond
- 1x Call the Cavalry
- 1x Cathartic Reunion
- 1x Clear a Path
- 1x Clear the Mind
- 1x Commune with the Gods
- 1x Consign to the Pit
- 1x Davriel's Shadowfugue
- 1x Dead Revels
- 1x Deface
- 1x Demolish
- 1x Destructive Tampering
- 1x Die Young
- 1x Direct Current
- 1x Divest
- 1x Divination
- 1x Dragon Fodder
- 1x Duress
- 1x Eviscerate
- 1x Festergloom
- 1x Forbidden Friendship
- 1x Foreboding Fruit
- 1x Fortuitous Find
- 1x Fragmentize
- 1x Fruit of Tizerus
- 1x Funeral Rites
- 1x Ghostform
- 1x Go for Blood
- 1x Goblin Gathering
- 1x Gruesome Fate
- 1x Gust of Wind
- 1x Hijack
- 1x Hull Breach
- 1x Hunt the Weak
- 1x Hunter's Edge
- 1x Into the Void
- 1x Larger Than Life
- 1x Lava Axe
- 1x Legion's Judgment
- 1x Lich's Caress
- 1x Live Fast
- 1x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Magmatic Chasm
- 1x Make Mischief
- 1x Memory Theft
- 1x Mind Rake
- 1x Mind Rot
- 1x Mutiny
- 1x Mutual Destruction
- 1x Never Happened
- 1x Of One Mind
- 1x Ojutai's Summons
- 1x Painful Lesson
- 1x Pirate's Prize
- 1x Portent of Betrayal
- 1x Prey Upon
- 1x Rabid Bite
- 1x Raise Dead
- 1x Read the Tides
- 1x Reckless Air Strike
- 1x Recover
- 1x Reduce to Ashes
- 1x Relentless Advance
- 1x Relentless Pursuit
- 1x Renegade Tactics
- 1x Revoke Existence
- 1x Rise Again
- 1x Rise of Eagles
- 1x Rubble Reading
- 1x Rumbling Rockslide
- 1x Sanguine Indulgence
- 1x Saproling Migration
- 1x Satyr's Cunning
- 1x Savage Smash
- 1x Secure the Scene
- 1x Shimmer of Possibility
- 1x Shoulder to Shoulder
- 1x Skewer the Critics
- 1x Sleep of the Dead
- 1x Solemn Offering
- 1x Soul Salvage
- 1x Spark Harvest
- 1x Spitting Earth
- 1x Stealth Mission
- 1x Stream of Life
- 1x Survivors' Bond
- 1x Taigam's Scheming
- 1x Take Down
- 1x Take Vengeance
- 1x Tamiyo's Epiphany
- 1x Tectonic Rift
- 1x Tentative Connection
- 1x Toll of the Invasion
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Track Down
- 1x Tranquility
- 1x Turn to Slag
- 1x Warlord's Fury
- 1x Winged Words
- 1x Wrap in Flames
Enchantment (69)
- 1x Angelic Gift
- 1x Arcane Flight
- 1x Aspect of Lamprey
- 1x Aspect of Manticore
- 1x Backfire
- 1x Beastmaster's Magemark
- 1x Capture Sphere
- 1x Charmed Sleep
- 1x Claim of Erebos
- 1x Conclave's Blessing
- 1x Dead Weight
- 1x Divine Favor
- 1x Dreadful Apathy
- 1x Dub
- 1x Dwindle
- 1x Encrust
- 1x Feral Invocation
- 1x Firebreathing
- 1x Fortifying Provisions
- 1x Frenzied Rage
- 1x Furor of the Bitten
- 1x Giant Spectacle
- 1x Giant Strength
- 1x Gift of Paradise
- 1x Glaring Aegis
- 1x Goblin War Paint
- 1x Ichthyomorphosis
- 1x Ill-Gotten Inheritance
- 1x Indomitable Will
- 1x Infernal Scarring
- 1x Iroas's Blessing
- 1x Kasmina's Transmutation
- 1x Kaya's Ghostform
- 1x Keldon Mantle
- 1x Knight's Pledge
- 1x Lawmage's Binding
- 1x Luminous Bonds
- 1x Malfunction
- 1x Maniacal Rage
- 1x Mardu Runemark
- 1x Mark of the Vampire
- 1x Marked by Honor
- 1x Mire's Grasp
- 1x Mogis's Favor
- 1x Molting Snakeskin
- 1x New Horizons
- 1x Omen of the Dead
- 1x Omen of the Forge
- 1x Omen of the Hunt
- 1x Omen of the Sea
- 1x Omen of the Sun
- 1x Pacifism
- 1x Pious Interdiction
- 1x Revoke Privileges
- 1x Rousing Read
- 1x Sentinel's Eyes
- 1x Setessan Training
- 1x Sleep Paralysis
- 1x Slimebind
- 1x Solid Footing
- 1x Starlit Mantle
- 1x Swashbuckling
- 1x Talons of Wildwood
- 1x Unholy Indenture
- 1x Warbriar Blessing
- 1x Weight of the Underworld
- 1x Wolfkin Bond
- 1x Zephyr Charge
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Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 2 years |
Legality | This deck is Custom legal. |
Rarity (main - side) | 2 - 0 Rares 21 - 0 Uncommons 957 - 0 Commons |
Cards | 980 |
Avg. CMC | 2.91 |
Tokens | Bird 1/1 W, City's Blessing, Devil 1/1 R, Dinosaur 1/1 R, Djinn Monk 2/2 U, Elemental 3/1 R w/ Trample, haste, Enchantment Bird 2/2 U, Energy Reserve, Food, Goat 0/1 W, Goblin 1/1 R, Goblin Wizard 1/1 R, Human 1/1 W, Human 2/2 G, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Morph 2/2 C, On an Adventure, Sacred Cat 1/1 W, Saproling 1/1 G, Satyr 1/1 R, Servo 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB, Squid 1/1 U, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure, Warrior 1/1 W, Wolf 2/2 G, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Army 0/0 B |
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