Plagiarism: An Intellectual Theft

Commander / EDH* DudeMan1031


RabidCatigi says... #1

Have you considered Treasure Mage? Him and Trinket Mage are BFF's.

February 9, 2015 5:44 p.m.

renelegault says... #2

Deck looks solid......I like it

February 12, 2015 9:19 p.m.

Crayonmuffin says... #3

Found a random Memnarch in my binder. Now I just have to make a deck with him

March 3, 2015 6:22 a.m.

mandingo says... #4

nice +1

March 10, 2015 8:06 a.m.

darleen says... #5

This is a cool deck. Chief Engineer might help. Check out my Memnarch EDH deck for some inspiration, Memnarch the Taker - Suggestions?.

March 12, 2015 1:13 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #6

Excuse me? You have a deck called plagiarism and you're not running Plagiarism? Shame on you.

But really, it would go really well in your theme.

March 18, 2015 6 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #7

Sorry, Plagiarize.

March 18, 2015 6:02 p.m.

dagan94 says... #8

Mycosynth Golem will do you wonders. Only problem with memnarch is he's expensive and many players will save a Murder to deal with him first thing. This'll allow you to recast him a lot.

March 21, 2015 6:05 p.m.

dagan94 says... #9

Other cool adds for speeding you up and keeping the pressure on even if you lose a combo piece. Master Transmuter goes great with everything. Don't forget that the wording allows you to return to hand and THEN put an artifact allowing you to flicker a Gilded Lotus for a net gain of 5 mana.

Muzzio, Visionary Architect is more ramp who synergizes great with artifact decks. Ring of Three Wishes is a strong tutor you can use to find your combo pieces.

March 21, 2015 6:46 p.m.

humanbean says... #10

maybe Grand Architect? with Pili-Pala makes infinite mana, and it can also just give you more mana for artifacts.

April 27, 2015 5:38 p.m.

kman1523 says... #11

Mycosynth Lattice and Karn, Silver Golem. Then you can use Memnarch cheaper since all permanents are artifacts and use Karn to destory their lands by turning them into 0/0s.

May 7, 2015 2:30 p.m.

sidicat27 says... #12

Power Artifact? for your Monolith

July 12, 2015 3:59 p.m.

Looks real good +1

September 8, 2016 12:39 p.m.

HezTheGod says... #14

I can dig it.

how about Sunder? goes well with all your artifact mana

October 31, 2016 10:39 a.m.

JohnFlibls says... #15

I love this deck! I'm going to use it as a template for my own deck. Any ideas about additions from the new artifact heavy set Aether Revolt?

January 9, 2017 1:44 a.m.

KALE434 says... #16

Love the deck, but whats your opinion on Pull from Tomorrow even in this control style deck?

September 12, 2018 5:07 p.m.

Metachemist says... #17

Training Grounds to make Memnarch even more obnoxious?

September 20, 2018 7:47 a.m.

DudeMan1031 says... #18

Used to run Training Grounds but it just felt too inconsistent with no reliable ways to tutor for it or recur it.

September 20, 2018 10:15 p.m.

Metachemist says... #19

I can see that. Unless you had Mycosynth Lattice out it would be hard to protect and tutor.

September 21, 2018 6:34 a.m.

Joe_Ken_ says... #20

A potential card to just add a beatdown option and help Walking Ballista would be Steel Overseer

March 19, 2019 8:37 p.m.

ToxicMCTV says... #21

Jhoira's Familiar to make stuff cost 1 less

November 12, 2019 10:20 a.m.

zenebar says... #22

Dizzy Spell is a great way to tutor Training Grounds .

April 10, 2021 5:41 p.m.

Cyclops30 says... #23

I feel like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx may be a good fit in this deck, to abuse the effect adding Blue Mana. And a question- why no Swan Song ? Counter a spell, make them a bird, steal that bird. Seems right on theme for this deck.

July 8, 2021 6:52 p.m.

DudeMan1031 says... #24

Used to run Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx but the deck just doesn't have enough pips to make it significant. Good point with Swan Song , same reason I'm running the Resculpt .

July 8, 2021 7:31 p.m.

LordGoggles says... #25

In such a control heavy deck, I would suggest the humble Kill Switch. Combos nicely with Unwinding Clock and Mycosynth Lattice to fully lock down your opponent's fields AND their will to live, while still giving you free reign. For bonus points, Shimmer Myr lets you play on their turns as well.

November 22, 2022 11:57 a.m.

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