People Hate My Names So Whatever *5-1 FNM*
Combustible Gearhulk and Noxious Gearhulk are definitely worth running, because CG will either refill your hand late game, or dump massive damage onto your opponent, especially if you hit another Gearhulk. Noxiou can be ridiculous, amnd its 6 cmc is a boon, rather than a bane, because you can drop it the turn that the opponent will drop their bomb, usually a Verdurous Gearhulk, removing their biggest threat and gaining you a bunch of life. To squeeze them in, I would probably run 2 Noxious and 1 Combustible in the sideboard, removing Gonti, the Expertise, and a copy of Transgress.
Purely curious, but how much function do you get out of the single copy of Forerunner? Would an additional Scrounger fit better here? Things to consider.
Otherwise, this deck looks pretty great, Aces. Well Done.
March 27, 2017 11:22 a.m.
Snydog17, yeah, sorry the current decklist is a few days old, I'm going to update it next tournament I play. I got a 4th Scrapheap scrounger with the winnings from last time, as well as a few other odds and ends.
Only reason I'm not running more Forerunner of Slaughter is because my local store ran out, and I have yet to resolve him in a single game so far. I believe he's a good play in this deck, he has seemingly good synergy with Scrapheap Scrounger. And yeah, I agree Noxious Gearhulk would be a better fit for this deck than Gonti, Lord of Luxury sideboard wise. Gonti is rad, but not really that good in this shell.
My current plan is to MB: +1 Forerunner of Slaughter, +1 Olivia, Mobilized for War, -2 Reckless Bushwhacker.
SB: -1 Kari Zev's Expertise, -1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury, -1 Incendiary Flow, +2 Lost Legacy, +1 Noxious Gearhulk
March 27, 2017 10:55 p.m.
joshy26247 says... #6
Oh. Sorry I didn't know. I'm a pretty new player so I might not know the legalities of most cards.
Duuland says... #1
I'm thinking that one to two noxious gearhulks might not be a bad idea for sideboard. Their CMC is high but they are great removal that also boosts your life total, versus green/black for example, sniping down a verderous gearhulk would be great! Everything in your sideboard makes sense though so it's a tough choice on what to take out. Perhaps replace a mountain with another forboding ruins so you don't need a swamp? For the second card I would say goblin dark dwellers but he can cast unlicensed for free so I just don't know! Cool deck though, I hope it does well.
March 11, 2017 10:55 p.m.