Perseu's Nightmare

Modern rpmrn100


Kre says... #1

I'd take out things like Nylea, God of the Hunt and Deadly Allure . Trample is not a good mechanic for gorgons and things that give deathtouch are redundant because most of your creatures already have it to start. You have green: use that to quickly mana ramp into your other gorgons and use lots of removal spells; force your opponent to HAVE to play monsters because otherwise your gorgons will be unblocked.

April 28, 2014 10:36 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #2

I added Nylea, God of the Hunt and Deadly Allure to make Vraska's assassins viable in case I got to play them. Since the're one hit, game over, I can distract other creatures with Allure or trample directly.

What removal spells can you sugest?This is my first deck in ten year, so I'm a little rusty.

April 28, 2014 10:40 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #3

I'm really suffering playing against red/blue decks witt a lot of counter spells. What can I do about that?

I can see potential in this deck, but it still needs some fine tunning.

April 28, 2014 11:09 a.m.

wallshadow117 says... #4

I can understand what you're trying to do with Nylea, God of the Hunt and Deadly Allure ; they are good cards but they are not optimal choices. Vraska the Unseen creates 4 assassins and if even one gets through it's game. I'd focus more on using spells like Gaze of Granite , Putrefy , Tragic Slip , Abrupt Decay and Doom Blade to remove stuff early before you can get creatures out while using cards like Cultivate and Rampant Growth to help ramp mana. If you just really want to keep Nylea, God of the Hunt then I'd look at some Golgari deck builds so you can use cards like Lotleth Troll and Corpsejack Menace to help build up cheap beefy guys with counters to help with trample.

April 28, 2014 12:52 p.m.

Aside from that legacy legal land and the Commander creature, this deck is mostly Modern, and a lot of Standard cards at that. I would ditch the legacy lands in favour of Overgrown Tomb . And ditch Visara the Dreadful

Furthermore, I would invest in Go for the Throat to have consisten removal, as well as 2x Abrupt Decay . Card draw should use Night's Whisper .

April 28, 2014 12:54 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #6

I added a bunch of cards based on what we discussed here. Could someone check and suggest what should be removed?


April 28, 2014 8:56 p.m.

NicolBolasFTW says... #7

maybe Temple of Malady or Overgrown Tomb as opposed to the guild gate?

May 8, 2014 10:47 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #8

Overgrown Tomb is way too expensive here. Temple of Malady is less expensive. As soon as I have some to spare I'll buy at least 2. Scry is always fun. I'll put in the maybe board for now.

Thanks for the idea.

May 8, 2014 10:54 p.m.

daltonnelson says... #9

in my opinion, more lower drop creatures. Multiple copies of them, I mean. This seems pretty mean. And budget. Go you, man

May 8, 2014 11:16 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #10

I know. I should put at least 2 more Wasteland Vipers, but I don't know what to remove, since each creature has an ability that helps me...

May 8, 2014 11:39 p.m.

daltonnelson says... #11

garruk and protean hydra seem to be least important in my eyes

May 8, 2014 11:43 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #12

Yeah... I'll probably put Garruk in my werewolf deck. It'll have more sinergy there.

And the Hydra is a wild card...

I'll try without them. Thanks for the advice.

I've been changing this deck so much that becomes hard to see what can be changed.

May 8, 2014 11:51 p.m.

bigc137 says... #13

Maybe Pharika's Chosen ? One drop Deathtouch to start your combo easier. Also have u ever heard of Goblin Sharpshooter he is a combo in himself if you can give him deathtouch.

May 9, 2014 8:51 a.m.

CapnAhab says... #14

Maybe Pharika, God of Affliction ? Or Onyx Mage , For early survival you can Agent of the Fates + Darkblast for some sac combo. :)

May 9, 2014 9:22 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #15

@bigc137 I like Pharika's Chosen , but Wasteland Viper is a better one mana card because it has bloodrush and 2 toughness.

And I think that the goblin would be very nice in a B/R Deck with a Archetype of Finality .

@CapnAhab I really want to put Pharika in the deck just because it fits perfectly with the theme. I just have to find one cheaper around here.

Onyx Mage isn't very usefull in this case because just three creatures don't have deathtouch. And I like the combo, but I don't see what I could remove to add it.

May 9, 2014 10:38 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #16

@bigc137 Thinking again, I could replace the scorpions with Pharika's Chosen so I could have a black creature with one mana cost and focus even more on the "gorgon" theme. Thanks!

May 9, 2014 10:50 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #17

Run FOUR of both of these for a strategy like your deck.

4x Vampire Nighthawk

4x Wasteland Viper

a 1 /2 death touch with bloodrush for 1 mana is great. and the vampire is one of the best 3 cmc cards in magic.

as i have noticed with all of your decks (that you linked to me), they seem to be inconsistent. What I mean is lots of 1 ofs and 2 ofs, when you should attempt to have more 3x and 4x of each card.

Next, ALWAYS have 60 cards. Never compensate for 61+, it is just not worth it.

  • You have a 1.7% chance of drawing a card in a 60 card deck.

  • With a 61 card deck (only ONE more card), every chance of drawing a particular card drops to 1.64%.

  • You have a 65 card deck currently, which is a 1.54% chance. That may not seem big to you, but it is huge.

So, dropping you deck down to 60 cards and running more vital and important 3x and 4x cards increases your percentages to 5% and 6.7% of drawing a particular card. See the difference?

This is just a starting point. Find the cards that "MAKE" the deck, and capitalize on that theme. Start by removing the "Flavor" cards.

An amazing site to use is to begin with is

P.S. Link me back after you make some changes again!!(:

May 16, 2014 8:06 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #18

Hello Dreno33. I understand what you mean with too many cards. Thanks for the insight.

I was able to remove at least 3 without trouble. About running four of the vampire and the viper. I can't find more of them near where I live. I have only 3 shops in my city that sell cards.

About the inconsistency... Along with the trouble I have to find the cards, I suffer a lot with the meta game from my region. The players around here like to use cards like Surgical Extraction . So I tried to be creative and used diferent cards that give me the same effect. Like the arctifacts or Gatecreeper Vine and Rampant Growth .

Right now this deck is really divided like this:

6 one mana creatures to start the game;

5 cards that target damage for the combo;

4 mana ramp;

4 big creatures to finish the game;

3 middle creatures to pressure in the mid game;

3 Scry and hexproof;

3 Destroy creatures cards;

3 Destroy Enchantment cards;

2 Draw cards;

2 Return from the graveyards;

2 Reach to protect agains flyers;

And Vraska gives me removal and (if I'm very lucky) a win condition.

As you can see, only the return from the graveyard, draw and reach are 2 ofs.

I thougth this way I could have the consistency of the effects without having to keep 4 of every card.

May 16, 2014 9:52 p.m.

Hmmm what did you want my opinion on? I'm not a Modern player so I can't really comment on how it will play other than it looks as though you are running some seriously under-powered creatures. The flavor is great though.

May 23, 2014 4:46 p.m.

GamerGuy3 says... #20

great cheap-ass deck

September 8, 2018 11 p.m.

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