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Pillage Coats Charm Calamity Boom! T1 LD Primer!

Modern BRG (Jund) Control Land Destruction Primer Ramp RG (Gruul)


Artifact-Destruction (10)

Artifacts (4)

Basic-Land (2)

Board-wipe (2)

Boom-Target (11)

Burn (6)

Creature (15)

Creature-Destruction (15)

Man-Land (1)

Mana-Ramp-Dork (8)

Permanent-Destruction (10)

Pump (1)

Search-Creature (2)

Semi-Finisher (10)

Sorcery (16)



I Lost access to my account, when I had my Galaxy S7 stolen. Which made it so that I couldnt access my old email, which made it so that couldnt reset forgotten, auto Login Password.

I then moved a R/G Grul, splash black Land destruction deck here that started back in Standard Scars Block(I Think), that had 29 likes, +1's to Vault Site. There I updated, changed it. It then got 20 Likes, +1's, 4000 Comments there. Then later changed it again into what it is now. Now I gave up trying to re access my old account here, and made a new account here. Now I putting that changed, updated Land Destruction Deck Here.

My Goal here is to make this deck into a Modern Format, Semi Competitive, one of the Best Land Destruction Decks of its Kind. I want, think the deck can be a semi spoiler, semi dark horse, that win 50% of games against anybody, even rich, expensive, elite Tier 1 decks. But deck is semi inconsistent, semi consistent, and because of that sometimes even loses to weaker decks. Deck is, could, would, should be about a Tier 1.83 Deck.

Deck destroys Tron, Kiki Kord, Mid Range, holds it own against Jund. Is weaker against Hordes, Swarm, Aggro, Turn 1,2,3 win(Like win on Turns 2,3,4,5 Kuldotha Rebirth, Bushwhacker deck which can destroy this deck, if it doesnt have a Sideboard, get sideboard answer out in time.), Turn 1,2,3 Combo win decks, infect, holds its own vs counterspell control, weaker against Affinity, semi weaker, semi holds its own vs Graveyard, Delve, Dig, Reanimate, Holds it own vs Discard, Mill, semi weaker, semi Holds it own vs storm.

I intend to buy, Sleeve Up, play this deck at Competitive FNM's in Spokane, Tri Cities, Seattle, at City, County, Regional, Convention, States, PTQ, etc, tournaments.

The deck should probably finish about Top 7-9 at Modern FNM. About 10th to 20th at local, City, Special Event Tournaments. About 20th to 40th at Regional, County Tournaments. About 40th to 80th at States. About 80 to 160 at PTQ, 150 to 300 at Grand Prix, About 250 to 500 at World Pro Tour Championships.


My Goal is to make the BEST LAND DESTRUCTION DECK. I also want to make the deck as a kind of Template, Article, Primer, Example, etc, deck, to help others here make the best Land Destruction Deck possible. I hope this helps, contributes to the community.

I have done about 5000 to 50000, 20 turn sample hand draws, to playtest consistentency of Mana,how often Land Destruction comes out

Based on that I have found out that the deck Destroys a land on turn 1, about 7% of the time, once per about every about 15 games. Destroys a land on, by Turn 2, about 79% to about 89% of the time. Destroys Land on, by turn 3, (if it didnt destroy land on turns 1,2,),about 99.999% of the time. Land Destruction only happens on Turn 4 about .0001% of the time, once per about 100 to 1000 games. And those numbers are without mulliganning. If Mulliganing. Land destruction happens about 14% of time on Turn 1, and 99.999% of time on, by Turn 2, and only .00001% on turn 3, and only about once per 75 to 150 games.

So the deck destroys land by, on Turn 2, pretty consistently

Pillage , Boom , Liquimetal Coating , Wrecking Ball , Acidic Slime , Charmbreaker Devils , Hoard-Smelter Dragon , Mana Dork Rampers are key.

Pillage : Before I changed my deck to this, I was trying to use Wreak Havoc , because it destroyed a Artifact, Land. But at 4 cmc, instead of Pillage like at 3 cmc. Pillage wasnt Modern Legal until it got reprinted, so that why I used Wreak Havoc . And at the time, back then, the deck needed a 3 cmc version of the 4 cmc Wreak Havoc, Demolish . And 3 cmc Pillage better then 3 cmc Stone Rain , Molten Rain , because it also destroyed artifacts, unlike them.

Now the Reason why that important:

With Land Destruction, you can either:

1.Destroy land with about 19+ Land Destruction Cards, but no Liquid Metal Coating type cards, path, etc

  1. Destroy Land with 9 to 18 Land Destruction cards, mixed with non Non Land Destruction concepts, cards. No Liquid Metal Coating, etc.

  2. Liquid Metal Coating Deck with few creatures, and nothing but artifact destruction cards.

  3. Mix Liquid Metal Coating, Artifact Destruction with Non Liquid Metal,Non Artifact Destruction, but land destruction cards.

Out of seeing, having built all those kind of decks, the best type was Type 4, the Mix of Liquid Metal, Artifact destruction, Non artifact destruction based, but Land Destruction cards.

The reason why that is: If you use up too many card slots on things like Burn, Creature Destruction, etc, then wont have enough land destruction cards to work.

So there are the following solutions to that problem: Use Liquid Metal Coatings, Artifact destruction cards, that can destroy everything, including Lands, creatures, MIXED with non Artifact Destruction, but Land Destruction Cards. And have about 18/19 to 23/24 total land destruction cards. And have land destruction cards be VERSATILE, do things like: Destroy Artifacts, Destroy Creatures, Draw, Burn, Search, etc. That saves enough deckslots for enough land destruction cards.

And that is why I had Wreak Havoc , but Wreak Havoc was either a little tiny bit too slow, an or Liquid Metal Coating didnt get out often enough to use it.

Pillage Fixed that, could destroy land on turn 2 with Pillage by itself, or on turn 3 with a turn 1,2 Liquid Metal Coating Drop. But if Liquid Metal Coating didnt get dropped turns 1,2, then could still destroy a land on turn 2,3 without Liquid Metal Coating. Usually couldnt do that with Wreak Havoc , because it was too slow. Also could use Pillage to destroy a creature, with Liquid Metal Coating, unlike Stone Rain , that couldnt do that.

This is why Pillage is such a key card in deck.

Boom/bust: At 2 cmc, is needed to help destroy a land on, by Turns 1,2.

Liquid Metal Coating: helps turn everything into artifacts to be destroyed.

Wrecking Ball : Destroys both a land,an or a creature that is 4 cmc, and can easily come out turns 2,3,4.

Acidic Slime : Destroys a land by itself, destroys everything with help of Liquid Metal Coatings. Is a 2/2 creature, has deathouch, destroys a artifact by itself,ALL THAT FOR ONLY 5 cmc(Tho I still think should of been 4 cmc instead of 5 cmc)Good Chump blocker. Helps keep a bigger creature at bay. Acidic Slime is Awesome in this deck.

Charmbreaker Devils : It is a Semi Finisher. And it gets Destruction cards back from graveyard. The random card part, doesnt hurt, because usually doesnt matter which destruction card that get back from graveyard.

Hoard-Smelter Dragon . A semi Finisher. It destroys Artifacts by itself. It Destroys anything, everything that not indestructible, with the help of Liquid Metal Coatings. Also it can do its special ability, even if just summoned, because its special ability doesnt tap it. And it has Flying, and can Kessig Wolf Run it, to usually do a lot of damage in 1 attack, if its unblocked, which it usually is unblocked.

Goblin Dark-Dwellers : It is a semi Finisher(good 4/4), that lets cast any 3 cmc destruction, instant, sorcery card from graveyard FOR FREE when it comes into play. 5 cmc.

Mana Ramp Dorks help get a land destruction card out turns 1,2,3, and puts out Acidic Slime , Goblin Dark-Dwellers , on turns 3,4. And Charmbreaker Devils , and Hoard-Smelter Dragon out on, by turns 4,5. And the soonest, turn 2 Acidic Slime, and a Turn 3 Charmbreaker Devils, Hoard Smelter Dragon.

Ramp: At least some of the time, need to Mana Ramp to get Land Destruction out Turns 1,2,3, unless Boom/bust, or Liquid Metal Coating + either Reckless Airstrike, an or Oxidize , on turns 2,3.

Next obviously need destruction cards, like Artifact, Land Destruction, Creature Destruction Cards.

Also need Graveyard Recursion to reuse, get cards back from graveyard.

Also need search, tutor cards to help get key creatures out.

This is important because opponents can cast 2 cmc creature like Tarmogoyf into a pretty big creature. And the occasional artifact, enchantment like Rancor, etc, that may need to get destroyed, can destroy.

Draw is important to help make sure gets cards.

Lifegain, can be good if opponent is hammering you with aggro deck or if got out a big Tarmogoyf .

Another good couple of cards, are Primal Command , and Incendiary Command that are very VERSATILE, help a lot.

63 Cards:

Some think that should never ever go over 60 cards, but there are so many needed cards, to make Land Destruction not only work, but be awesome, etc, that it can be hard, almost impossible to have deck at 60 cards.

One can make a Valid, Legit argument for every card in deck, either at, or almost at, extremely close to the numbers of each card in deck

A Mix of 1 of's, 2 of's, 3 of's, 4 of's. Some think that not only must have no more then 60 cards, that also must have 3,4 of each card in deck.

While consistency, and good draw odds are important. Sometimes need to sacrifice a little tiny bit of consistency, good draw odds, in order to get all the cards that need, and to make sure that that either dont have to many 6,7+ cmc cards, to get stuck with in opening hand, early game, and to make sure that dont get to many cards like Reckless Airstrike, Oxidize out in opening hand, early game,if dont get a Liquimetal Coating .

One thing I learned from EDH Commander 100 Card Singleton decks, was how to build such decks to the point where they could beat good standard Format decks, Modern Format Decks, about,around 48% of the time.

The thing that helped me do that was, is a thing called Card Concept Categories.

What that is: Say you can either put in either 4, 2 cmc Doomblade's, or 4 to 8, 2 cmc cards that do almost the same exact thing as 2 cmc Doomblades, but that each 2 cmc card that does the same thing has different card names. So in that kind of Situation, there is no difference between running 4 Doomblades, and 4 2 cmc creature destroyers. So in that situation there is a CREATURE DESTROYER, CARD CONCEPT CATEGORY, WHERE DONT NEED A 3,4 OF, THAT CAN BE JUST AS EFFECTIVE WITH A 1,2 OF, AS LONG AS HAVE ENOUGH 1,2 OFS IN THE SAME CARD CATEGORY(Such as Creature Destruction Card Category for example).

If you have enough 1 of, or 2 of,or 3 of, or 4 of's,cards in Card Categories, then it doesnt matter as much if you go over 60 cards, and have a mix of 1 of's, 2 of's, 3 of's, 4 of's, as long as you have the cards you need.

This is why I either put my Card Categories in either Deck Breakdown in Deck Description, an or as Deck List Category Sorters, Listers, an or both.

A .3809(38%)(24 Lands Divided by 63 cards) Land Mana Ratio.

Since the Card Categories are on the decklist, I wont put them here in the deck description.

I would like to thank Dedward, Necrumslice, Foolish Deckbuilder(His Name(Not Foolish), that On another MTG site.

They and others suggested: Boom/bust Goblin Dark-Dwellers Primal Command Incendiary Command .

Also thanks to Funky for suggesting Deus of Calamity .

And thanks to any", all those who have posted on my deck here.

I am sorry if this is too long. But this is a kind of SEMI ARTICLE, PRIMER, BREAKDOWN, EXPLANATION, on, about this deck, Land Destruction.

So thanks for taking the time to read, and for viewing the deck, and for any +1's, Like's.

if like the deck,an or think deck good, then please +1,like the deck

So please +1, like the deck, when if you like the deck. This will help me, others assess deck, and help the deck be seen, get comments, etc, because decks with low, no +1's, likes, usually get ignored.

Also please be constructive in comments.

"Deck is Awesome" or "Deck Sucks is not constructive. Why, How is deck good or bad?,How can it be improved? Why, How should I use a card suggestion?

Also please be nice in comments.

Also altho I use suggestions, as I am thankful for the suggestions I expressed thanks for, I may not use some peoples suggestions. So because of that. Please dont be offended, etc, if I dont use a suggestion.

Also I have spent a lot of time building, tweaking, this deck, doing 5000 to 50,000, 15 turn sample hands, and got a lot of suggested cards, etc, and as such, this deck is semi Finalized, altho there is room for improvement, so I am not interested in making LOTS OF WHOLESALE CHANGES, and am only interested in EXTREMELY MINOR, 1, COUPLE,FEW, ETC,CHANGES,TWEAKS, 1,2,3 cards, slight changes in the numbers of some cards,etc,and for me to do any changes, I am going to have to be persuaded, convinced, have it make sense to me, logical, etc.

So thanks for any comments, help, +1's, Likes, etc.

And also, I am not doing this to brag,etc.

I am doing this because:

  1. Assess Deck

  2. I plan on buying,sleeving up, playing deck semi competitively at Modern Format FNM's, City, Convention, Regional, States, PTQ Tournaments.

  3. I want to build the best Land Destruction Deck possible

  4. I want to help others build a best Land Destruction deck possible.

  5. I want to help, contribute to the community.

So this is the end of the deck description, Semi Primer Article, Breakdown, Explanation, etc.


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Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Splash colors B

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 12 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.76
Ignored suggestions
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