Based off of Travis Woo's list:
FNM - Febuary 1, 2013 - First Place
Round 1 : 2 - 0 vs Mono-Black Midrange Vampires
My meta is full of aggressive decks, so this opponent likely designed his deck to prey upon the many fast decks.
His deck was largely removal along with Vampire Nighthawk, Bloodline Keeper
, Vampire Nocturnus. Fortunately, this is precisely the type of deck Omnidoor crushes.
Game 1: Let him commit creatures to the board, cast Supreme Verdict. Win shortly thereafter with Omniscience + Increasing Ambition for Enter the Infinite.
Game 2: Game one was easy, so I boarded into Thragtusk + Worldfire. Opponent missed two land drops, so the second game turned out to be an easy kill with Gilded Lotus providing red for Worldfire with Thragtusk on the table.
Round 2 : 2 - 1 vs Naya Auras
This seemed like a budget variation on the popular bant auras deck. While my opponent did not play Geist of Saint Traft, he did play four Boros Charm mainboard, making this my most difficult matchup.
This opponent is one of my better friends at the store, and I had been losing to his deck in our practice games, so I was not optimistic about this pairing.
Game 1: Opponent mulligan to six, plays Silverblade Paladin on turns three and four. After playing a Supreme Verdict on the pair of paladins and casting Sphinx's Revelation the next turn, he concedes, revealing two more Silverblade Paladin and saying "no auras".
Game 2: Keep a hand that has no early action other than Chromatic Lantern. Proceed to die on opponent's turn 4 attack with 2x Rancor + Madcap Skills on Fencing Ace.
Game 3: Opponent starts buffing Fencing Ace and Avacyn's Pilgrim, we have Supreme Verdict, he has Boros Charm, we have Fog and another Supreme Verdict into Thragtusk, he concedes.
I felt that my opponent conceded slightly prematurely in his loses, but perhaps he knows from experience that he won't win past turn five or six. Drawing Fog was extremely important versus this deck, as Boros Charm can both prevent our Supreme Verdict and / or finish us off after some big hits.
Round 3 : 2 - 0 vs Red Deck Wins
This was the friend I came to FNM with, so we knew what each other were playing. I expected this to be a bad matchup, but we hadn't playtested beforehand.
Game 1: He was light on creatures, electing to Pillar of Flame and Searing Spear my face instead, but started charging 2x Hellion Crucible. A Supreme Verdict and some ramp later, I managed to cast Griselbrand at four life. Turns out he had a Brimstone Volley in hand, but three attacks from Griselbrand was enough to put the game way.
Game 2: My opponent had an excellent start on the play, with Stromkirk Noble into Ash Zealot into Boros Reckoner. I cast Farseek and had a Fog to try to buy time for my Terminus in hand. On his turn 4, he committed everything to the board to represent a lethal attack next turn. Fog would only buy me one turn, and I needed two turns to cast Terminus. However, luck was on my side as I revealed a miracle Terminus. After he topdecked two lands, he conceded to Griselbrand.
Round 4 : 2 - 0 vs American Midrange
This deck was also likely designed to defeat the many aggressive decks in my meta, but had plenty of ways to interact, making the games quite interesting.
Game 1: After passing turns back and forth for the first few turns, he started committing Snapcaster Mage and Restoration Angels to the board for damage. I had a hand full of wraths and fogs, and used them to try to get him to tap out while getting ahead on lands. Eventually, my opponent tried to finish me off with Thundermaw Hellkite, but I used Alchemist's Refuge to flash in Supreme Verdict. Post combat, he played Geist of Saint Traft, and did not leave two blue sources up. Since I had already activated Alchemist's Refuge, I flashed in Door to Nothingness with Chromatic Lantern and enough land to kill him on my turn.
Game 2: I Negated his Jace, Memory Adept, and he Counterfluxed my Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. He Detention Sphered my Chromatic Lantern and I reached a decision point. He allowed me to cast and flashback Increasing Ambition, with which I found Door to Nothingness, Temporal Mastery, and Merciless Eviction. Taking a gamble, I played Door to Nothingness, and made it clear that I did not have the correct mana to activate it. He decided to let it resolve, and used Detention Sphere on it on his turn.
A few turns later, he used a previously cast Thundermaw Hellkite to kill my Jace, Memory Adept, and I tried to bait a counterspell with Sphinx's Revelation on his second main phase. He commented "I like that you tapped out", and proceeded to cast his own very large Sphinx's Revelation. This worked perfectly for me, as my previous plan came into action. I Merciless Evictioned all enchantments, returning Chromatic Lantern and Door to Nothingness from his Detention Spheres, and following up with Temporal Mastery for the win.
Overall Impression
I feel I definitely had some good luck, and that the very aggressive matchups are not in my favour. However, I see Gatecrash moving the format towards more midrange decks, so Omniscience could be well-positioned.
Gatecrash does hurt Omnidoor quite badly in the form of two cards: Boros Charm and Skullcrack. Keep these cards in mind when playing vs any red deck, even if sometimes you have to play into them.
Future Deck Changes
I only won one game with Enter the Infinite. It is possible that the competitive version of this deck simply plays Door to Nothingness within a Bant Control shell.
Many of the cards in the currently listed sideboard could be not optimal. Worldfire is just for fun. Blind Obedience requires more testing, but is really only for the "they have haste" matchup. Even though this is one of our worst matchups, it remains to be seen if it requires three dedicated sideboard slots.
There should definitely be four Terminus between the main and sideboard, especially with Boros Charm running rampant. AEtherize seems like it could be the card to combat Boros Charm.
Kessig Wolf Run got the axe, and I hate to go against LSV / Travis, but Alchemist's Refuge is simply more important for this deck. Three colourless lands also seems bad, since we need double white so badly for Supreme Verdict. It is for this reason that I also do not play lands capable of activating Door to Nothingness without Chromatic Lantern.
In fact, I may remove Stomping grounds and Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker from the list entirely, even if it is with a heavy heart. Bolas is one of my favourite cards to cast of all time.
Merciless Eviction seems very good as a singleton simply for its flexibility. It fulfills all the roles Planar Cleansing was trying to achieve.
Urban Evolution is good - there are times when I prefer to cast it over Sphinx's Revelation! We don't want to play too many though, since if we miss on playing an extra land with it, we didn't get full value.
Gilded Lotus is the next card that could be cut - I've been bouncing back and forth between playing lotus and playing 26 lands.
Fog is an all-star, never cut any of them.