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Pauper dimir toolbox

Pauper EDH* UB (Dimir)



A flexible pauper toolbox commander deck, able to combo or effectivley control in any game. With 18 tutor effects, the deck can be very consistent. You can use tutors to find other tutor to find the cards that you need so any path can be found rather easy. Some easy combos to search for are:

1- archeaomancer +(displace/ghostly flicker) + peregrine drake = infinitie mana / infinite storm or etb

2- archeaomancer + snap + high tide = infinite etb/storm and possibly infinite mana

3- same as 1 but instead of peregrine drake you can add high tide and cloud of faeries for the same result

There are more combos im sure and adding a sages row denizen mills everyone out from any of the combos. If you add a temporal fissure you can bounce the whole board back to everyones hand.

Some cool things to note:

Casting Hightide multiple times in a turn makes islands tap for that many more U mana.
The retrive cards like archeaomancer are useful throught the game, dont be afraid to use them. You can find another. Having tormod out can make any of these combos a win con by making an infinitely large board of zombies. Most of the tutors are transmute cards so they are useful besides being a tutor and have some good effects. Since transmute discards the card, then Ramirez can retrieve some of them in the same turn allowing multiple tutors from the same card.


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95% Casual


Date added 9 months
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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