Land (32)

Battery Ramp (8)

Occult Pact (8)

Find Out (7)

Bring Out Your Dead! (5)

Vandals (5)

Rock Band (3)

Consultancy (1)

Pavel's Little Demon (1)

Secret Feminist Headquarters (1)

The Ballad of Pavel the Mighty (1)

The Rakdos Superman's Triumph (7)

Doom Doom Doom Doom (21)

Politics of Chaos (9)

Creatures Go Kaboom! (8)

Wrath of Nature (8)

Solution (7)

Fashion Statement (5)

Trolls Never Die (4)

Left Hand Welder (1)

Pavel's Mount (1)

The Carnival (1)

The Uncle In Black (1)


I'm Only Human, Don't Put A Type On Me

Pavel the Mighty, Grand Champion of Righteous Chaos, Bearer of the Hand of Doom! Bound to do evil and spread chaos in exchange for ultimate power, Pavel corrupted the deal such that he could atone, manipulating chaos to do good in the world and ceasing his evil ways. Pavel is a famed firebrand and outlaw, for his self-appointed burden is to challenge the authority of the corrupt, using the power of evil to do 'good', all in the name of maximum Chaos! Pavel is famed for traveling to areas with unfit leaders and publicly challenging their authority, giving them a time of reckoning if they don't abdicate. When the time of reckoning arrives, so does Pavel, and neither man nor barrier can keep him from meting out justice to the unworthy. With (potentially) infinite power at the tips of his fingers, it's no surprise when incredible things are written by the bards, tales of the brush Pavel's smallest finger slaying stalwart foes, of Pavel laughing in the face of certain death, even coming out unscathed standing against whole armies due to his unholy Gift. The power of Doom courses through his very being, and all unworthy leaders cower in fear at Pavel's name. Pavel's path is unique, he's firmly on the anarchy side of Libertarianism (Pavel is perhaps a Radical Egalitarian, if such a thing exists), and though his ends are always for the betterment of all (overall), his methods are sometimes suspect, so maybe have a Rule Zero talk before playing a deck like this!

Pavel may not look like much at first glance, but I loved the art, and the flavor text seemed to have more substance than many, so I thought it was a good pick for a Vorthos-leaning deck. Pavel represents a figure that brings absolute Chaos where he goes, much like many of my favorite characters from Russian novels, characters like Pechorin or Stavrogin. Both of those character would have to be a bit different today to work, and Pavel reflects this. Both represent a sort of extreme freedom, and are very 'larger than life', things this deck aims for. The Custom Headings can be switched to Type if that's more helpful, I think most of the headings are clear enough.

Collected Work of the Bards (WIP) Show

Short Primer Show

Only Human (Roleplay Elements) Show

Conclusion Show

Vorthos Headings Show


Updates Add

I've been wondering, if a small group of Pikemen are a 1/1 with a bunch of upsides, an average card:grizzly bear is a 2/2, a Wild Elephant is a 3/3, does that mean Pavel can absorb similar amounts of damage (and poison) as a big elephant? That seems impressive for a human (they never gave him a subtype), but what about 5 power? There's a Great Whale, which is a bit non-specific to our world, but I'd guess an orca is probably about a 5/5? Big enough to brutally bully great white sharks and other bigger, derpier whales, is Pavel as physically strong as an orca? Maybe he has some kind of magic, but it can't work similar to wizardry, shamanism, clerical, warlock, sorcery, druidic, etc etc, because he never got a type! Most Legends creatures did get types, so I find this fascinating! I wonder if he'll ever return to the Magic world? If not I have my vorthos stuff here, and him having no type would actually check out with him having gained power through a very unusual means (a corrupted deal with a powerful demon)!

In other news, Detective's Phoenix is an amazing card in the right situation, +2/+2 is a really relevant buff for Pavel, getting him to 7 power means he can kill a player in 3 swings, and having Haste means that's sooner than someone expects from a 5/3 vanilla; getting Flying is a huge buff too, and getting to 11 power is 'only' 8 mana each on two turns, a doable feat in this list, so that's a surprisingly high ceiling for an Aura that casts from the graveyard for {r}! Just bonkers when the stars align!


97% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 18 hours
Exclude colors WUG
Splash colors BR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.20
Tokens Dragon 4/4 R, Foretell, Goat 0/1 W, Elemental 5/1 R, Morph 2/2 C, Smaug, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Deck Inspiration, EDH, Funny, uwu
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