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Piggys!!!! (Boar Tribal)

Standard RG (Gruul)


Welcome to my deck piggys. Its still a work in progress but so far this is what I have put together for Boar tribal in standard. The reason I'm doing standard is because I want to play Boar tribal in MTG Arena. The cards in the deck are just what I have in my collection but with that being said I am open to all suggestions because I just want to have the best boar deck I can possibly have. It would mean a lot to get help from the community. After playing this deck through it feels like a mid range aggro deck with stuff like End-Raze Forerunner if the games last long. Domri, Chaos Bringer is super useful for many reasons. Domri, City Smasher is pretty useful but sometimes can be a pain to get out. He is fetchable and great for over powering my opponents. There isn't much for card draw in this deck so when I run out of gas sometimes it can get rough. Removal is eh. We have Collision / Colossus which helps get rid of most flying threats and can also help buff the piggys for a bigger punch or for a sneaky attack. Also Flames of the Raze-Boar is okay removal when you have a creature with power four or greater but its still a six mana removal card that sometimes doesn't even work. Even though there isn't much to the boars there is a little synergy around them like Territorial Boar with Bristling Boar or any boar if you have Rhythm of the Wild and then whatever there abilities help do. Over all its an okay and fun deck to play. I know it wont be close to tier one ever but how could I make this better? I think I might move to from three to four rythm of the wilds. Riot is such an amazing ability.

Post Edit 1 - (Would Shapers' Sanctuary be good card draw?)

Post Edit 2 - (I upgraded from 3 to 4 Rhythm of the Wild and went down from 4 to 3 End-Raze Forerunners) He is an amazing card but having so many can screw an opening hand and hes a great finisher I think 4 was to much.

Post Edit 3 - (Upgraded Llanowar Elves from 3 to 4 and brought End-Raze Forerunners from 3 to 2) To get a Rhythm of the Wild on turn 2 is really useful.

Post Edit 4 - (Replaced a Flames of the Raze-Boar with Domri chaos bringer, and replaced Domri's Nodorog x2 with Grow from the ashes x2 for ramp, also replaced a mountain with one unclaimed territory. I'll test the changes and see if I want more.

Post Edit 5 - Replaced two flames of the raze boar with two lightning strikes. Even though flames of the raze boar is piggy removal for 6 mana in a deck like this usually doesnt cut it.

Post Edit 8 - Exchanged Flames of the Raze boar with a Warlords fury, and replaced grow from the ashes x2 with open the gates x2, also removed Rhythm of the Wild x2 for Cindervines x2. This change might make the deck more aggro and help early game play.

Post Edit 7 - llharg the raze boar has been mentioned In some flavor text and I hope this means something good to come.



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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #31 position overall 5 years ago
  • Achieved #3 position in Standard 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Beast 4/4 RG, Emblem Domri, Chaos Bringer
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