Who loves pillow forts? I love pillow forts!!!
I have always loved a good pillow fort deck, and with the new rotation it seems it is possible once again!!!
The card that makes it all possible is Starfield of Nyx
This deck is all about playing disruption through enchantments and then pounding their face with said enchantments. Have been play testing it and have been LOVING it so far. The only card that i hate and can not wait for it to cycle.... Back to Nature, however I have cards just in case against it.
Now lets look at each card in the deck based on mana cost. One Drops
HIDE Myth Realized- This card is amazing with this deck. Every spell you play is a nonecreature spell and he just gets bigger and bigger. This is one of the win conditions other than the main star. Not only that it is a great mana dump as well as can be used as a blocker.
Clash of Wills
- Ok its not really a one drop but its a great counter spell. Allows for you to counter them when they tap out
Two Drops
Three Drops
HIDE Banishing Light- Another removal enchantment that also can target non-creature permanents.
Monastery Siege- This card..... OMG I LOVE this card. Dragons gives you sudo hexproof which can protect your enchantments as well as really hoses burn. Khans gives you card advantage, the discard is not all the troublesome when you can just bring them back with Starfield of Nyx
Four Drops
HIDE Citadel Siege- Another power house card. The dragons mode allows you to tap down an oppents creature which is great against midrange decks which build to one or two big creatures. You can keep it tapped down before combat till you are able to find removal.Khans mode allows you to pump up your enchantments once they are alive. That 2/2
or Suspenion Field is no longer a measly 2/2. Also works great with Myth Realized if you turn it online before combat as well
Five Drops
HIDE End Hostilities- A board wipe. Most of the time you dont have a creature on the board so you just wipe it. Great for getting rid of lots of creatures as well as those creatures your enchantments cant reach (im looking at you Dragonlord Ojutai and Stormbreath Dragon )
Starfield of Nyx- The guy that makes this deck possible. Gives you card advantage through graveyard recursion, as well as can be finish the game once you have more than 5 enchantments which is easy since EVERYTHING in this deck is an enchantment. The best part is that ITS NOT LEGENDARY!!! You can have multiple of these guys on the field allowing for more graveyard recursion.