

Instant (1)

Standard mono red burn with a twist!

Boros Charm is great right? 4 damage as a 2 drop??? No way!?!?! However we can one up that, how about 5 damage for a 1 drop?? Seems too good to be true but read on!

This deck looks like your standard burn set up at first glance but it has a few tricks up its sleeves. The concept of the deck is simple and is the same as any other burn deck... burn your opponent out as quick as possible. However we like to play out of the meta and add a few twists to the regular decklists our opponents are expecting. When people get a glimpse of Thunderous Wrath they usually say something along the lines of oh cool what a great one of.... nope, we run a full set of 4 Thunderous Wrath! We have no ways of drawing cards besides our draw step so anytime we draw Thunderous Wrath its a miracle!(unless we draw it in our opening hand, or even worse on our first draw if we play second) However since we have 4 at our disposal even if we draw one its ok!

We have 3 different ways to hit this miracle.

Option 1 - Simply randomly draw Thunderous Wrath

Option 2 - More fun than option 1 hit out opponent with Magma Jet, preferably at the end of their turn right before we draw! Scry 2 and find that Thunderous Wrath is our second card (preferably because its more fun to be able to move it to the top). Move it to the top and all the sudden, its a miracle!

Option 3 - Perhaps the most fun option! After we unbelievably cast the miracle the first time, we play Noxious Revival on our opponents end step. Then slowly place Thunderous Wrath face up on our library and the opponent knows what happens next.

There are other fun options as well, one personal favorite is in a tough matchup vs jund! Opponent plays Liliana of the Veil and tics up... oh no we need to discard a card. But guess what, we discard the Thunderous Wrath in our hand and then engineer our miracle with Noxious Revival! There are all sorts of fun ways to mess with our opponents with this combo!

Noxious Revival can also be a late game closer. Worried about being able to do that final 3 damage and drawing a useless land instead?? Noxious Revival and previously used spell to the top to guarantee the win! Worried about your opponent drawing the one spell they need to win the game? No need to worry anymore! Simply Noxious Revival a useless land to the top of their deck! Then on that crucial final turn they draw an absolutely pointless card and we win on our next turn!

Let me know what you think! Always open to comments and suggestions and everyone knows the more upvotes we get the more often we hit Thunderous Wrath T2!


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Revision 1 See all

(8 years ago)

+2 Anger of the Gods side
-1 Awaken the Ancient maybe
-1 Dragon's Claw side
+1 Eidolon of the Great Revel side
-4 Leyline of Punishment maybe
-2 Pyrite Spellbomb side
-1 Searing Blood maybe
-1 Shard Volley maybe
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 7 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

15 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
Folders Aggro
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