dawns the flame-retardant coated suit
An attempt at making a deck that uses Melira, Sylvok Outcast, and creatures with persist, to win in one of 3 ways: infinitely repeatable burn, infinitely repeatable mill, or infinitely repeatable token creation. There is, incidentally, infinite lifegain if you wind up using Kitchen Finks as the persist creature you abuse these combos with.
Not an original concept, persist abuse is not new, just something I threw together hoping I can work towards something that is relatively FAST, and efficient both in mana base, and getting my win-cons out in a timely manner.
Testing the idea, I can theoretically get a win-con set up most often by turns 4-5. Once in a great while, I can't get my win-cons out until T6 or later, but that seems relatively rare enough that I'm not worrying about it just yet. Irrespective of that, I'll take constructive hints, ideas, tips that can help make this better, as I feel there can be improvement made, but I don't exactly know where yet. (... or am probably just overthinking things)
(This is just, at the moment, a prototype, so of course refinement / change will be necessary to make this go from suck to decent... heh... )