
Suggestions Highly Appreciated!!! Please comment Constructively and +1 if you like it.

To defeat my enemies "I'm calling in a favor from an old friend. Once you're all dead, I'll consider the matter settled"

The Utility Card are for:

Moat, Humility, The Abyss, & Ensnaring Bridge = are Anti Creature Cards

The 5 "Oath of" Cards, Doubling Season, Deploy the Gatewatch, Call the Gatewatch , & The Chain Veil = are cards that either say planes walker on them or are specific to boosting Planeswalkers


Updates Add

With the new spoilers for EMN I am looking at making some upgrades to the deck and add in the new Oath of Liliana and Deploy the Gatewatch.

But I am not sure what I want to take out for either... Any Ideas?

As of now I am toying around with taking out Narset, Enlightened Master and Omniscience for them?

On a side note I am speculating on the effectiveness of Tamiyo, Field Researcher in this deck but don't think she is better for the deck than any of the planeswalkers already in the deck.
