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Pauper Landfall Infect

Pauper GU (Simic) Infect Landfall



Creature (2)

Land (1)

My take on Pauper infect. I have always wanted to make a landfall deck (with adventuring gear) work in pauper and maybe this could be it.

I think simic seems to be the ideal color combination for infect, as it offers the best mixture of pump spells, protection and evasion. Also, traditional infect decks have a small landfall subtheme with swell of growth. I think landfall and infect pair well together, as landfall works best in a kind of blitz shell, but it doesn't really want to run red - infect has a similar gameplan but works better in simic.

The deck has access to a powerful toolbox with crop rotation, which can give protection and evasion (through sejiri steppe), give additional landfall triggers for adventuring gear, blank edict effects (with khalni garden), offer card selection (with halimar depths) and even pseudo ramp (with simic growth chamber). The advantage of this deck is the better reach and consistency through card selection. Adventuring Gear is one of our slower win-conditions and it doesn't really do anything on it's own, but i think it could still be viable, because it works so well with the fetchlands and crop rotation. The combination of fetchlands and brainstorm/ponder gives us great card selection - which gives the deck a bit more of the legacy play-style of the deck.

I don't really play mtgo so I haven't done any serious meta-testing and i think the mana base as well as the suite of protection and pump spells can still be optimized. Sideboard is still in the making.


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91% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.40
Tokens Plant 0/1 G
Folders pauper
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