Pia's Recycling Facility! (Budget Combo)
SCORE: 228 | 109 COMMENTS | 29392 VIEWS | IN 132 FOLDERS
@ Moonbar,
Thanks!! The description took me a pretty long time to make, and its not even finished yet, but I really like this style as well.
I fixed the link, I changed the name of the deck and forgot to change the link.
January 9, 2017 12:20 p.m.
This looks like it can be a lot of fun to play. And more importantly, I bet it would piss off a lot of standard players with $500 decks. Lol
January 13, 2017 1:10 p.m.
This looks really fun, I hope you don't mind but i'm going to steal this and make this deck for release weekend. (along with tokens prob)
January 15, 2017 6:10 p.m.
Really fun deck! the only thing i would change is the Metalwork Colossus for a Pia Nalaar or another Invigorated Rampage. I never got to play the colossus, and pia could be great in this deck: she provides sac fodder and a way to help your beaters get through.
January 15, 2017 6:38 p.m.
been playtesting some and Freejam Regent seems like a good evasive finisher. Enraged Giant could be another option.
January 15, 2017 8:04 p.m.
@ fneff379, Oh it's so much fun to play! And yeah, im gonna play in some FNM where there can be some people with competitive decks, can't wait to see if this has any chance, and the look on their faces if it does! Sure, everyone can get a good laugh out of it.
@ Quarrell, Go for it! Its super fun to play, just the feeling of playing a lot of cards in one turn and achieving something with it is very satisfying. If you play it, let me know how well you did!
@ Chino90, Yeah im removing Metalwork Colossus, it was just a great mid to late game creature that could enable a fun combo on its own, but it's not good enough. This deck used to play with Pia Nalaar, but it just can't pay the cost for sacrificing creatures, so now I just have one copy in the sideboard. I've tested the other cards you suggested, but went with Marionette Master instead. Marionette Master used to be a card that I didnt really like, but after playtesting a lot I definitely think shes viable for this deck. Thanks for all your suggested! It really made me think about a lot of combo's and how to view the game with this deck.
@tpatt53, Thanks for your suggestions! I was playtesting 7 different cards, and I liked your suggestions the best. In the end I went with Marionette Master because of the late game finishing power, its ridiculous. I can just sac 5 artifacts which really isnt a lot in this deck and kill an opponent.
@hamiam, Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
January 16, 2017 5:07 p.m.
bewarekraken says... #11
My only suggestion would be to replace Metalspinner's Puzzleknot with Implement of Malice. It's also a 2-drop artifact that replaces itself, has a cheaper self-sacrifice cost (also in black), with an absolutely brutal effect if combined with Pia's Revolution.
I'm actually working on a Mardu Gearhulk version of this deck with Tamiyo's Journal but I'm keeping Foundry Inspector in mine because gearhulks are journal expensive.
January 16, 2017 5:17 p.m.
@bewarekraken, Hmm yeah that's a really good suggestion. I used to value the extra draw power over other similar options, but in pklaytesting I've only activated it once. I think I'm going to go through with your suggestion, however, I'm unsure whether or not to change my mana base, I think I have to. I've playtested with Herald of Anguish before, that card would also be fun with Implement of Malice. Thanks for the suggestion!
January 16, 2017 5:42 p.m.
Sorceress966 says... #13
Wow, I'm loving this deck in playtesting! Might just have to bring it to an FNM~
Can I ask you to talk through your sideboard choices? It the one thing I never really "get" playing magic competitively.
Again, great deck, +1
January 17, 2017 4:48 a.m.
PrettzyDizzy says... #14
This looks awesome and affordable, I've just gotta test this out some friday.
January 17, 2017 7:41 a.m.
bewarekraken says... #15
PrettzyDizzy In my version of this deck, my sideboard is built around creature removal, granted mine also is more midrange with gearhulks and less early board answers. I'm running Fatal Push, Hungry Flames, Unlicensed Disintegration, and Radiant Flames in the side. Can't really speak for his choices.
January 17, 2017 12:18 p.m.
bewarekraken says... #16
Also, forgot to mention, +1'd and if you don't mind, check my list out?
January 17, 2017 4:19 p.m.
@bewarekraken & Sorceress966, Take it to an FNM! It's so much fun to play and very affordable, let me know how well you do!As for the sideboard choices, as you might see, I changed them since you asked your question since it made me think about it more. A common mistake (of which im very guilty) is that people finish a deck, and then just quickly throw in a sideboard. For me, a sideboard should contain possible other ways to win a game, as well as answers for whatever your opponent throws at you. Granted, you can't be prepared for every deck with just 15 cards, but in general, removal is a solid answer to opponents, as there aren't many decks that doesn't play or rely on creatures. Also, similairly to the first point I made (a different way to win the game) a sideboard should be able to change the win condition of a deck, without changes its tempo. This is important for when your opponent has great cards in his sideboard for playing against you. I will give a quick break down of my current sideboard:
Battle at the Bridge - I really like this card in my sideboard, as it gives me a way to win vs decks that deal unpreventable damage, as in triggers like Reckless Fireweaver, a don't attack with regular creatures. Also, in this deck it's basicly a removal that dodges things like indestructability for only .
Chandra, Torch of Defiance - I've tinkered with planeswalkers like Saheeli Rai and Tezzeret the Schemer, but also thought Chandra, Torch of Defiance was superior for this deck. All her abilities help this deck a lot. The first one being card acceleration, or burn damage. This is great since there is a chance in this deck that you will get stuck, this chance is low according to my extensive playtesting, but it's there. This ability is great for that, and of course burn is amazing in a deck that mainly win cause of burn damage. Her second ability gives you 2 red mana, which is also amazing. This deck used to ran Foundry Inspector so things like Terrarion would be free to cast, but it was too much of an investment. You deal enough damage with the normal combo without having a bad draw in Foundry Inspector ealry, it just slowed the deck down. The point im trying to get to is that the combo will cost mana. Your opponent will most likely choose cards to get back in your hand, which thanks to the low mana cost of most artifacts in this deck, can be played another 4 times, dealing damage. If you can pump that number up by 1-2 its always welcome. Her third ability is some strong removal, 4 damage gets rid of a lot of annoying things, this deck doesn't have creature removal in its mainboard, so this is great. Her last ability deals 5 damage to your opponent whenever you cast a spell. In a deck where the combo relies on you casting a lot of spells, you can end the game the turn you use her last ability. In this deck, by the time you get to that last ability, you will be able to finish of an opponent. It also helps that her CMC is only 4, so it's not really hard to play.
Herald of Anguish - This card can be cast for in the later stages of the game, and is a very strong (5/5) evasive finisher. This card is an extra win condition, your opponent has to discard a card every turn, which in the time this guy gets on the field is extremely annoying, can be game winning by itself. And if that wasn't good enough he has a artifact sac function (which granted, cost mana, but you can't have everything. You will be able to cast it at least 3 times in the time this gets on the field) that is also a removal that goes through things like indestructible. It's just great! It's also a removal baiter, if thats a thing that exists. Also combo's well with Implement of Malice, your opponent won't have any cards in hand anymore. Always sideboard the Implement of Malice in if you sideboard Herald of Anguish in.
Implement of Malice - As explained above, only sideboard this in if you're sideboarding in Herald of Anguish.
Pia Nalaar - Don't really like this card that much, but if you don't have the time to get the full combo running, and you're playing vs a deck with very little creatures, you can sideboard this in and try to end as quickly as possible with Ravenous Intruder. Sac artifacts, make all your opponents creatures unable to block, and finish with Ravenous Intruder. This does cost a lot of mana and artifacts though, so its not really optimal.
Radiant Flames - Vs some mass tokens or fabricate deck, this spell can do wonders. I like that you can choose to deal 1,2 or 3 damage. Unlike Yahenni's Expertise it gives you the opportunity to save your own creatures while killing off some 1/1's on your opponents side. Sometimes, if you sideboard this in, and have a lot of artifact creatures and a Pia's Revolution together with Reckless Fireweaver on the field, you want it to kill all your creatures (except Reckless Fireweaver) so your opponent gets to choose between taking 30 damage or letting you cast 10 spells for 10-40 damage.
Hope this gives you some insight on my reasoning for my sideboard.
@PrettzyDizzy, Please do! it's a lot of fun to play. let me know how well you do with it!
January 17, 2017 4:27 p.m.
@ bewarekraken, I did. Love it!
Unique approach towards Pia's Revolution which I think is fantastic! +1'd it.
For other people to check out what i'm talking about:
The Gearhulk Revolution
January 17, 2017 4:43 p.m.
lord_blackfang says... #19
I have one of these too! http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-robots-are-revolting-1/
Most importantly for you, I would definitely swap Invigorated Rampage --> Key to the City, you trade 2 power for complete unblockability, emergency card draw plus it's an artifact for all your synergy needs including casting the Herald.
January 18, 2017 4:13 p.m.
Thanks for your suggestion! After some playtesting I decided that Key to the City might indeed be better for this deck, and so I put it in. I like that it works so well with Scrap Trawler (being a CMC) and that it can help with the improvise spells in my sideboard. It also gives the option for extra draw, which is always nice and I can of course use it to burst down opponents. It can also function as some kind of setup, through its discard. The only thing that I don't like is that its easily destroyed, but hey, thats everything in this deck. I can always get it back through Scrap Trawler.
January 19, 2017 4:26 a.m.
Has anyone had a chance to play this against a 'competitive' deck yet? I would love to hear back on the results of it! +1
January 19, 2017 8:48 p.m.
bewarekraken says... #22
shizleboy the thing is, the format is wide open with AER+bannings. We don't know what's gonna come out of the meta as top tier. Could be control, g/w humans, u/w flash, aetherworks, saheeli combo, some undiscovered jank.. smugglers copter and emrakul were huge bans, reflector mage was an odd one.. likely u/w flash will be the deck to beat but it's anybodys guess
January 20, 2017 4:18 a.m.
Idk if you have looked at Sly Requisitioner yet but it has great synergy with this deck and also helps you get more sac fodder.
January 20, 2017 11:22 a.m.
Thanks for you suggestion!
I have looked at Sly Requisitioner before, and also think that it would fit in this deck nicely. However, I think its a tiny bit not good enough. If the minimum amount of cards in standard was 65, it would probably be in the deck, but right now, it just didnt make the cut. It's pretty weak and the improvise is nice, but even with that it's pretty expensive. You want this card on the field asap, and that might just delay it a little bit too much, Also, servo's are nice with Reckless Fireweaver, and Ravenous Intruder, it doenst trigger Pia's Revolution.
Thanks again for the suggestion, really appriciate you trying to help the deck.
January 20, 2017 11:40 a.m.
Rush of Adrenaline is a card I have been testing in my deck that is very similar. It seems really good with intruder or salvager to give them extra power and get past blockers if you don't have the key.
Moonbar says... #1
I like this. Very well done deck description. BTW, your upvote button in the description did not work for me.
January 9, 2017 11:30 a.m.