And he cannot lie. This works exactly the way you'd expect a Phenax EDH deck to play out. Lot's of big butt creatures that can stop damage while also tapping for huge mill.

"Oh but it's commander, there are 99 cards in the deck, how could you ever mill that out before you die"

Hahaha, I showed them. Multiplayer mill is a difficult strategy when you have player-targeted mill cards. It's not impossible though. With cards like Wight of Precinct Six, Consuming Aberration, and Nighthowler though, you don't have to. You only have to mill some of the people and use your now irresponsibly large critters to take out the rest.

Of course, if you want to pit this deck 1v1 against some players, they're in for a treat when all of the hate comes their way.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.07
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Zombie 2/2 B
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