Perfection of Artificing

Standard* ducttapedeckbox

SCORE: 110 | 332 COMMENTS | 17666 VIEWS | IN 57 FOLDERS

Miraxis says... #1

Sorry missed the young pyromancers. Point is still the same

July 7, 2014 5:42 p.m.

@ Miraxis -- Quickling is a really good card, but I don't think it fits. I want a small, low-CMC artifact creature that I can both cheat out with convoke and make big with Ensoul Artifact . I'm beginning to like the idea of mainboarding Phyrexian Revoker more and more.

July 7, 2014 5:55 p.m.

Miraxis says... #3

I like 1-2 Phyrexian Revoker MB, with another on the side. You can usually find some kind of target for it and if not you get a 2/1 body for 2.

I wouldn't overlook useful, low CMC artifacts and/or creatures just because they don't hit both ends. A mediocre artifact creature I not worth playing because it might get bigger, if you don't have a better target.

July 7, 2014 6:08 p.m.

@ Miraxis -- Agreed, but the issue I'm trying to solve is the lack of artifacts.

July 7, 2014 6:49 p.m.

Davik100 says... #5

July 7, 2014 10:57 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #6

Colossus is waaaayyyyy too expensive, even with the Convoke from Chief Engineer . Not to mention that it doesn't reduce the Monstrosity cost.

July 7, 2014 11:05 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #7

Profane Memento could be used. Haunted Plate Mail or Darksteel Ingot or Juggernaut or.......there are several options I would imagine.

July 7, 2014 11:12 p.m.

Scorprix says... #8

I play tested how you normaly would play test. Nothing special. And yes, I agree, my comment was a nuisance, so thank you for deleting it. Some good artifact creatures in standard are: Bronze Sable and Phyrexian Revoker . Most of the other ones are really crappy... :(

July 8, 2014 2:31 a.m.

Scorprix says... #9

Also, I felt dropping the land count would help a bit with the low curve you've got goin' here, and yes, I feel the decisition to drop the dissolves is a good one. If you're not going to be trying to control the board state (using control techniques), there is basically no need for counter spells. And bronze sable isn't very good, but it can help sue to low cost and not a terrible body, 2/1. Phyrexian revoker seems legitimately good, even in the main board, since based on the opponents first to third turn gameplay, you can generally tell what to target. Dark steel ingot could be good, too. However, of the two, PR is infinitely better.

July 8, 2014 2:40 a.m.

Miraxis says... #10

Elixir of Immortality is another option, pre rotation.

have you thought about Perilous Vault . A little higher on the curve but a great board wipe, will draw any artifact hate away from the artifact creatures, and pairs well with the ensouled Darksteel Citadel 's as they are still lands.

July 8, 2014 6:54 a.m.

No matter how many times I playtest this deck on this website I never get good opening hands. Even with 22 lands I'm lucky to draw at least one or two lands that lets me cast anything. It's gotten so bad I'm thinking the land count needs to be pushed up to 24 lands, lol.

I think both Scuttling Doom Engine and Soul of New Phyrexia is too much. If you want to keep the SDMs, then I'd recommend keeping the Shrapnel Blast . If instead you want to keep the SoNP, I think switching the Blasts to maybe something like Magma Spray would help more.

Second, I don't think this deck needs the counterspell cards. To me, this deck needs to move quickly, and the counterspells just make us hold our mana back. Doing that would mean Young Pyromancer isn't much use anymore, but now that I think about it that could leave open slots for more Hammer of Purphoros .

Last, I think the Trading Post are counterproductive and doesn't synergize well since we need creatures to help out with convoke.

July 9, 2014 2:57 a.m.

Scorprix says... #12

Well said SirHellsing420! Finally, someone gets why I don't like this deck!

July 9, 2014 1:09 p.m.

Baquiran says... #13

I thought of making a deck like this myself. Have you thought of using Akroan Horse ? It works well with Trading Post for retrieving artifacts, and can also be convoked using Chief Engineer and creates more tokens for convoke. Granted it does provide your opponent with a blocker but I feel it has good synergy with the deck

July 9, 2014 6:21 p.m.

Baquiran says... #14

Just remembered that Akroan Horse wouldn't be able to block Scuttling Doom Engine

July 9, 2014 6:25 p.m.

Dropbear says... #15

Convoke in like 2 horses then go nuts

July 9, 2014 6:59 p.m.

InCtrl says... #16


July 9, 2014 9:48 p.m.

Baquiran says... #17

Looking back, the only downside I see with using Akroan Horse is that it will give you white creatures as opposed to red creatures like Young Pyromancer so it makes it weirder to cast your Hammer of Purphoros using convoke. The horse still holds the slim possibility of becoming the win con which is kinda fun to think about. It is probably a small thing but it kinda bothers me now. Even if the creature tokens were blue it would make me feel better since that would make Bident of Thassa the more viable. Anyway, now I'm just ranting but you get a +1 from me. good job the deck


If someone wants to make a deck based on using Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe , Red/Blue Standard has a nice two card opponent creature wipe. Electrickery + Polymorphist's Jest . If you add in Goblin Electromancer it becomes a three mana combo. Have fun deck building!

July 9, 2014 10:37 p.m.

I have skimmed all of your comments and greatly appreciate your input. SirHellsing420 and Scorprix -- I agree with many of your points. I've had a long few days at work and such but I should be able to find time tomorrow to respond to your comments with a lot of changes.

July 9, 2014 11:26 p.m.

galaxy1o1 says... #19

If you're still looking to replace the Young Pyromancer, like you said you were, consider Goblin Kaboomist . Free artifact every turn to Shrapnel Blast ? sounds ok to me.

July 10, 2014 12:56 a.m.

Dropbear says... #20

Good pick up! The kaboomist is a good idea. Also, instead of electrickery, Scouring Sands . Same effect, same mana cost. Stays in standard after rotation.

July 10, 2014 1:02 a.m.

Baquiran says... #21

Nice, I missed Scouring Sands , with the scry it's even better.

I just liked that two card combo because it gets by indestructible, it gets past hexproof, and other abilities, and it's all at instant speed. If the deck is made I guess one could use Hypersonic Dragon for Scouring Sands to keep it at instant speed.

July 10, 2014 12:12 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #22

I wonder if six 3-drop counters is a bit much on the main. Maybe drop down to 3 and then go Negate or Essence Scatter ? Izzet Charm is also pretty OK.

July 10, 2014 12:42 p.m.

Mtg_king says... #23

If it were me I would replace Ornithopter with Fog Bank or Hover Barrier . They may not be zero drops but they will last a lot longer.

Cool Deck though.

July 10, 2014 12:50 p.m.

Oh boy, lots of comments. I'll try to address all of them. Tagging everyone so I can cover entire conversations at once: Scorprix, GoldGhost012, Davik100, GamerSonX, Miraxis, SirHellsing420, Baquiran, Dropbear, InCtrl, galaxy1o1, JakeHarlow, Mtg_king.

Colossus of Akros -- Too expensive and slow, never get the monstrosity off.

Profane Memento is interesting, further discussion please.

Haunted Plate Mail -- Too slow

Darksteel Ingot -- Rather run Izzet Keyrune

Juggernaut -- meh.

Phyrexian Revoker -- probably mainboard spot coming up.

Bronze Sable -- Meh, too vanilla

Perilous Vault -- Ehhhh I don't really like it, I probably have lost if I need it.

Akroan Horse -- I don't like giving my opponents things. I think I have better options for convoking creatures.

Goblin Kaboomist -- He helps with artifact targets, but half the time he comes in, gives me an ok artifact, and dies. Then my chances of having him the next turn only decrease every turn.

Fog Bank and Hover Barrier --better than Ornithopter for blockers, but I the Thopter is also an Ensoul Artifact target and ammunition for Shrapnel Blast .

I think SirHellsing420 made a very good point. Read his post (#23) and see what you think please. My changes will be strongly based on his suggestions.

Proposed Changes:

Dropping the counterspells and Young Pyromancer -- this deck is trying to win quickly. Also drop the SoNP - too much with the Doom Engines. Maybe even drop Trading Post as well.

In their place, mainboard Phyrexian Revoker , add another Hammer of Purphoros and Bident of Thassa or two. Also add Darksteel Ingot , Izzet Keyrune , or Chromatic Lantern for so ramp and artifact targets. I want to speed this deck up.

Thoughts on Profane Memento in either the SB or main? Thanks for reading!

July 10, 2014 5:20 p.m.

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