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Pia's Recycling Facility! (Budget Combo)

Standard Artifact BR (Rakdos) Budget Combo Competitive Theme/Gimmick



Instant (3)

Planeswalker (2)

Enchantment (2)

Sorcery (6)

Creature (2)


"Tonight I went 4-0 with this exact list. It's fun, it flows, and it's just a janky/fun/comboish deck that works. Round 1, I played some sort of Eldrazi deck that wasn't very good and won 2-0. Round 2, I played U/R Control and won 2-1. Battle at the Bridge is excellent against Thing in the Ice  . Round 3, I played the Saheeli Rai + Felidar Guardian deck. Implement of Combustion was the MVP for that round as I went 2-0. Last round was against a sort of Grixis Dredge Zombie deck that was FAST. Marionette Master won game 1, and a sideboarded Herald of Anguish did work game 2." - GreGGo

"as promised I have results from FNM. I placed 1st with it out of 12 players. 2-0 RW vehicles, 2-0 RW agro nahiri, 2-1 super friends, 2-0 Superfriends. Great outcome with the deck" - B47m4n2015

I've played with the exactly main and changed 2 Chandra for Anguished Unmaking and Lost Legacy and reached 2-2.

What was more difficult to me was to choose what to take off in sideboard =/

his deck is strong against Saheeli Rai combo (I've fight against two four colours, and beated one). I've lost to one GB Snake and win against some UB Control.

Other problem is: Everybody has sideboard against you. And they always destroy your's Pia's Revolution or put you artifacts to the bottom of the library D:

It has a nice play against all decks. Even when losing, it was not easy for the opponent and always let them with low life. - Zangado

Sleeved this deck up (old version with Marionette Master in the MB) for my last FNM. I play at a competitive LGS and my matches were UG Ramp, Temur Marvel, Mardu Planeswalkers and Bant Marvel against decent pilots. Deck went 3-1, I was very surprised considering I know I was not playing it optimally.

UG Ramp (0-2) - Steamrolled me game 1. They gained too much life and dropped a Sandwurm Convergence. Game 2 Pia's Revolution couldn't stick through instant speed enchantment removal and I died to Crush of Tentacles + Part the Waterveil .

Temur Marvel (2-1) - Was able to kill with the normal Pia's Revolution win condition before Ulamog hit. Game 2 Ulamog - game over. Game 3 I sided in Herald of Anguish and flew over for the win.

Mardu Planeswalkers (2-1) - The guy slow played like I have never seen, but that happens when he has to stop and re-read every card in my deck. The benefit of a deck like this is that the opposing player makes a ton of mistakes. He transgressed me in game 1 and didn't get rid of Pia's. In game 3 he hit it with Lost Legacy but too late, Herald of Anguish steamrolled.

Temur Marvel (2-1) - Game 1 I couldn't get it going and he marveled an Approach of the Second Sun followed by a hardcast after a Pull from Tomorrow. Sucked. In both game 2 and 3 he marveled into Ulamog and attacked twice, dropping me to 2-3 cards in my deck. He should have exiled my lands... too bad top-deck Marionette Master can insta-kill even with Ulamog out! I got lucky, but the power of Marionette Master as a win condition should not be overlooked even if she's moved to the side.

Takeaways - Love the deck. Even though this concept has been around online my LGS is VERY meta and they didn't expect it or know how to play against it. Some old sideboard cards felt 100% useless (Radiant Flames, Battle at the Bridge) and I never sided them in. Sweepers in general just don't seem that useful unless you run up against RW Humans or something. I probably won't keep any at all in the 75. Hell, I'd rather just run more servo makers for chumps since it still has some synergy. I do like the addition of Lost Legacy and Dispossess in the SB. I got lucky against the marvel decks, but if you can get rid of their win conditions on turn 3 it should be game over. I did not run against control, so I can't speak for that match-up. I'll be taking it to FNM again this week (I won't bother you with a whole damn write-up again though).

Thanks for the great idea! - topkyle

13-3 in matches so far with a 24-9 record in games! If anyone else want to play with this deck, please do! It's loads of fun to play with, and cheap. Let me know how you did! If you do, Ill give you a shoutout in the description!


Pia's Recycling Facility!

enter image description here

General Gameplan

This deck is build around Pia's Revolution. The 3 most important cards that make this deck possible besides Pia's Revolution are Ravenous Intruder, Reckless Fireweaver and Scrap Trawler. This deck casts cheap artifact spells for damage with Reckless Fireweaver, and then reuses those cards by sacrificing them. The best card to do this with is Ravenous Intruder, since it has no activation cost, and can be used as many times as you want. After they are sacrificed, your opponent gets to make a choice, thanks to Pia's Revolution. Either they put the sacrificed card back in your hand, which will be cast again for little mana, or they take 3 damage. Meanwhile, everytime you sacrifice an artifact and before your opponent gets to make the choice, the card does get put into your graveyard. This means effects like Implement of Combustion do activate, so you get to draw cards for free. This also means that Scrap Trawlers effect activates, making you fetch a different artifact with less mana from your deck, this often leads to another 3 card that you can cast (and deal damage with thanks to Reckless Fireweaver) and sacrifice to make your opponent choose between 3 damage or putting it back in your hand so it can be casted again. This can in certain scenario's lead to great combo's, and will more often than not lead to victory after 1, maybe 2-3 turns after the combo starts running.
With the most recent update, I shifted the focus of the deck away from Scrap Trawler and more toward cheap artifacts, like Implement of Combustion, Implement of Improvement & Implement of Ferocity. Due to this, Ornithopter and Workshop Assistant got a little less important for this deck. 1 copy of both have been removed. Due to the popularity of red-aggro in standard right now I decided to add 4 Gleaming Barrier. The 0/4 body is nice, it gives you an extra artifact for Reckless Fireweaver and for mana when it dies/get sacrificed, and the 2 CMC slot is nice with Scrap Trawler. Due to this, 2 Implement of Malice and 2 Servo Schematic have been removed.


With this deck, which seems to rely on one combo, you can actually win in multiple ways. When building this deck, I had five possible win conditions in mind.

Win Condition 1

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Pia's Revolution together with Scrap Trawler and Foundry Inspector, and of course card that let you kill your own artifacts like Ravenous Intruder or Herald of Anguish. - This combo has the potential to completely destroy your opponent. Imagine you having Pia's Revolution, Ravenous Intruder and Scrap Trawler on the field. You can sacrifice an Ornithopter. Your opponent has no other choice than to take the 3 damage, since otherwise you take it back to your hand and play it again for free, after which the can get killed by a really buffed up Ravenous Intruder with Rush of Adrenaline or pinged down by Reckless Fireweaver. Once you sacrifice your lowest converted mana cost artifact, sacrifice the second lowest, for example Implement of Combustion. It does actually leave the battlefield and go to your graveyard, so any actions that say "when (this card) is put into a graveyard from play, (effect)", do trigger. The most important way this effect comes into play is with Scarp trawler. You get to return a card with lesser CMC, in this case Ornithopter. Your opponent has to decide whether or not take 3 damage or return Implement of Combustion to your hand. Your opponent lets this happen for as long as you have mana to play Implement of Combustion which together with Foundry Inspector again forces your opponent to take 3 damage.

Win Condition 2

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Ravenous Intruder - This card has the potential to burst down your opponent in one turn. However, unlike similar cards like Salivating Gremlins, this card doesn't have trample. So the only way to make this work is by either killing your opponent creatures before attacking, or giving them trample using Rile. With the combo this deck runs, you will be able to alpha strike your opponent. Makeshift Munitions is just a different version of Ravenous Intruder, More of burn oriented, but less effective in my opinion. Only add this if your opponent has lots of creature removal.

Win Condition 3

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Reckless Fireweaver - This card is the reason your opponent can't just let Ornithopter or the implements with Foundry Inspectors get back to your hand with Pia's Revolution infinitely. This deck has the potential to cast a lot of artifacts in one turn. It just makes the combo even more deadly.

Win Condition 4

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Herald of Anguish - With the low artifacts cards in this deck, casting Herald of Anguish can be done in turn 3 or 4 at the earliest. This card has evasion, is insanely strong, can sacrifice artifacts and kill creatures doing so, and makes your opponent discard cards.

Sideboard win Condition 5

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Marionette Master - If your opponent has the perfect cards/sideboard cards against you, and completely destroys your creatures or enchantments before they can become active, you can always fall back on plan B. Much like Reckless Fireweaver this cards theoretical damage output scales with the amount of artifacts in the deck. But unlike Reckless Fireweaver, this card deals damage when the artifacts leave the battlefield, rather than enter it. This effect works with tokens as well. The card gives you an option, get 3 1/1 servo tokens and a very weak creature for , which deals 1 damage every time an artifact leaves the battlefield. Or, a strong 4/6 creature whom deals 4 damage whenever an artifact leaves the battlefield. In this deck, you would choose the last ability nearly all the time. You should have no problem getting (or already having) a couple of artifacts on the field which you can then sacrifice. 5 artifacts is all it takes to achieve fatal damage. Very strong card, which ends games that take too long. The only time you would want to use the fabricate to create 3 1/1's is when you have no other artifacts in your hand or field, and a couple of Reckless Fireweavers or when you have no artifacts and a Ravenous Intruder and Rile.



Creature removal or artifact removal, versatile card with a cheap cost at instant speed.

Chandra, Torch of Defiance

I've tinkered with planeswalkers like Saheeli Rai and Tezzeret the Schemer, but also thought Chandra, Torch of Defiance was superior for this deck. All her abilities help this deck a lot. The first one being card acceleration, or burn damage. This is great since there is a chance in this deck that you will get stuck, this chance is low according to my extensive play testing, but it's there. This ability is great for that, and of course burn is amazing in a deck that mainly win cause of burn damage. Her second ability gives you 2 red mana, which is also amazing. The combo this deck runs can cost mana. Your opponent will most likely choose cards to get back in your hand, which thanks to the low mana cost of most artifacts in this deck, can be played another 4 times, dealing damage. If you can pump that number up by 1-2 its always welcome. Her third ability is some strong removal, 4 damage gets rid of a lot of annoying things, this deck doesn't have creature removal in its mainboard, so this is great. Her last ability deals 5 damage to your opponent whenever you cast a spell. In a deck where the combo relies on you casting a lot of spells, you can end the game the turn you use her last ability. In this deck, by the time you get to that last ability, you will be able to finish of an opponent. It also helps that her CMC is only 4, so it's not really hard to play.


If your opponent has either a strategy that is faster than yours, and kills you before you can kill them, or if they have a very large amount of cards that ca disrupt your combo, swap any number of this card in.

Makeshift Munitions

If you feel that you don't have enough permanents that allow you to sacrifice artifacts, either by unlucky draws or by a large amount of creature removal, swap this card in.

Marionette Master

See the text at "win condition"- "win condition 5".

Reckless Rage

Allows you to sacrifice an artifact to kill an opponents creature. Can also be cast on Gleaming Barrier so you dont have to kill your own creatures. Just some decent removal.


Together with Ravenous Intruder can burst your opponent.

Sweltering Suns

Versus large amounts of creatures.


If you like this deck then check out my other deck I made! a lot of them feature angels. But some are build around other creature types like dragons. All of them are for either the Modern or Standard format.

Resplendent Martyr Proc

Modern* Revedeka


Generator Angel

Modern* Revedeka


Arcades Defender Value

Modern* Revedeka


Tetsuko Umezawa, Podracer (Tetsuko Tempo)

Standard* Revedeka


Tetsuko & Doran's Assault Formation!

Modern Revedeka


What Do you guys think about this deck? Please leave a comment saying what you think about it, or maybe even how to improve it! Any comments and/or suggestions are greatly appriciated!


Pia's Recycling Facility! (Modern Version)

Modern Revedeka



Updates Add

Changes in this update:

REMOVED: - 1 Ornithopter - 1 Scrap Trawler - 2 Syndicate Trafficker - 1 Workshop Assistant - 2 Implement of Malice - 2 Servo Schematic - 4 Terrarion

ADDED: + 3 Foundry Inspector + 4 Gleaming Barrier + 2 Implement of Ferocity + 4 Implement of Improvement

Also includes changes to the mana base.

Descriptions will be updated ASAP, I normally would've done it with the update, but due to lack of time I will update them later, most people are just interested in the decklist anyway. In the updated descriptions you will find the reason(s) for the changes.

Modern version has been completed, and has just been released!!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 2 Mythic Rares

17 - 4 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

21 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Servo 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Maybe build, Standard artifacts, Standard, Standard, Budget decks, Want to, AER, Standard Artifacts (Kaledesh), To buy, archie
Ignored suggestions
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