Only suggestion is to replace Elemental Appeal.One Mogg Fanatic sac and it was toast even if I kicked it.
March 15, 2013 8:13 p.m.
but all you have to do is drop in the Cursed Totems from the sideboard and your set
March 15, 2013 8:21 p.m.
Too slow for Legacy gameplay - replace with faster burn.
April 9, 2013 12:58 a.m.
Maybe Young Pyromancer ? Check out my Goblin-Burn Deck: Goblins (Please Help)
September 20, 2013 4:38 p.m.
I liked it, very... burn-y. What turn can you win in? I designed *Luxuria, it can hit for 20+ in the 3rd turn using Kiln Fiend . Cheers, I'll give you +1 points.
October 7, 2013 10 a.m.
VERY VERY rarely do I endorse someones deck...This is unspeakably awesome.
November 30, 2013 12:25 a.m.
I am wondering a few things though. I find 22 lands to be a rather odd number and a bit mana heavy. What is the purpose of these 2 extra lands? Another thing I have noticed is that you have a Leyline of the Void but nothing producing black mana which makes it dependant on having it in your opening hand. Have you considered putting in something like Dragonskull Summit in here so that if you do choose to use Leyline of the Void that you will have mana to play it if its not in your opening hand?
November 30, 2013 1:25 a.m.
My following comment only applies if you're looking to make a competitive-level Legacy burn deck. If you're playing in a more relaxed or casual setting (i.e. where fun is a bigger objective than winning, which I think it should be anyway), by all means continue with your current deck, for it probably is more fun than what I'm about to suggest.
The purpose of a burn deck in Legacy is to deal a lethal amount of direct damage as fast as possible; speed is how you win. Any card that isn't the fastest, isn't efficient, doesn't directly help achieve the goal, or isn't helpful in every possible circumstance shouldn't be in the deck. That includes:
~ Elemental Appeal - Hurts an opening hand with such a high mana cost, is very inefficient since some damage may not go through, vulnerable to removal, and you should be winning on turn 4 anyway
~ Quest for Pure Flame - Very slow and inefficient. At absolute best it can be activated on turn 3 (and playing it on turn 1 is silly since it's not dealing damage), and even then likely won't add much damage since you're playing burn spells instead of holding them in your hand. Another 3 or 4 damage burn spell is faster and more reliable, and often deals just as much damage.
~ Slagstorm - 3 mana for 3 damage is grossly inefficient, and you should never be using a burn spell to kill creatures unless it's absolutely necessary. Ensnaring Bridge usually better protects you from damage at the same cost.
~ Reforge the Soul - Isn't dealing damage, hurts an opening opening hand (another 3 or 4 damage lost)
~ Apocalypse - Slow
~ Cursed Totem - Waste of a card slot, but if you must stick with the cheaper Pithing Needle so you can spend as much mana as possible on burn
~ Grafdigger's Cage /Leyline of the Void /Thran Foundry - If you need graveyard hate Tormod's Crypt achieves the same thing at a cheaper cost.
~ Shattering Spree - Smash to Smithereens does the same thing but adds 3 damage for only one more mana, and at instant speed. Combining burn with extra card functionality is much better than replacing a burn card slot outright.
~ Ensnaring Bridge typically does a better job than Smoke , but if your local meta calls for it the latter works well.
~ Vexing Devil , while very efficient, is also very unreliable. If he never hits for 4 (or doesn't in the first couple turns), then you've effectively lost 3 or 4 points of damage. He has the best chance of succeeding if you play him on turn one, which is a poor move if you also have a Goblin Guide in your opening hand. Play him later, though, and he often doesn't hit. I'd recommend against him.
~ Thunderous Wrath , similar to Vexing Devil , involves some risk. Having one in your opening hand is brutal. Of course, in all other circumstances it's an extremely efficient spell at 5 direct-damage for 1. Whether or not you take the gamble is up to you, but if you take it don't play four; two seems appropriate.
Now for cards to add...
~ Up Flame Rift to four copies; 4 damage for two mana is a deal to capitalize on.
~ Price of Progress can be absolutely devastating in Legacy, since most lands are unbasic. You can usually hit for 4 to 8 damage at only two mana, an amazing deal.
~ Sulfuric Vortex isn't one of my favorites, but fills Everlasting Torment 's slot nicely by doing much of the same thing but also 2 damage per turn, and at the same cost. Unless you need the extra ability of the latter in your local meta, I'd recommend the Vortex instead.
~ Up the Goblin Guide s to four. The earlier to draw it the better, so having anything less than four hurts your odds and makes it a worse draw.
~ Rift Bolt is another 3 damage for one mana, and topdecks later don't need to suspend it.
~ Searing Blaze makes a nice sideboard option against creature-heavy decks, though being unreliable is a risky choice.
~ A lot of burn decks like to run Grim Lavamancer - It is vulnerable to removable, but turns every 2 spells into another 2 damage; turning your spent fuel of ~6 cards into another 6 damage is a great deal, and it keeps your deck running even after you begin topdecking (and by then your opponent should be almost dead anyway)
~ Hellspark Elemental is occasionally used.
~ I've known people to run Browbeat , which basically gives you more juice in at the cost of a turn. It's circumstantial and a little slower; up to you on this one, given whatever your local meta is.
~ If you're going to stick with what you have and prefer to be on the slower side, consider Hammer of Bogardan
In correspondence with the suggested changes, your land count doesn't need to be as high - most of your cards work off of two mana or less, and considering all the one-drops I'd prefer a one-mana hand over a three-mana hand.
November 30, 2013 11:15 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #11
I second Gatherix's comment. I run 19 lands in Crimson and Ash and it does quite well. I also run a few Barbarian Ring for some extra damage late game. It does have some anti-synergy with Fireblast and Grim Lavamancer , plus can ding you for a few life points alongside Price of Progress , but a Shock in a land slot is quite useful.
November 30, 2013 1:53 p.m.
GrandeKhan says... #12
I have played a few games with one similiar to this and would like to see if you would use Eidolon of the Great Revel in slot? I really love the card in conjunction with Quest for Pure Flame .
Kol24 says... #1
nice, +1 from me, but check my burn deck out: Let There Be Lightning!
March 15, 2013 8:08 p.m.