A white Kor equipment deck (+ Relic Seeker), using the synergies of the Kor with equipment. Armament Master is insane with it's anthem affect, Stoneforge Acolyte is value, a 1 mana kor, and very nice with the anthem, same with Kor Duelist. Relic Seeker is there purely as value, but if it get's 1 damage in you get a choice of equipment and it becomes a 3/3, both of which are really good for us. Kor Outfitter is a 2 mana for a 2/2, which might not seem great, but he's a kor and helpes us a lot with the mana he nets us by attaching an equipment to one of our creatures. He also lets us attach a Piston Sledge without sacrificing an artifact.
Then, to our equipment. We have what I see as the most effective cards at each mana cost. Bone Saw's effect is small in itself, but works very nicely with Kor Duelist, and especially Armament Master. Trusty Machete is much of the same, but costs 2 more in total (cmc + equip). This is where our Kor Outfitter is good tempo. Mask of Memory nets a card every time it triggers + selection, Kor Duelist synergy, and costs only 3 mana total. Piston Sledge is our biggest equipment for 3 mana total, which is why I'm playing it. I'm not sure if 3 Haunted Plate Mail is too many, but I think they are great vs control that cleans the board. You can activate them for 0, then equip them with all the equipment on the board late game to force opponent to either have artifact removal or instant speed removal. And if you have multiple, you can hold priority to make every one of them into 4/4s for 0 mana.
Gameplan is pretty straight forward. Try to get as much equipment on Armament Master as possible, use Kor Outfitter to good effect and beat down. Sometimes you have a choice between activating Stoneforge Acolyte or attacking with them. There's no real answer there, just do what seems best at the moment. I would generally activate them if they are at 1 power, and if you need to find that 1 equipment for Armament Master to end the game. The fastest I've managed to win while goldfishing (choose solitaire in players section underneath format on mtgo) is turn 4, which I think is pretty good.