The Man,The Myth,The Mill | Persistent Petitioners
Commander / EDH
Since you can tap any Advisor, have you looked at Elder of Laurels, Lady Sun, Mayor of Avabruck Flip, Trusted Advisor, Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist, Lu Su, Wu Advisor or any other Advisors?
Elder of Laurels and Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist together could be an alt wincon maybe?
January 11, 2019 1:26 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #6
I see others offering alt win cons and I can tend to agree that you have options. To that end I would introduce Nantuko Shrine or Duskmantle Guildmage . If you want to go for an extreme idea you can of course also look into the whole Coat of Arms tribal aggro style.
Other untappers: Intellectual Offering , Quest for Renewal , Turnabout (these're just good value).
Other pseudo resets for your board state: Mass Polymorph and Synthetic Destiny (tap your board, make a new board).
Other powerful draw spells: Sphinx of the Chimes (I mean, where else are you going to play it am I right?).
Third option: Arcane Adaptation and Xenograft (if you have infinite tokens that are all advisors, you only need one "Persistent Petitioner").
Suspect weak links: Both of your planeswalkers, Collected Company , and Fabricate (I say this without playtesting, but you do have black tutors available and all).
January 11, 2019 5:50 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #7
If you run white, Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond would wreak havoc with Intruder Alarm in play.
January 11, 2019 10:22 p.m.
I think Leyline of the Void would be great in here to stop opponents with eldrazi titans or Nexus of Fate .
January 12, 2019 8:19 p.m.
I have made some massive improvements after the initial setup of this deck. Giving more more effective tools and ways to protect my boarstate. Since space is limited, due to the number of Advisors present, I had to make some tough choices.
Thank you DrukenReaps for both suggestions. My initial feeling is that, since space is limited, that I couldnt find cards that could be cut for these. Thanks for the suggestions anyways!
A very interesting cards for this deck you mentioned FSims81. Since the commander is also drawing me cards, I feel it deserves a slot. But at the moment I am having a hard time picking possible cuts. For now I put it on the maybeboard for a next round of updates.
Most interesting idea Gattison to add other advisors to the deck. Some are really interesting and have been added to the deck. Great suggestion!
Thanks for the suggestions griffstick. One has been added! I feel Wild Pair is kinda slow and only triggers on cast. With recursion it does nothing.
Many valuable and interesting suggestions TheRedGoat. Thanks for sharing! Several made the updated list, while others did not. Making choices is getting harder! I am not sure about the current setup, but that is the process of funetuning until I will build it. If you still feel it has some obvious flaws, then feel welcome to 'advisor' me again :-)
Thanks for sharing bushido_man96. For now I will stick to the current general. White has some very powerful spells to work with, but Damia is now the General I prefer to give a chance first.
I can't agree more with you Enral. But making cuts for a card that does not add anything to the inital gameplan is getting harder. Depending on how my local meta evolves, I could always run this in the sideboard if its going to matter. Thanks for the suggestion!
January 13, 2019 7:15 p.m.
Lantern of Insight could do some work as a pseudo control card to prevent opponents from drawing specific cards.
Some general tribal cards like Patriarch's Bidding and Descendants' Path might be worth a look.
If you find yourself paying the 1 then Thousand-Year Elixir might be worth a look but I don't think it's necessary at all.
January 14, 2019 1:54 p.m.
I hate and love this. You've officially found a place for the best card of the new set and found a place for all the cards that don't generally work in edh in those colors.
January 15, 2019 9:51 a.m.
He may not be an advisor, but Circu, Dimir Lobotomist .
January 15, 2019 6:19 p.m.
alechodgin23 says... #14
With a bunch of the same creature in one deck (along with the fact you have a lot of untap stuff going on),3 definite includes would be - Thrumming Stone - Cryptic Gateway - Vedalken Orrery
Also if include much more card draw for consistency. You can't depend on your 7 drop commander and only 5 draw spells. If you want some neat ideas for draw, check out my Tap City deck and my Ghoulcaller Gisa deck. They both got a ton of draw in them. PLUS they might give you some interesting ideas for other decks in the future!
January 16, 2019 5:35 p.m.
SqueeJustWontDie says... #15
Alhammarret's Archive could be a good addition to add to the card draw, as with Damia out all your card draw is doubled. It would also incidentally boost the Bloodchief Ascension suggested in the first comment.
January 18, 2019 11:56 p.m.
I have made several changes today. Thanks for all suggestions so far.
Looking forward to any suggestion that could improve the deck strength.
January 19, 2019 11:20 a.m.
Perhaps Akroma's Memorial , Concordant Crossroads , Dawn of the Dead , Hall of the Bandit Lord , Minion Reflector or Thousand-Year Elixir for some haste?
There's also some equipment that gives haste, but that's probably too many hoops to jump through.
January 19, 2019 8:02 p.m.
Care to explain why haste is importent for this deck Gattison? I don't see the added benefit for it, but perhaps I am misjudging anything.
January 19, 2019 8:24 p.m.
DrukenReaps says... #20
Gattison I don't believe PartyJ's question deserves that kind of response... He is simply asking why you think haste would be useful here. It is a valid question as the only use I see for haste is the first ability on the petitioner's. Their second ability while requiring tap does not need haste and it is their second ability that is useful.
January 19, 2019 9:48 p.m.
alechodgin23 says... #21
I want to mention another thing about Thrumming Stone
Even the cards you reveal off the top have "Ripple 4." So whenever you play a couple Petitioners, you have the chance to cheat out like 15 or more.
January 20, 2019 8:09 a.m.
DrukenReaps: Well, I see how my suggestion is not a good one now, I forgot about how the Petitioner doesn't need to tap for its second ability. Woops. My mistake.
But as long as we're being honest, I don't feel my simple little suggestion deserved the kind of response I got either. Maybe it's just me, but when I try to help, and somebody responds with what can easily be interpreted as arrogant snark, I get a little offended. Your response, which explained why the suggestion shouldn't be used, is much more polite and civil, and I appreciate that.
On the other hand, a comedic/joking/casual tone is hard to portray online in comments (I know from experience), so maybe I did overreact. Maybe I misinterpreted, and if so, I'm sorry. I've seen PartyJ around the site a lot and he never struck me as a bad person, so let's see what he has to say before I unintentionally start an argument.
January 20, 2019 12:56 p.m.
Jaceblue12 says... #23
You should probably be playing some type of graveyard hate (i.e. Leyline of the Void ) to stop an eldrazi titan from making your deck useless, plus it's good against any deck that relies on graveyard synergies
January 20, 2019 2:36 p.m.
Zauztopher says... #24
This is a really interesting list. I had been working on a Phenax, God of Deception list myself and struggling with card draw, something Damia addresses quite nicely. I have a couple of thoughts about your deck I'd like to share.
Looking at your draw spells, it seems to me that if someone was able to get a board wipe through you would be S.O.L., since most of it relies on either having a lot of Petitioners either on the field or in your hand. If an opponent were to wrath and put you in a position where you had neither it would be difficult for you to recover, other than playing replaying Damia and waiting a rotation. I would personally cut Villainous Wealth for Blue Sun's Zenith , if nothing else.
I would also cut Diabolic Tutor , which I feel is overcosted, and replace it with Secret Salvage on the grounds that it thins your deck considerably, and when you discard to hand (or to fuel Sphinx of the Chimes ) you gain the potential to have all of your Petitioners on the field at once with Bloodbond March .
It may just come down to personal preference, but since you are in green and therefor have access to land-based ramp like Cultivate I would run those over the signets and Fellwar Stone as lands tend to be much more resilient. Another of those "preference" things is that, wherever possible, I strive for recurring effects over one-offs. As such, I would suggest Phyrexian Reclamation instead of Eternal Witness .
Other cards that are viable in this deck but not really elsewhere in EDH: Nantuko Shrine Pack Hunt Locket of Yesterdays
January 21, 2019 1:13 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #25
Assembly Hall , Doubling Chant , Pack Hunt , Nantuko Shrine , and Arcane Adaptation seem oddly good here! Beyond that, I'd try to add more tutors to grab the support/untap cards :)
Also, Leyline of the Void and friends to deal with pesky Eldrazi titans!
DrukenReaps says... #1
Bloodchief Ascension and Temple Bell would be great ways to increase the power of this deck and allow it to win more easily. Even without those this is the kind of silly I can appreciate, being a Shadowborn Apostle player myself.
January 11, 2019 8:38 a.m.