Demonic Rising is a deck that uses large amounts of removal as well as hand disruption to stall until it can start up Demonic Rising's effect by animating Haunted Plate Mail or Spawning Pool and then close out the game with the 5/5 flying tokens that Demonic Rising creates.
Card Choices
Demonic Rising: The main win condition in the deck. 5/5 flying demon tokens that replace themselves (Up to two on the board at a time) can be hard for almost every deck in the format to deal with.
Homicidal Seclusion: The deck's backup win condition, it turns our Spawning Pools or Haunted Plate Mails into win conditions. A 4/2 with lifelink and regenerate is extremely strong, and a 7/5 lifelink is also very strong.
Haunted Plate Mail: Primarily, plate mail is used as a way to activate Demonic Rising on curve. But it can be used to block, to swing for 4, or equip to a demon token to swing for 9.
Spawning Pool: A black manland. Allows us to block enemy creatures throughout the game by using its regenerate ability or can be used to activate Demonic Rising's effect later on.
Underworld Connections: This card is the only draw effect we have in the deck. It can easily win games through sheer card advantage. The 1 damage it deals is negligible in most matchups when we are running Homicidal Seclusion and Consume Spirit.
In addition to these cards, there is a lot of removal in the form of Devour Flesh, Ultimate Price, Barter in Blood, Infest, Consume Spirit, etc. There's also hand disruption in the form of Hymn to Tourach and Distress.
The sideboard is entirely dependent on the meta you are seeing most of in your games, but memoricide and scrabbling claws are very strong against the current meta.
All in all, this is a deck I had a lot of fun making and playing, and in my personal experience does pretty well against most decks.
I actually went 6 - 1 with the deck in the second weekly tournament, placing Second.I went 6 - 2 with the deck in the third weekly tournament, placing Second.I went 4 - 2 with the deck in the fourth weekly tournament, placing Fourth.
I am modifying the deck slightly so it's less vulnerable to the recently discovered Telemin Performance, by adding a Shriekmaw to the mainboard as well as refining the sideboard slightly to combat various decks.