Plague Inc (G/B/W Abzan)

Standard Nexliar


Nexliar says... #1

Going to try and add 2 Key to the City and see if that helps sneak Hapatra and Ammit past the bad guys for infection. Any suggestions are welcome. Going to go play this tonight for testing. Hopefully they have the 2 Keys for sale.

October 31, 2017 6:28 p.m.

Nexliar says... #2

Added Costly Plunder for much needed card draw. Removed Soul-Scar Mage and Lightning Strike as the cost and synergy just wasnt right for this deck.

November 3, 2017 12:30 a.m.

Nexliar says... #3

Updated with my new brew. Ill be playing this tonight in a Standard Showdown so hopefully it will go well. The only change I may make onsite is I might sideboard 1-2 more Shapers' Sanctuary. That is if I can find one for purchase or trade. For a fairly inexpensive card this thing is VERY hard to find. If I cant find any tonight I guess Ill eBay the rest of my set and maybe an extra set. I have a feeling these will just rise in value and become a very strong card in later seriess.

I removed out all the Red and just splashed white. Doing both seemed way to slow for my current meta and many times I came up mana screwed. Adjusted the land supply accordingly and I believe this should play a bit faster depending on the pull. Please let me know what you guys think and Ill try and update with the results if anyone does and is interested.

November 14, 2017 10:09 a.m.

Jelly-On-Toast says... #4

didja do guud!?

November 16, 2017 7:45 a.m.

Nexliar says... #5

Not really. It was only 3 matches and I went 1 win 2 losses. One was with a Marionette Master deck where every time he would crack an Evolving Wilds I would take 4 damage. Add that with the artifact creatures and I couldnt even attach without taking lots of damage. I plan on building a deck like that. Should blow away my meta. Ill post the deck when done. Thats for the interest. Only been playing about 3 months and this is my first true full brew. Been working on it for about a month trying different combos. This works good but there a lot of token decks currently in my meta.

November 16, 2017 4:15 p.m.

Nexliar says... #6

Another thing that ticked me off about our local store. We have been going there for the last 3 weeks on Tuesday for Standard Showdown. Each time we would get a Showdown booster regardless if we won a match or not. This time we werent given on even though both my and my son won at least one match. When I asked why he said that they could only give out 9 Showdown Booster. I asked if they were done with showdowns for now and he said that Wizards changed the rule on how many Showdown boosters they could give in one tournament. Now this is the first Ive heard of this new rule. Anyone have any links or anything to back up this claim?

November 16, 2017 4:22 p.m.

Nexliar says... #7

Removed a Sunscorched Desert and added another Vraska, Relic Seeker I pulled from a won booster last night. Wish that would happen more! Went 2 losses, 1 Draw, and 1 win last night in Standard. The 2 losses where from getting mana hosed on the first and third game in each match. The draw was due to time and if I would have had one more turn would have had Rhea Matriarch swinging for 18. So I think he was stalling after seeing the deck and realizing he was going to loose game 3 after I sideboarded. So well see how Friday goes. Had an issue with a dick head judge. Well see how the shop owner handles it. Also, the owner of the shop I played at last night said he knew of no rule that allows companies to give away Only 9 Standard Showdown packs per Showdown. Bad form @TitanGames

November 22, 2017 2 p.m.

Nexliar says... #8

Going for Standard tonight with this, ill post updates when I can

December 5, 2017 5 p.m.

Nexliar says... #9

Ouch 0-4

December 9, 2017 3:20 p.m.

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