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Pauper U/B Landcycling Control

Unknown Control UB (Dimir) Zombie


Just a little challenge I made for myself.

This began as some kind of Exalted + Unearth deck, where the goal was to send the returners against the opponent with the exalted bonus. It did not really pan out.

I love the idea of using landcycling zombies with Ghoulcaller's Chant, as that should make it almost impossible to miss land drops in the long run. I based this a little bit on the "Theoretical Allies Deck" which I assembled from VorpalDerringer's card box. I like what it's become, and look at that beautifully matching Mana Cost/Land Color graph!

Personally, I prize Grasp of Darkness in a black creature removal deck, because enemy black creatures fall before it too.

The only key card removed was Sleep --that actually hurt. The other uncommon was Skinrender .

I won't say this deck is a perfect 10.0, but I know for a fact it would be cheap to construct. I might do it someday, at the hobby store near me, in hopes to challenge a deck made with a similar price range. :D


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

40 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.88
Folders Hypothetical
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