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Pauper Cube - Esper Control

Pauper* WUB (Esper)


From our Pauper Cube, The Manhattan (Pauper) Project (http://cubetutor.com/viewcube/6163). 5-man draft, managed to hit 5-out-of-6 dual-lands and all 3 signets for Esper, and got some of the real heavy-hitters: Whispersilk Cloak, Coalition Honor Guard and Guardian of the Guildpact. Plus a lot of removal/pacifism effects.

Lost first match 0-2 to Rakdos aggro --- both times with a stabilized board, with my opponent using a well-timed Act of Treason to steal my one big creature and kill me with it (including in game 2 taking me down from 15 to 0 in one huge swing with my own Silver Drake, who was enchanted with Steel of the Godhead).

After that, clear sailing. Match 2 was a quick 2-0 victory over Boros aggro, Match 3 was a tough fight and eventual 2-0 victory over Golgari midrange, and Match 4 was a protracted battle (also 2-0) vs mono-Green. I always had too much removal/pacifism for others to handle, would stabilize and then build something large/hexproofed.

Very fun deck to play, especially with all the colors, so thought worth posting. Sideboard had nothing in particular to note in terms of particular matchups, though there were some tough cuts to get to 40 in the main (I ran only 16 lands, given the 2 bouncelands plus 3 signets).


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(10 years ago)

+1 Shielding Plax main
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Pauper legal.

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 3.12
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