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Peace Offering "Upgrades"

Commander / EDH GWU (Bant)




The commander is fairly open ended and flexible, I've decided to go in a generalist route that can pivot into different strategies at any time rather then focus on a specific mechanic aside from general "hugginess".

Right now the goal is to be an arms dealer and sweep the last person standing. Thanks to bumbleflower's surprising amount of power, we can play extremely defensively and pop off with loads of "second card" combos.

I would prefer that any and all suggestions you have for this list to be oriented towards making games more engaging or being funny.

Notable Inclusions

Kros, Defense Contractor

Goading is fun. Removing blockers is fun. Forcing opponents to smash each other in the face is hilariously fun. Giving opponent's creatures indestructible... has some utility. Whatever, my opponent has an indestructible fish, I do not care.

Struggle for Project Purity

My opponents get one, but I get THREE!

Parting Gust

Basically a modal card disguised as a group hug card. Either it's another path or a flicker.

Tidal Barracuda

VERY underrated. Flash and turn protection? HECK YEAH! All the more ammunition to give your opponents too I guess.

Druid of Purification

Opponents can never choose MY stuff. And if I play stealthy enough, they spite each other and 4 good permanents for me. At worst, I remove something important and my opponents remove 3 tokens which isn't that bad of a possibility (and a rare one at that).

Freestrider Lookout

This card is fantastic on its own. But bumbleflower takes it to a WHOLE new level if you abuse flash. You don't even need to use removal, you can just flash in a harmless spell and bumbleflower "commits a crime". Granted it's usually only 2 new lands per turn cycle. THAT'S BETTER THEN CULTIVATE, HOLY MOLY.

Wedding Ring

Bumbleflower giving cards is now a pure positive instead of a bargaining piece.

Dreamtide Whale

The salubrious snail told me it was good. A 7/6 for 3 is hilarious. I rest my case.

Ulamog, the Defiler

This deck doesn't need it, it's just a funny surprise. I could've used any other big eldrazi to be less mean or meaner. So why? "It synergizes with the commander." Let me know if there's funnier options.

Hard Exclusions

Baird, Riot Control, and Spore Frog:

This deck is not fully defensive. A more efficient use of deck space is to add vigilance banners instead of ghostly prisons and Fogs

Perch Protection:

EW. NO. NO. NO. (Those tokens are alright but raw power with evasion is not what I want.)

Ghirapur Orrery and Rites of Flourishing

Having stable mana ramp is a sacred advantage that should not be shared, especially with "those players". (WAY too expensive for it to be shared anyway.)

Jolly Gerbils

Not enough gift cards, and only a fraction made the cut. Shame really.

Mr. Foxglove

A FANTASTIC commander in the wrong deck. We're not huggy enough for the draw effect to be nonexistant, but I've found it unnecessary.

Thriving Lands

This is a group hug deck, I don't need to make it more casual, especially in a boring way.

Long River's Pull

There's more efficient hug options that make opponents less mad.

Body of Knowledge

This is a weird one. It's a good blocker, but people will avoid attacking me until lethal just to avoid giving me cards. It's a great win con in theory, but by the time it's a good size, I have better options that require no management. It's a finnicky card in the wrong deck.

Psychosis Crawler

Hey look another one. That ping effect isn't very huggy of this deck, get it out of here!

Simic Ascendancy & Triskaidekaphile

I need flash to get around opponents removing it before my upkeep. Even then, they'll plan around me flashing in future games. Regardless, they'll look at this card and say KILL HIM NOOOOOOOW!!! Luminarch Ascension is basically the same card in spirit but much more useful.

Soft Exclusions

Coveted Jewel

Absolutely hilarious. Negotiating with opponents to trade the jewel with each other sounds like a lot of fun, but I need to see how the deck currently is before I put it back in.

Communal Brewing

After playing a few games, giving opponents one more card in exchange for +3/+3 for future creatures with no further setup is an extremely tempting offer that I might accept down the line, especially since the counter synergies aren't that important at the moment.

Illusionist's Gambit

The only fog adjacent card I'm willing to play. Having an uno reverse card is hilarious, but you mean to tell me I can only do it once? ONCE?! I hate these types of one time defense cards.

Jace's Archivist

You know what I really love? GAMBLING.

Puca's Mischief & Djinn of Infinite Deceits

"Hey player with no Kros synergies, give me indestructible please."

Emrakul, the Promised End

Taking over an opponent's turn to do group hugs things would be very funny.

Constable of the Realm

I don't know if locking down my opponents like this is too mean.

Aven Mimeomancer

"That's a nice creature you got there." Makes it a 3/1.

Grothama, All-Devouring

How the heck do I use this?

Forced Fruition

I don't make opponents draw THAT many cards. But it would be funny...

nanogene therapy

If I had more tokens, I could KILL people with a million Bumbleflowers giving them cards.

Dual Nature, Helm of the Host, Sphinx of the Second Sun,...

When I have enough "funny" stuff to justify any of these, I'll add them.


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95% Casual


Date added 7 months
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 5 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Ape 3/3 G, Beast 3/3 G, Cat 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Elemental 4/4 UR, Elephant 3/3 G, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Fish 1/1 U, Illusion X/X U, Octopus 8/8 U, Rabbit 1/1 W, Radiation, Shark 3/3 U, Spirit 2/2 U, Squid 1/1 U, Steelburr Champion 1/1 W, Treasure
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