Perfection of Milling

Casual ducttapedeckbox

SCORE: 428 | 679 COMMENTS | 173382 VIEWS | IN 415 FOLDERS

miracleHat says... #1

you might want to try Mind Sculpt , might help.

February 15, 2013 10:17 a.m.

Definitely. I just drafted GTC, so I had a lot of those cards running through my head. What do you suggest removing?

February 15, 2013 11:48 p.m.

C7081 says... #3

How about adding Tormented Soul ? Incredible for Cipher.

February 16, 2013 11:46 a.m.

lokisbaine says... #4

you might want to replace your Invisible Stalker with card:Jace's Phantasm since you want to mill them down i would suggest using cards that take full benefit of this, i put one together as well with a bit of green for draw ability and mana search Dimir Aberration at Precinct Six

February 16, 2013 11:51 a.m.

@ C7081 - I agree. Should I drop Wight of Precinct Six and Deathcult Rogue for four of them? Or just two?

@ lokisbaine - I like Invisible Stalker because it's unblockable and works amazingly well with the cipher mechanic. I would consider dropping Mental Vapors or either of the two cards mentioned above for a few copies of card:Jace's Phantasm. Do you have any input of which to drop?

Thanks for the suggestions both of you, and don't forget to +1 if you like the deck!

February 16, 2013 11:56 a.m.

imthedeputy says... #6

You will want to sideboard a few card:Grafdigger's Cage in case you run into a Re-animator deck (which can be utterly disastrous to mill), or decks that employ cards with flashback. Agree you should cut the Wights and Rogues for card:Jace's Phantasm.

February 16, 2013 12:08 p.m.

miracleHat says... #7

you might want to drop Undercity Plague , it costs to much for it's ability.

February 16, 2013 12:23 p.m.

lokisbaine says... #8

you might want to pick up a few Mask of Avacyn to protect your aberrations

February 16, 2013 12:28 p.m.

I've taken into consideration all of your suggestions, and have added Mask of Avacyn , card:Jace's Phantasm, and one more Hands of Binding . Any comments?

I will also sideboard card:Grafdigger's Cage once I compile a full sideboard.

February 16, 2013 12:38 p.m.

lokisbaine says... #10

Mind Sculpt pick up 4 of them i would replace Call of the Nightwing , Mind Sculpt is a huge build up for your Consuming Aberration

February 16, 2013 12:57 p.m.

Meant to make that change earlier when m12fox mentioned it, thanks!

February 16, 2013 1:01 p.m.

PedigreeKing says... #12

A card that you definitely need is Thought Scour , It is A a draw spell, B it mills 2 cards out of your opponent, and it is really efficient. Also it fits well into your budget.

February 16, 2013 8:18 p.m.

riccochet says... #13

Try looking at my deck and see what additions you can make in your deck. deck:talrand-dimir-cipher-free-drakes-for-me

February 16, 2013 8:36 p.m.

@ PedigreeKing - I would like to add it, but I'm not sure what to remove. Any suggestions?

@ riccochet - I might add one Talrand, Sky Summoner just because. Again, not sure what to remove.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, and don't forget to +1 if you like the deck!

February 16, 2013 9:10 p.m.

PedigreeKing says... #15

How about dropping 2x Last Thoughts and 2x card:Death's Approach?

February 16, 2013 9:38 p.m.

I'd like to keep Last Thoughts , the additional draw is great. I would be willing to drop card:Death's Approach for it, but it is part of the little control I run, so I'd like to only remove one, and remove the other for Hands of Binding .

Actually... I might add one Talrand there... but I'd like to hear your opinion on that.

February 16, 2013 9:52 p.m.

riccochet says... #17

Don't put too much mill cause you can die fast. Add a few control like Murder , Ultimate Price and Cyclonic Rift . You might want to change Last Thoughts for Curiosity cuz it's heavy to cast for a card draw. Add a set of Thought Scour for early game milling and card draw. And maybe remove Consuming Aberration because it's too heavy and you stand no chance against aggro decks. Increasing Confusion and Mind Grind are very massive mill cards, and I also suggest you add Crypt Ghast to boost up the X. card:Death's Approach is not that good, cuz you want to focus on mill and control and you can just add Murder and Ultimate Price

February 16, 2013 9:58 p.m.

riccochet says... #18

Talrand, Sky Summoner will benefit much from your ciphers and other instant and sorcery spells.

February 16, 2013 10 p.m.

riccochet says... #19

Feel free to say your opinions on my deck deck:talrand-dimir-cipher-free-drakes-for-me

February 16, 2013 10:04 p.m.

riccochet says... #20

Oh you already have Mind Grind . I suggest you cut 2 of them and add Increasing Confusion. Since you have that, why not try Crypt Ghast

February 16, 2013 10:08 p.m.

Taiyouai says... #21

Have you c considered Dimir Guildgate I know it enters tapped but it can get both colors, I actually run them in my dimir deck deck:dimirs-creed. Also nice budget deck. +1

February 16, 2013 10:13 p.m.

I've made a few changes to the deck, and would appreciate some feedback. One thing I'd like to get an opinion on is Curiosity vs. Last Thoughts . The former is much cheaper, but the latter interacts perfectly with the Consuming Aberration mill idea.

Thanks for the comments and +1's everyone! Keep em' coming!

February 16, 2013 11:35 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #23

This seems really solid actually. I can't really think of anything to suggest right now, but I'll get back to you ;).


February 16, 2013 11:49 p.m.

miracleHat says... #24

i would personally drop the Mask of Avacyn and replace it with Glaring Spotlight and personally belice that Forbidden Alchemy /Think Twice would be better than the other two options (that is just my personal preference

February 16, 2013 11:50 p.m.

@ buffy - Thanks! I actually just read your Immortal Power thing with a budget deck placing 13th, very nice! I've been playing this deck quite a bit on Cockatrice, and I usually end up swinging with a hugeee Consuming Aberration for the win. Might be a little difference since I just added Talrand. Also, I might've just been too quick saying this but that +1 didn't show :P

@ m12fox - Agree regarding Glaring Spotlight . I don't like Think Twice or Forbidden Alchemy because they're only usable twice. The other two options are pretty much every turn, especially when I have an Invisible Stalker out.

Will be going to bed in a minute, so sorry if I don't reply again until the morning :P

February 16, 2013 11:55 p.m.

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