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PDH(RG) - Angery Elementals

Pauper EDH* RG (Gruul)



I built this together with my friend Bleepblop!

The Angery Boy is such a cool card and fun commander. At a glance, it's pulling us in three different directions: big mana (he ramps), big bois (he ramps for bois), and big power boosts (he sinks for big damage). The beauty of it is, those three directions all secretly lead to the same place: Gruul mega-beatings.

So we start with some big ramps. We want to be able to activate our big guy, who costs , so we need lots of mana to pour into him. But we want to be be really effecient with our ramps. Stuff like Ilysian Caryatid , Whisperer of the Wilds , and Leafkin Druid will give us one mana early-game, and two-mana late game. Soulbright Flamekin is also good for two mana, and that adds up quick. Werebear only ever taps for one, but once he goes bear-mode, he counts for the Angery Boy's mana. We've also got Elvish Aberration , Kozilek's Channeler , and Ulvenwald Abomination to tap for big mana and also squeeze more mana out of the big guy. All these guys tapping for big mana make Vitalize and Mobilize into mana-generating monsters.

With the big big mana, we're gonna play some big big dudes. Eldrazi Devastator needs no introduction. Wrecking Beast is his own introduction.

We're also gonna try to beef up our Angery Boy so we can get absurd blowouts with his "damage equal to power" ability. Mostly this is going to come from cards like Rancor and Bonesplitter .

We'll top off this absurdity with some Ram Through and Soul's Fire action: we got the power to do some violence, it'd be a shame to let it go to waste.


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93% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens The Monarch
Folders Dave's Pauper EDH, favorites, Potential Pauper Playability, Pauper
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