Thrasios and Ishai

Commander / EDH Pieguy396


GeeksterPlays says... #1

Rhystic Study might be better than Mystic Remora, no upkeep cost and it's for any spell, in my experience player's don't like paying extra for evrything they do.

If you like stealing stuff then Willbreaker + Glimpse the Sun God is hilarious.

Spitting Image for copying and re-copying shenanigans, and/or Stolen Identity

I love having an Alchemist's Refuge in play.

October 12, 2017 9:17 a.m.

Pieguy396 says... #2

Thanks for your comment, GeeksterPlays!

I absolutely think Rhystic Study is a better card, but I feel like it draws much more hate than Mystic Remora. I find players often just accept that I'll draw cards off of Mystic Remora, especially as it will go away by itself in just a few turns, whereas being able to pay just one mana to make my Rhystic Study card go away can be very annoying. I might add Rhystic Study in if this deck gets more competitive, but for now, I'll probably leave it out.

Willbreaker + Glimpse the Sun God seems good, but it's a two-card combo where neither piece does anything on its own, and all of my effort can be negated by just killing the Willbreaker.

As for Spitting Image and Stolen Identity, 6 mana seems like a lot for a clone effect, even if it is repeatable. Do you think it's worth it?

And yes, absolutely Alchemist's Refuge, I completely missed it. Thanks!

October 12, 2017 9:48 a.m.

Is the 1-cmc of Natural State that much better than the added flexibility of something like Krosan Grip or even just Deglamer or Unravel the Aether?

Collective Restraint is a nice pillow-fort card that is often works better than Ghostly Prison or Propaganda in a 3-color deck. Brainstorm might be better than one of your sorcery speed cantrips, you have a decent amount of ramp and fetches to shuffle your library. Disallow is an incredibly powerful counterspell, able to shut down powerful abilities as well as spells.

November 27, 2017 1:50 a.m.

Pieguy396 says... #4

Thanks for your comment, ThallionDarkshine!

I really do like the 1cmc of Natural State, and it does hit a lot of the problematic artifacts that I need to take care of. I have considered Deglamer and Unravel the Aether, but I'm not the hugest fan. As for Krosan Grip, most of the things I would need it for I can just counter, and I'm not particularly bothered by somebody cracking a Nevinyrral's Disk or something, as I rarely have much of a board presence.

Collective Restraint is nice, but I find that generally the 2-mana tax from Ghostly Prison and Propaganda is enough to discourage people from attacking me, and I doubt increasing that by 1 mana would change much. Also, eww, that art.

As for Brainstorm, I only really like it when I can count on having a shuffle effect 80% of the time or so, and I don't know if this deck is there yet.

Finally, yes, I will absolutely add a Disallow, I'm just working on acquiring one. Thanks for your suggestions!

November 27, 2017 12:32 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #5

If you want to steal stuff, I highly recommend Bribery and Treachery.

December 4, 2017 6:12 p.m.

rob_shifflett says... #6

Illusionist's Bracers is easily better than any of the cards on your chop list.

December 4, 2017 6:13 p.m.

Pieguy396 says... #7

Thanks for your comments, bushido_man96 and rob_shifflett! I should have mentioned this, but I rarely actually use Rubinia; she's mainly there for the Bant color identity. I'm actually considering switching to Partner commanders. Thanks for the suggestions, though!

December 4, 2017 6:24 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #8

As for Spitting Image and Stolen Identity, I'd say being repeatable makes them absolutely worth it. In a singleton format, repeatable effects are value.

December 4, 2017 10:29 p.m.

redace10 says... #9

I like the idea of partner commanders for your bant control deck. Ishai is a great blocker and thrasios helps dig into your library. Seems more useful than casting rubina, especially with a deck so light on creatures.

Suggestions: I'm surprised no one has suggested Mystic Confluence or Supreme Will. Modal counter cards are a control deck's best friend. You run a lot of cheap removal spells (Path to Exile? Unsubstantiate?), Isochron Scepter would do some great work in your deck.

You don't have many wrath cards, which would be very advantageous, as again, you have few creatures. Fumigate is my favorite, gaining a lot of life and wiping the board is a fairly dramatic tempo swing. This deck looks like it is going to have trouble dealing with planeswalkers, Hour of Revelation should be included, or some similar effect.

I would really like Stunt Double in this deck. Vizier of Many Faces is good too. Body Double would also be fantastic, in long games you should have plenty of juicy targets in graveyards.

Hope this helps, I'll comment again with advice on cards to take out.

December 5, 2017 2:26 p.m.

Pieguy396 says... #10


I've actually been moving this deck in less of a clone direction, and more of just a control direction. I use most of my mana in a turn either on removal/counterspells or card draw, and I found that most of my clone effects were just taking up space. I have a good amount of recursion anyways, so I'm not particularly concerned with reusability.


Mystic Confluence is one of the cards I'm "considering", I just arranged a trade with another user for one, and I expect to have it in this deck in a couple of days. I don't particularly care for Supreme Will; Mana Leak is bad, and if I wanted to play Impulse, I'd just play Impulse. I get that the versatility is great, but I tried Mana Leak in here, and it was rarely able to counter the things I needed it to. I thought about Isochron Scepter, but there are only 13 cards that work with it. Do you think that's enough?

As for wraths, I've generally been fine with what I have; as I have 4 instant-speed wraths, I can usually just say something along the lines of "Don't attack me, or I'll have to bounce your board", and my playgroup knows that I might have the cards to do that, and so they just respect it. Hour of Revelation is definitely worth further consideration, though the triple could be an issue.

And as I mentioned above, I've been moving further away from the Clone plan lately. My past few game wins have come from Kiora, the Crashing Wave emblems and kicked Rite of Replications (at instant speed) targeting big bombs like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Wurmcoil Engine. Stunt Double was one of the cards I recently took out because even it was underperforming a little.

In any case, thank you both for your feedback!

December 5, 2017 6:28 p.m.

dmykle says... #11

why not use Enchanted Evening + Aura Thief that will get you any win condition and everyone's board

December 17, 2017 2:02 a.m.

Pieguy396 says... #12

Hey there, dmykle! Thanks for your comment! While I agree Enchanted Evening + Aura Thief would be a great win-the-game combo, the main reason I'm not a huge fan is because it requires Aura Thief to die to work. In a deck with more sac outlets, that might be great, but I don't think this is the place for that.

December 17, 2017 1:28 p.m.

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