Pharaoh's Tomb

Commander / EDH* Profet93


Profet93 says... #1

Almost forgot, Ob Nixilis Reignited is a great card, but he won't usually survive too long as I don't have many creatures to defend him. I use Ugin and Karn because they help strengthen black's lack of artifact/enchantment removal and act as win conditions should they ever ult

August 24, 2017 12:30 p.m.

Wow! This list looks insane. You're running basically every card I've tried to keep myself from buying over the last three years haha. One day Candelabra of Tawnos . . . one day.

Any reason you decided to add creatures? They all make sense, but I'm trying to think of ways to recur Vampire Hexmage and Arcbound Reclaimer without popping your commander or tutoring for Trading Post. Try running Dawn of the Dead, it has so much synergy with Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed that I think it merits a slot. Lets you just keep him in the yard to recur a black spell each of your first main-phases. I'd suggest Bloodghast and Nether Traitor if you want other self-recurring creatures. Maybe check out Liliana, Death's Majesty.

Corpse Dance helps out a lot in this situation, but I really hate the whole "top creature in the graveyard" nonsense. It is such a tough condition to keep track of and people get so handsy with your graveyard when you run this commander that you really need to house rule the order of your graveyard every time you run the deck. It may not pose an issue for you since you have a much more limited creature pool, but it can be annoying. With that said, there's no real substitute for what it does, instant speed and buyback make this card insane.

Also, I'm really liking Forcefield in your deck and I am probably going to include it in one of my lists.

How have you liked Soul Conduit? I've considered it a few times but I'm always pretty hesitant.

Last, I'd probably suggest Syphon Mind and Promise of Power for card draw over Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper. They have so much more impact.

September 7, 2017 10:55 a.m.

Profet93 says... #3


I appreciate your suggestions. I didn't add any other creatures yet, still the same 3. One that recurs itself, one that's an artifact and another is mostly used to Dark Depths or planeswalker removal. While it's interesting, I feel that Dawn of the Dead doesn't fit too well. I don't want to have to bring back something each upkeep/mainphase with my commander. Nevertheless, I'll put it in the maybeboard for now.

Corpse Dance was a card considered before and I am more likely to run it than dawn of the dead. That being said, it is definitely something to look into. I already ordered it a couple days ago to playtest it, so I'll eventually make some room for it. The creatures I run aren't incredibly impactful, they are more so just specific silver bullets.

Soul Conduit is VERY USEFUL. It takes a lot to use it well since everyone will see it coming. You need Necropotence and Soul Conduit both in hand and 15 mana. The mana isn't that difficult to get in this deck, but losing tempo to tutor for both might. That being said, it is not my favorite win condition, but definitely the most hilarious. This deck attracts a lot of hate, so a lot of creatures will attack me.

I just took out Syphon Mind as a test cut. The reason I have those 2 is to keep the curve lower. Moreover, it's always fun to target someone with sign in blood after you use the above combo ;)

September 7, 2017 3:33 p.m.

Victoryhelm says... #4

Brilliant Deck!

June 23, 2018 4:42 a.m.

Profet93 says... #5


Why thank you kind sir! I appreciate it :) This is my favorite pet deck. I'ts by no means the most competitive due to it's 75% nature, but it puts in some serious work.

June 23, 2018 3:28 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #6

Those are really nice alters.

September 26, 2018 11:21 a.m.

Profet93 says... #7


Thank you, and thanks for helping me link them with the codes. How exactly did you come up with them?

September 26, 2018 3:19 p.m.

Decontrol says... #8

This deck looks mean, and I love it. Also those alters are great, I really enjoy the Toxic Deluge. The Necropotence + Soul Conduit win condition is amazing, I'm sure that feels good to pull off haha

February 1, 2020 1:24 a.m.

Profet93 says... #9


Thank you! The deck description needs some updating as Soul conduit got the ax. 6 mana to cast and another 6 to activate and put another target on my back only to synergize with necro was not good. This deck plays faster and has more interaction with the changes. Still need to remove vapors and void as the deck is in a constant state of testing

February 1, 2020 1:30 a.m.

Bighippo6 says... #10

Love the deck brotha. Mono Black for life. Similar to mine but with total anti-creature package (tabernacle, abyss, lethal vapors etc.) First of all, I like One-Eyed better than Sidisi (personal preference really) Suggestions- I think you've gone a little overboard with creature removal. Also considering your commander is a tutor, I don't think you need 9 tutors (not including expedition map). I think you should add these key cards 1. exsanguinate 2. scroll rack 3. Snow-Covered Swamps 4. extraplanar lens 5. Gauntlet of Power/Crypt Ghast (Because I'm assuming your main finishers are exsanguinate/torment of hail fire, its gonna be important to have the proper mana ramp incase you don't go infinite) This is also why i like One-Eyed. Black doesn't have much diversification in spells (mostly creature removal/tutors), therefore it is paramount that your able to play the important ones (torment/exanguinate/Planeswalker removal) over and over again to try and finish.

February 19, 2020 7:54 p.m.

Profet93 says... #11

I do have a lot of creature removal but there are a lot of problematic creatures I need to remove and having cheap, instant speed interaction is key.

Issue with lens is that they remove it and I am down one land. I do need snow covered swamps for dead of winter but I have altered swamps so I have yet to change, but I will. Gauntlet is nice but casting it for 5 mana ramp but I use all of the tutors to assemble urborg and coffers. Having lands as ramp is much less susceptible to removal than artifacts.

Crypt ghast would be anti synergy with corpse dance, tabernacle and abyss

Scroll rack doesn’t draw me cards, and I don’t have any way to abuse top deck manipulation

I might add exsanguinate back in because it can help me gain life and is redundancy. The issue is drawing it early but you are probably right.

February 19, 2020 10:34 p.m.

Bighippo6 says... #12

Toxic deluge and damnation will take care of any creature. With all those tutors you should be set wih less removal. Deff overkill. But if your playgroup has a bunch of creature decks i understand. Maybe try aether snap for planewalkers/tokens for a changeup. Deff need exanguinate for finisher its unreal man and you really dont have many win cons. Also i do believe extraplanar lens outwieghs the risk of losing one land. And scroll rack is just insane in my opinion but with so many tutors might be unneccesary. Deck looks solid though for sure. I mean the core is there. Its just opinions at this point. Thanks for comments. Never had anyone comment before. Kinda in the dark

February 19, 2020 11:05 p.m.

Profet93 says... #13

There aren't too many PWs in my meta. There is one guy with strong token synergy and I could include Illness in the Ranks to shut down most of his decks if I was so inclined, but preferred to focus on cards that can deal with a multitude of threats.

You are 100% right about the wincons, as I have found that out last night, I would be in a world of hurt.

I initially had lens in the deck but it would so often get removed and set me back on coffers, that I ended up cutting it.

February 20, 2020 2:36 p.m.

pmansmoney says... #14

What do you think of Doubling Cube? I think I'm gonna try it out in my big black erebos deck.

April 1, 2020 11:43 p.m.

Profet93 says... #15


I considered it a while back. The issue is that it's very win-more. It helps when I'm ahead, does nothing otherwise.

April 1, 2020 11:51 p.m.

pmansmoney says... #16

Isn't kind of like another candelabra? or am I missing something.

April 2, 2020 12:05 a.m.

Profet93 says... #17


Candelabra is cheaper to cast, helps me filter colorless into black, can be used politically and gives me more mana for a cheaper investment. It can function as a budget candelabra. The redundancy while cool, is not needed for the deck.

April 2, 2020 12:25 a.m.

pmansmoney says... #18

Got it. I'm gonna play it as a budget candelabra :D

April 2, 2020 12:28 a.m.

Bighippo6 says... #19

Still don’t know how you gonna win without exanguinate and grey merchant. Too focused on creature removal. Also missing key black components of recursion and sacrifice by choosing a creatureless style. Also consider using aether snap to wipe planeswalkers and tokens and scroll rack is dominant especially with necropotence. Deck is one dimentional and lacking total black synergy

September 16, 2020 10:54 a.m.

Profet93 says... #20


Thank you for your feedback. The list is going through some tweaks as we speak given corona. I use torment as my finisher. I've been tinkering with Helm + Leyline as an additional wincon as I have found myself lacking without torment. These additional future edits are being playtested on another deck as we speak :)

I understand using a creatureless style takes away a lot of black's strengths. I built the deck with that restriction in mind as a fun challenge. Since it's inception, I have been happy I did so as it is less seen in the meta. The deck lacks typical black synergy because of these restrictions.

I run a lot of creature removal because I am trying to ensure interaction, especially against decks which are lower to the ground and are commander reliant so by killing their commander, we effectively stall them for 1-2 turns as they try to regroup, which gives us time to set up Urborg + Coffers.

Planeswalkers aren't a big threat in my meta, tokens are, particularly field of the dead. Aether snap is a bit too much just for tokens, board wipes handle it fine and aren't limited to just tokens/counters.

Scroll rack is cool. It was in the earlier iterations of the deck. Its nice with all of the shuffling we do, but it doesn't draw us any additional cards. If I'm using necropotence, I'm using it to win next turn, not gain value.

I should note that I like the fact that it's very linear. I like decks that have a clear strategy from the get go. It could be more toolboxy should I wish, but I chose to go a different route.

September 16, 2020 2:09 p.m.

Icaruskid says... #21

Novel strategy and a hilariously deviant enchantment suite. Thank you for the inspiration!

October 18, 2020 11:43 a.m.

Asgeren says... #22

great deck! +1

December 16, 2021 3:14 a.m.

TypicalTimmy says... #23

Is this the Egyptian themed deck you mentioned two months ago, where you said you had a Commander with custom artwork?

May 14, 2023 1:10 a.m.

Profet93 says... #24


Yes! This deck and others are all on pause until I finish my IRL priorities but I still goldfish here and there and comment on the site during my free time. One day I shall do a large update for all my decks :)

May 14, 2023 1:16 a.m.

capwner says... #25

$13k... now this is a REAL mono black deck :D

Seems like a goodstuff+toolbox+denial pile as opposed to the combo oriented Sidisi I am more familiar with. The egyptian theme is rad too. I don't know where to start with recs for this. I guess I am ALWAYS a fan of doublers in mono black, like Crypt Ghast (kinda on flavor) or Extraplanar Lens. Stromgald Cabal is one of my pet cards for Mono B as well. Usually I'm more on reanimator strats so, a lot of my go-to cards probably aren't great here. Increasing Ambition is one of my favorite tutors. Bottomless Vault is some cool ramp and also kind of on flavor!

January 12, 2024 1:18 a.m.

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