
Commander / EDH DeathChant17


DeathChant17 says... #1

Matrixxx999, thanks for looking and the suggestions!

Truth be told, this deck list is out of date. I really need to sit down at the computer and update it and the description. I usually browse the site on my phone.

In regards to your suggestions, I try not to spend too much on any one card. So Flusterstorm & Mana Drain are out of the question for now, if not forever. They're great cards, when I first decided to take this deck to a somewhat competitive level, I was dismayed by the price tag on a good amount of cards. I also have Kaalia of the Vast (almost done) and Skullbriar, the Walking Grave decks I'm in the process of building which hinder me from tricking this deck out. It will happen, this one is my baby, but it'll have to wait.

Spell Pierce and Dark Ritual (I recently found out it was unbanned) are already in the deck.

As to the mana rocks, I plan on getting them sooner or later, just the price is in the way.

My Armageddon is in the kaalia deck right now. I'll look into picking up another and a couple Strip Mines as I could use them in both. Thanks for that.

I see what you are saying about certain spot removal, and as I only run 2 other creatures (I think) I should have room for those.

Replenish and Hall of the Bandit Lord have long been on my list of cards to get.

I use to have Chromatic Lantern in here. I'll see about possibly fitting it in again.

When I get around to updating I'll tag you so you can give it some more critique. Thanks again!

October 12, 2015 2:03 a.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #2

don't mention it! Always glad to help!

October 12, 2015 5:34 a.m.

DeathChant17 says... #3

Matrixxx999, funny story:

I was at work last night, I work 3rd shift, and me and a coworker had brought our cards in to trade in case he wanted any of mine for a deck he is building. Awhile after replying to you we sat and went through each others binders.

He had a Lotus Petal, Mox Diamond, and an Armageddon. Fate it would seem.

Long story short, I got home and swapped them out. Then since I had the deck out I updated it just for you.

I was mistaken, I apparently haven't acquired a Spell Pierce yet, though I would of sworn I had.I also traded my Chromatic Lantern to another buddy, so I will have to try and get another of those.Cavern of Souls has long been on my to get list. That price tho.Pact of Negation is cool but I'd rather not throw down 5 mana at the beginning of my turn simply to not lose. Sensei's Divining Top; I know it's cool and I get to scry 3 every turn but I hate that it goes to the top of my library off the second ability. Seems to be a wasted draw. Scroll Rack lets me play with 2 hands.

Those are my thoughts. I hope the deck looks better to you!

October 12, 2015 12:58 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #4

Well great, lucky you that you got what you needed. :)

As for look of your deck, it is important that the deck suits you, and plays well in your meta, if it is, than its ok.

Just in case, You still have 2 Solitary Confinement. Pact of Negation is a very good counterspelll, if you already have Zur on the battlefield, and you playing multiplayer, all your opponents will try to get rid of it. So you will have to protect Zur from multiple threats. Pact of Negation enables the use of additional counterspell for free, and it is not so bad to throw down 5 mana at the beginning of Your turn, if you still have your Zur on the battlefield ready to attack again.

Also i would replace Arcane Lighthouse with any good land that gives coloured mana or fetchland, and Rogue's Passage could be replaced with any similar permanent (Aqueous Form, Cloak of Invisibility, Cloak of Mists), paying for unblockable is to much I think, and you alredy have Steel of the Godhead.

Also You can look at here for staples List of EDH Staples and Power Cards, it is a lot of useful card info in here, maybe you will find something for your decks.

October 12, 2015 8:11 p.m.

DeathChant17 says... #5

I don't know why it keeps giving me to two of those. Now I got to figure out what it booted.

I'm very familiar with Epoch's and magicalhacker's lists for edh.

As to the Arcane Lighthouse & Rogue's Passage you are correct, they are residual from the Oloro build that was this deck. Though Arcane Lighthouse helps me o ring pesky commanders like Uril, the Miststalker, so that may stay. But Rogue's Passage isn't a necessity anymore. I took out a Reliquary Tower earlier for the same reason. Once I get a Necropotence I can throw it back in to work with Empyrial Armor.

My deck does play very well in my meta. Though as any meta, it is always changing.

Thanks again!

October 12, 2015 10:25 p.m.

So can you explain something to me? If Diplomatic Immunity says that the enchanted creature has shroud, then how do you get further Auras onto it? Wouldn't the aura attempt to target the creature, even if it's put onto the battlefield via Zur's ability?

December 18, 2015 7:40 a.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #7

It is one of the reasons why is Zur so horrible. It can PUT enchantment on the battlefield without cast. According to the rules enchantment doesn't targets anything if it wasn't cast.

December 18, 2015 11:11 a.m.

Oh what. That's busted. :I

December 18, 2015 12:48 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #9

My mistake. Not enchantments doesn't targets anything when it wasn't cast. It is aura spells doesn't targets anything. That's what I meant.

December 18, 2015 4:55 p.m.

DeathChant17 says... #10

He can be pretty ridiculous. I recently started going up to a LGS with a buddy where they do two headed giant commander. My buddy plays Uril, The Mistalker. Whoever gets rolling faster is the the one that gets the enchantments. So sometimes Diplomatic Immunity is replaced by Vanishing and I keep 2 open which is pretty hard to answer.

December 19, 2015 5:31 a.m.

ENZU says... #11

Open the Vaults or Sun Titan?

Idk man I can't speak to this level of power. I can only suggest looking at the most upvoted Zuur decks.

May 18, 2016 12:21 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #12

Since your commander can tutor for enchantments, I'd suggest using Copy Enchantment to be able to copy enchantments that opponents have or to copy one of your own to buff Zur up some more. As for what to take out, Spinal Graft is pretty low on the totem pole of necessary effects. Even if you would rather have an effect that gives more power, there has got to be better ones to do that.

May 18, 2016 1:39 p.m.

DeathChant17 says... #13

MagicalHacker apparently the list is a bit out of date. Spinal Graft and Propaganda are no longer in here. Force of Will replaced propaganda but I can't remember what replaced spinal graph... I'll take the deck out and update it when I get home later.

I do like Open the Vaults and Copy Enchantment.

I apologize for the lack of currency here.

May 18, 2016 1:56 p.m.

ENZU says... #14

Some utility creatures if you want to go with them. I don't see them very often in lists (maybe because they're bad). But hey, some of them seem alright.

Aegis of the Gods, Brain Maggot, Eidolon of Rhetoric, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Thassa, God of the Sea.

May 18, 2016 2:49 p.m.

zephramtripp says... #15

Strionic Resonator to double up on Zur's effect?

May 18, 2016 6:45 p.m.

Deruvid says... #16

The only suggestion I have that really warrants removal of another card is Retether to recover from removal that gets through your counterpells.

I think the weakest counters in your deck are those that ask to pay extra to get around the counter, like Mana Leak or Spell Pierce. I would suggest removing those to put in your new additions.

The other counters you have that require the spell to be targeting a creature or permanent you control are also mediocre because you will be aiming to give your stuff shroud/hexproof quickly, and these types of counters will have fewer targets and become less flexible/useful.

The only other upgrades I might offer are to switch Absorb with Render Silent because locking them out of spells will often be more beneficial than 3 life. Perhaps change Dissolve to Forbid, especially if you go for Necropotence early. Scry1 will be less helpful if you've Necro'd 20 cards to your hand, and Forbid's buyback clause will be easier to abuse.

May 18, 2016 8:30 p.m.

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