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Phothoros (Lil' Help Please!)

Standard* Competitive Midrange RW (Boros)



Enchantment (2)

Instant (6)

Sorcery (4)


Creature (3)

(Boros + Purphoros)xTheros = Phothoros

Boros Midrange / Devotion. The deck starts off with some burn (Jet to set up draw hopefully), followed by the three drops and then the bombs, being Purphoros, Dragon, and Aurelia. Unless I get multiple Emissaries in an opening hand, I'll usually save them to combo with Fanatic or Purphoros since they die pretty early. Also, with the exception of Fanatic, I only need any combination of two creatures out to pop Purphoros, so a turn 5 indestructible god coming for your nuts is a pretty likely scenario. Chained the Rocks for those peskier problems, and WHAM, turn 5-6 roll around and this thing gets lethal.

EDIT: I'm one card over in the current build. Any suggestions as to where to trim? I'm all ears (eyes?)

---------------------------------------------- Card by Card Breakdown ----------------------------------------------


Burning-Tree Emissary - A free two-drop with two devotion points. Hell yeah.

Boros Reckoner - The staple. Works with well with Purphoros, is a solid all around creature, and has some teeth if I need to pop an Anger off.

Chandra's Phoenix - New addition the deck. I like the speediness they provide, with the option to sideboard them out against different match-ups.

Fanatic of Mogis - Dropping for a handful of damage to the face with a pretty scary body that can draw out removal is fun.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - The devotion park of this deck revolves around this guy. The 2 damage per creature is really just gravy. If the deck works as it should, Purphoros should pop turn five at the latest with a Dragon, and then win-con turn six with Aurelia.

Stormbreath Dragon - Great all around five drop. It has very relevant protection these days, and a "monster" to deal with if it (or the game) lasts another couple of turns.

Aurelia, the Warleader - And finally the crown of the deck, Aurelia! If she hits the board, with both a Dragon and Purphoros down, things can get pretty ugly.

Non-Creature Spells

Chained to the Rocks - I love this card. It provides beautiful spot removal for Boros, and the flavor (and mythology behind it) are so awesome, I want to pop my opponent's creature on top of my Mountain and keep it there. I'll probably hold on to this card for bigger, harder to kill threats if I can get away with sorcery-speed removal, and depend on the burn spells in the deck to slow down aggro and burn off those dorks.

Boros Charm - Another staple. One of the coolest plays I can see with this is a combo with Anger of the Gods. Attack at full, let the enemy think he's blocking strategically, Charm during combat, then Anger second main. Very situational but I really want to do this once lol... Also, board wipe protection, four points to the face, etc., etc.

Lightning Strike - Standard burn spell for early creature removal or a little extra damage to the face if I need it.

Magma Jet - I really like this new take on Shock. Even though Shock is standard, the one colorless for Scry 2 is just too sexy, and can really pull you into the cards you need to get over that control hump or slow down that aggro deck.


Temple of Triumph - Love 'em.

Sacred Foundry - Need 'em.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Lots o' mana!


Alrighty, most of this is sort of hodgepodge, but they each have a place.

Gods Willing - I'm on the fence about this. One mana for protection is awesome, though, and the scry is always helpful.

Soldier of the Pantheon - Great against control these days with all that multi-colored removal, and a solid one drop. Probably swap these guys in for the Angers in a control match-up.

Wear / Tear - A solid sideboard card in my opinion. Can play into some nasty two for ones if your opponent plays it wrong, and pretty relevant in today's meta with all those enchantments running around.

Anger of the Gods - For those aggro/hexproof/Fiendslayer Paladin decks.

Assemble the Legion - Control wants to slow it down? Cool, have fun with the mustering minions!


Ash Zealot - Great two drop, especially for devotion. Competes with Burning-Tree Emissary's spot. One caveat: I have a play-set of Emissaries and not a single Zealot.

Blind Obedience - Considering this for the sideboard (over Gods Willing perhaps).

Banisher Priest - The new fiend hunter. I'm between this guy and some early instant removal, and the current iteration of the deck is leaning towards the Lightning Strikes instead of the Priests.

-------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------

And there it is! Please feel free to leave feedback. I've done some playtesting but nothing serious yet and would love to have some suggestions to take away before I try this thing on Friday. Thanks for reading, and if you like the deck please +1!


Updates Add

Added 3 Chandra's Phoenix. Assemble the Legion is sideboarded, along with Anger of the Gods. I figured it was better to start out aggro-ey then sideboard appropriately. As you can see, I'm one card over and I need some advice as to where to cut out that extra card.

Thanks for the advice!

Edit: Cleaned up comments

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 6 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 4 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 RW, Soldier 1/1 W
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