A $20 Pauper Mono Blue Wizard Counter/ Mill/ Kill. Theme deck showcase tutorial for what blue can do for you!
To expand: For control this deck features a near full playset of counter spells, with one muddled mixture to fetch Zyphers Charge. Four Thought Collapses, and four Diminishes. Use Clear the Mind to reload your graveyard of used spells and creatures and draw a card.
Creature feature showcase we aren't boasting power, but resigning on the toughness of our creatures and their capacity for team blocking, hence why we'd rather want to use the muddled mixture to fetch Zephyrs Charge for maximum block-ability for flyers ASAP.
Creature feature synergy comes at turn three with Sea Gate Oracle scry and draw and be ready to counter.
If you've managed to keep your enemies playing field countered and cleared as much as possible you should have no problem with casting Aether Adept returning Sea Gate Oracle to your hand and casting it again. Especially if benefiting from the passive ability of Sages Row Denizen milling opponents for 2 cards for each creature you summon.
Aven Wind Mage is the immediate offense for this deck, if not blocking and clearing up the sky's
alone with it's passive ability of us casting spells, Aven Wind Mage along with Zephyrs Charge should help maintain airways and lead up to you taking wizards to the wind for the win, if you haven't milled for the kill yet, per say.