This deck puts -1/-1 counters on creatures in order to kill them, disable them, take control of them or all of the above. Cards like Soul Snuffers and Fevered Convulsions put the -1/-1 counters necessary to disable enemy creatures with Kulrath Knight or Crumbling Ashes. All the while I take control of my opponents creatures with Necroskitter or simply reanimate them with Animate Dead. The tribal aspect combined with Coat of Arms helps me to not burden my creatures with mass counter effects, while any of my own creatures I do kill can be reanimated.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.44
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