Swung with 800 power on turn 6 once lol

Looking to get into commander for cheap? Just want another deck to play? Like budget builds? Step right up!

I built this for a casual (mid-ish power, but powercreep is very real) 3-player group that I play in with my friends, and it performs really well there! Honestly, it works well just about anywhere. There are a lot of big, swingy turns and out-of-nowhere kills. Always having access ot an Avenger of Zendikar type effect in the command zone bumps the consistency of the deck A LOT, and the deck has been designed to take full advantage of that. Games usually end before/at turn 6-9 in our group, so if you want to gauge power level based on that, there's a metric for you.

Ways to win:

  • Scale Up/Overwhelming Stampede
  • Soul's Fire/Gravitic Punch
  • Tunneling Geopede/Spitfire Lagac/Guttersnipe
  • Moraug, Fury of Akoum
  • Herd Baloth + Ivy Lane Denizen
  • Impact Tremors + Phylath/Avenger of Zendikar
  • Scapeshift

Scapeshift gets a special mention. I built this deck to house this card (pulled it waaaaay back at the m19 prerelease) and it does EVERYTHING. Casting Scapeshift will always either win you the game on the spot by adding 40+ power to your board/giving you 10+ combats or killing a player with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle triggers. With one of our land-based draw engines out, you'll draw anywhere between 20-30 cards. Unless the rest of your starting hand is HORRIBLE, keep any opener with Scapeshift in it.

Even with all the draw and wincons, this deck can durdle a little. Be conscious of your starting hands and try to start with a draw engine or counter enabler and your games will run much more smoothly (My playgroup allows one or two free mulligans, but it might be different for your group). The draw here is VERY strong because of Phylath, so one big draw piece like Shamanic Revelation is usually enough.

I'm also looking for suggestions! More specifically, I'm always looking for better cheap draw/filter (price limit is generally $3 per card at this point). Drop a comment and I'll test your suggestion!

Holy crap, this deck got to #1 in the landfall deck category somehow! That's awesome! If you enjoy the decklist/think it's a good budget list, don't forget to upvote it! And if you've played it, don't forget to comment how it went!

Check out the deck this is (sorta) based on! I copied it to save time transcribing the decklist but kept some combos from it.


Updates Add

Wow, the deck made it to 10 upvotes! That's pretty cool, and I'm glad people like the deck.

More importantly, there are some updates coming to the list! I've recently been alerted to the existence of Rampage of the Clans, and that seems like a really efficient option in this deck. I'll pick one up and test it.

Scale Up is being tested in place of Overrun. I want to see if the bigger bodies make the difference over trample.

Road / Ruin might be getting tested soon in place of Far Wanderings or similar ramp. The added utility of removal on the ruin side seems like a very good addition.


93% Casual


Revision 1 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Scale Up main
Top Ranked
Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.15
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Beast 4/4 G, Plant 0/1 G
Folders The Budget Pod, Inspiration, Cool decks, CMDR, Interesting Decks Budget, copy, yes, INTERESTING Decks 150$USD+
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