Pest Problem - BUG Control

Standard* Wainwright


BobFromLab says... #1

-2 Read the Bones for +2 Underworld Connections they are amazing with courser

May 21, 2014 12:42 p.m.

Wainwright says... #2

Thanks BobFromLab - that's a good shout, I was thinking Read the Bones let's me dig more, but you're absolutely right, UC works better with courser, more draw power overall and the deck already scry's and digs enough.

Any other suggestions - either MB or SB, I've just put it together, but I wouldnt mind taking this to GameDay this weekend.

May 21, 2014 8:37 p.m.

BobFromLab says... #3

MB I really like Reaper of the Wilds for this deck it just refuses to die sometimes and you scry a surprising amount, atleast I would consider it if you were thinking about polukranos

24 lands scares me in a trip colored deck but I'm just paranoid, I play tested and it was really fun. Also I'm glad to see the Curse of the Swine SB its one of my favorite cards in THS I laugh every single time haha

+1 from me

May 22, 2014 8:34 a.m.

Gaffa says... #4

personally I'd do Desecration Demon over AEtherling because it is better for removing stuff comes out faster and most stuff they have won't really be a threat to it you're running control after all. Also if you'd rather Vraska is a pretty good wincon too for control

May 24, 2014 10:25 a.m.

Deadbridge Chant and Devour Flesh will probably be good cards here.

May 24, 2014 5:14 p.m.

TheDudeAbides says... #6

Reaper of the Wilds is like a black greed version of Aetherling, can be a wincon because he dodges so much. Vraska the Unseen is a good removal but almost never a wincon so she's good as a 1-of in the deck and you should try and find out what one/two coloros are primary so you can cut some of your taplands for basic lands. Just becuase it's three colors doesn't mean all the lands have to be dual. Mana Confluence can help this as well. More of an Esper playermyself and almost suggested Sphinx's Revelation XD

May 24, 2014 7:04 p.m.

Wainwright says... #7

Thanks TheDudeAbides, i've been thinking about the lands myself, which would you cut back on, shocks or scry? It's tough to know, shocks are basically dual basics for me early game, knowing i'll get it back with Courser of Kruphix .

The scry lands on the other hand just work so well with the rest of the deck, digging for our cards in Bug without revelations to help us out.

interested to know your opinion, as a 3 color noob, how many basics need to be in here?

May 24, 2014 7:14 p.m.

TheDudeAbides says... #8

You seem to need double blue for dissolve as it is a really good and necessary card for you in the early game, cut the scrylands down to 3-of and add maybe two Island and two forests and go to 25 land instead. If you decide to run Mana Confluence , go one of each and run two confluence. Pain lands really add up and can kill you versus aggro or burn so you don't want too many.

May 24, 2014 7:18 p.m.

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