Gh0stPr0digy says... #2
@katarkind i'll test Firefist Striker out and look into getting those other cards when able to
January 11, 2014 2:40 a.m.
Gh0stPr0digy says... #4
It was under $100 before BNG. And I don't even know if ill keep the mogis and temples in
January 30, 2014 12:32 a.m.
Maybe a couple Weapon Surge for an aggro mirror and some extra damage.
Also if you're sideboarding Burning Earth , ditch the Temple of Malice mainboard for more Mountain . You don't want to hurt yourself for no reason.
Maybe add a couple of Mizzium Mortars as well to hit bigger targets.
As for your maybeboard I would only add Thunderous Might if you plan on running Archetype of Aggression . Hammer of Purphoros seems decent because you need more 3 drops to fix your curve and Thunder Brute seems way to slow for this kind of deck.
These would be my changes to the deck:
-2 Shock
+2 Mountain
+1 Purphoros, God of the Forge
And as far as sideboard goes:
-3 Electrickery
+3 Weapon Surge
+2 Skullcrack
January 30, 2014 12:45 a.m.
Gh0stPr0digy says... #6
@Lit3rlyLog1c i'm liking the look of the changes, will test them out soon
Katarkind says... #1
For a Mono-Red deck without the staples of Boros Reckoner Stormbreath Dragon it looks pretty good. Certainly look into trading for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx while up at FNM as well as the two previous cards mentioned. Try Firefist Striker instead of Frostburns so that Burning-Tree Emissary can cast something other than a burn spell. It also sets you up for attack the next turn. +1
January 11, 2014 2:31 a.m.