People's Choice - Best MTG Card + COMPETITION
SCORE: 402 | 237 COMMENTS | 32902 VIEWS | IN 21 FOLDERS
I just read you wanted some opinions as to why we pick our "best card".
Well, Shahrazad is just one of THOSE cards, you know? It's an "oh crap!" kind of card that must be answered to. It also has a nearly completely unique ability (the only other card that comes close to it is Karn Liberated ), and you know if you had one you'd be itching to cast that baby (along with a few Twincast s, of course).
In fact, other than Chaos Orb and Falling Star , it's the only non-ante card banned in Vintage. And those two are just banned because it's a headache for judges. Shahrazad is just THAT good.
Also, I really like the flavor. Anybody who has read the Arabian Nights should know who Shahrazad was, and how she'd tell the vile sultan a story every night, making stories within stories within stories. All in all, it's one of the few cards in Magic I give a 10/10 across the board.
April 26, 2012 6 p.m.
And not to mention it's one of Richard Garfields' favorite cards.
Not many cards hold that honor.
April 26, 2012 6:01 p.m.
1.Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2.Baneslayer Angel 3. Mother of Runes
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn to me is the single best card in the game. While not only being the largest single creature in the game at a 15/15, (marit lage being the largest token creature being a 20/20 but has to be cast with Dark Depths ) but it is the most game breaking creature in the game. Annihilator 6 causes them to sacrifice 6 permanents every time you attack. And it give you another turn after you cast it. No other creature cards that I know of have the same ability. It cant be targeted by any colored spells at all as well as cant be countered. If you successfully play this card during a game, it will undoubtedly be over in the next turn or next 2 turns if they have life gain or extra tokens. The only draw back is the mana cost but if you make decks dedicated to it, you can get him out on turn 4 using some Elvish Piper or Quicksilver Amulet or hard cast it as early as turn 4-6 hard casting it using mana ramp combos. It really is the single most terrifying card to ever see come onto the field against you.
A slightly more practical card that is my second choice is Baneslayer Angel . Giving you a 10 life difference on you opponent if it is not blocked. 5/5 flying, lifelink, and firstrike, and protection from dragons and demons all for 5 cmc. Now thats a very effective card for its mana cost.
My last pick for best card in the game is Mother of Runes . Instant protection for any of your creatures from any color all for 1 mana. That amount of protection leads to being able to have one of your creatures to attack right through any mono colored deck. It also negates any single color of control for a full turn. You can get this card out on turn one and keep it there and it can protect itself or any of your other creatures. Very fun.
April 26, 2012 6:10 p.m.
slowtyper77 says... #5
Oh yeah, how could I forget? Yawgmoth's Will has too much raw power. Same with Necropotence , although the latter is a little bit more limited.
April 26, 2012 7:07 p.m.
t1 win: Play Black Lotus , Memnite , mountain.
Sac lotus and memnite to cast Tinker searching up Blightsteel Colossus . Cast Reckless Charge on the colossus and attack for 14 poison counters. Obviously hard to pull off because of restrictions, but you can't ignore a 4-card t1 win combo!
Also @ Lhurgoyf Shahrazad was banned because it wastes time & space, not because it's just that good.
April 26, 2012 7:17 p.m.
Oh, I meant that was what I discussed with my friends - that doesn't apply here :P
April 26, 2012 7:31 p.m.
Hm. I have this bad feeling people are going to change their minds and swamp the votes with Black Lotus , Ancestral Recall , etc.
Perhaps I SHOULD rule the Power 9 cards out?
April 26, 2012 7:46 p.m.
I didn't say it was banned for innate power. I was just saying how awesome Shahrazad is. :P
April 26, 2012 8:09 p.m.
Philosophy says... #11
Necropotence . Hands down. Made for silly combos in standard, and is super fun in EDH. And the bonus is, it is amazing! I can't think of a single time drawing a necro is a bad draw.
Rishadan Port . Come on now, who doesn't love a land that says no to other lands every turn? Fun, and again, gamebreaking.
Bloodbraid Elf . Again, not a time he/she would be a bad draw. And in any well curved / aggro deck, it is fantastically devastating. 2 spells for 1 cost is always good I've heard..
April 26, 2012 8:21 p.m.
SeniorGomez says... #12
Moonmist. Wins games, saves you, gives you huge board presence/advantage, and supplies a great combat trick.
April 26, 2012 8:32 p.m.
spectre501st says... #14
Progenitus 10/10 Protection from everything? Nuff' said
April 26, 2012 10:47 p.m.
Internet_the_Explorer says... #16
im goin with Smallpox . I know it seems stupid but guys, this card is fucking underrated. Its a Geth's Verdict (for those who play standard), while killing a land of theirs and making them discard a card. Now, i know it does shit to you so thats why you play cards like Gravecrawler and Black Cat and Geralf's Messenger so that you dont mind saccing creatures. Thats all for just two swamp. Guys, this is my favorite by far and is totally underated. It has singlehandedly made it possible for me to win games that i was fucked on. Smallpox is the da bomb guys, so yea
thats my rant!
add me plz!
good luck to all,
April 27, 2012 12:22 a.m.
I have to go with Sliver Queen
Sliver decks can be powerful and vairy greatly, but Sliver Queen makes them all better :)
April 27, 2012 1:54 a.m.
Tinker its so fun, special and powefull
Phyrexian Obliterator won me so many games especally when unexpected
April 29, 2012 4:29 a.m.
Mana Flare is by far my favorite card. Everyone has to love all of that extra mana nowadays without the consequence of mana burn :D
April 29, 2012 4:55 a.m.
PerpetualMotion says... #21
I think I have to rank them because there are a lot of great cards.
- Ancestral Recall . I am a sucker for cheap cards that do simple but effective things. You get to draw 3 cards for 1 blue mana. It can just change a game.
- Necropotence . Life for cards is always a great deal and it can sometimes border on unfair. This card can accelerate you really quickly and if you have a bit of life-gain in your deck, it just gets silly.
- Mana Drain . This card is just ridiculous. In terms of cost it is one of the cheapest counter-spells at 2 blue and it is a hard counter unlike Mana Leak . Not only that but you get the casting cost of the countered card next turn.
April 29, 2012 11:38 a.m.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , Snapcaster Mage and Tinker if I had to narrow it down to 3.
April 29, 2012 12:44 p.m.
MrJacobobobobobo says... #23
Day of Judgment . If there is white in my deck, there is usually some Day of Judgment s in the main board.
April 29, 2012 1:06 p.m.
Serra Angel a 4/4 flier with vigilance for a measly 5? It is such an underrated card, and the fact that they reprinted it as an uncommon really hurts me. This card has been here from Alpha to M12. It is such a fantastic card.
Lhurgyof says... #1
Surprised nobody has mentioned Shahrazad
Definitely a contender for best card.
I'm also surprised at a lot of the cards people have picked here.
April 26, 2012 5:53 p.m.