Ok...so looks janky and cute right? Went 2-0 vs u/b control, lost to temur combo due to poor side boarding by myself, and that combo is nasty, beat green devotion 2-1 and r/w mindrange 2-0. This works turn 3. pitch land to tomenting voice a bat or flamedpeaker, to 3rd turn soulflayer, grave strength, gets counter, gets soulflayer fodder, gets phoenix. soulflayer can bring back phoenix, with a pitch and a grave strength and luck it can happen turn 3. turn 3 dash vautbreaker, dsicard phoenix,draw, turn 4 play mountain, dash vaultbreaker, play pheonix.
haste haste and more haste is the name of the game. i tried mono black soulflayer aggro...and its good...but i think the haste puts out a sense of concern with what im playing when im playing it, same concept as the temur combo, the thought of there might not be a next turn is the nag that wins the games.
cool little side tech note, when swinging with vault breaker i find a declare for blocks or damage is sometimes made before i get a chance to discard, peering into the future
i would like feed back on what u think of this, and some cards that could synergize a r/u vaultbreaker phoenix aggro.