Plain ole Sneak and Show

Legacy GeminiSpartanX


legioncult13 says... #1

nice. Sneak and show is the deck i would have built had i not built stoneblade. I understand how hard the duals are to get. Im working on my duals currently. have you thought about another Omniscience? also Daze and Pyroblast

June 15, 2015 6:20 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

legioncult13- Pyroblast was in the SB for a while, but got replaced with Defense Grid to help out vs counters during my combo turn. If an oppressive blue deck starts winning in my local meta, I'll be sure to side it back in though. I don't like Daze as much as Spell Pierce or Overmaster. If they win the counter war then I'm down a land and must wait that much longer to try and combo off again. I do own a 2nd Omniscience, but I'm reluctant to run the 2nd one here since the only way to play it is via Show and Tell. Most of Sneak and Show's strength is due to the fact that it has 8 combo pieces on either side of the combo (8 enablers and 8 game-winning fatties), and the single Omniscience is there just to have an out against a resolved Containment Priest or an active Karakas. What would you remove to include a 2nd Omniscience?

June 16, 2015 7:40 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #3

Omniscience isn't stock for a Sneak and Show list, how's that's working for you?

December 17, 2015 10:45 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #4

I really like running them ThisIsBullshit. The SnS list that got top 4 at Las Vegas last weekend had 2 in the side, which I also like. I might follow suit and move them to the SB in place of the Through the Breachs. Omniscience gets around Containment Priest wonderfully, and if you're dropping an Emrakul you also don't need to worry about Karakas since the extra turn trigger you get from casting it takes care of both of those threats. I was playing the other day and dropped back-to-back Emrakuls to seal the deal when I was almost dead on board thanks to my early omniscience that slipped through the cracks. I also like how it's castable if the game goes on long enough and both players are in topdeck mode, which can't be said for most of the other MD threats (that's also the reason I'm running an Inferno Titan in the SB). I'd highly recommend trying it out next time you test legacy.

December 17, 2015 11:10 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #5

I play SnS, which is why I asked. I might have to try it. It just seems to me that it's unnecessary, but perhaps it does have a place. I know it's played in Omnitell (duh) but I don't think I've ever seen it in SnS.

How has Through the Breach worked for you?

December 17, 2015 1:54 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #6

TBH, it's been pretty lackluster. It's not an answer to containment priest or Karakas, but to be fair I haven't tested it much against reanimator (which is a matchup that it's there for specifically), but I figure that Omniscience essentially does the same thing, which is win on the spot with Emrakul. Reanimator is traditionally a bad matchup because Show and Tell is a weak card against them since they'll get to attack with their big fatty before you do, but if you drop an omniscience instead then you get to either take an extra turn immediately or dig for a free Sneak Attack. The few times I've boarded in Through the Breach it just felt like a more expensive Show and Tell. Once again, I don't play legacy enough to be that much of an expert regarding all the different matchups, so don't take what I'm saying as doctrine. ;)

December 17, 2015 7:19 p.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #7

I'm back again! Lol

How has 4 Ancient Tombs been working for you? Seems like a lot of damage for the "doesn't get destroyed when you play another land" deal, but maybe that's better if you're trying to go off earlier?

How do you like your draw suite? I run 3x Gitaxian Probe alongside Ponder, Preordain, and of course Brainstorm.

Also, how has the Top mainboard worked for you? I've seen it in several lists but since I've got extra draw from the Probes I haven't ever considered running it.

Do you find 4 each of Griselbrand and Emrakul is too much? Not enough? In my limited experience, I kept running into too many Emrakuls before I had the rest of the combo and so dropped down to three and I've never been happier.

Sorry if I sound know-it-all-ish, I'm just trying to compare experiences here xD


January 28, 2016 7:58 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #8

Hey ThisIsBullshit! I never mind talking about Sneak & Show, and your questions didn't sound know-it-all-ish at all to me. Those are the sort of questions my legacy buddies ask all the time, so no worries.

The majority of players in my local meta play miracles, so my initial reasoning for playing a top in the MD is so that I can avoid getting locked out against an opposing Jace, the Mind Sculptor. The problem with that plan is that I need to get it down early enough before they can assemble the counterbalance lock or it ends up being as useless as just another 1 cmc cantrip. In large tournaments, you can bait out a FoW if you play it on turn 1 when people think you're on miracles yourself, which is really nice. However, I may either change the top or the MD Flusterstorm for an Intuition if I'm ever able to get a hold of one of those. The non-Mentor Miracles lists often have trouble countering a 3 cmc spell with counterbalance at least, plus having a tutor helps find whichever part of the combo you're missing.

My current setup of the manabase is more due to budget than anything else in all honesty. I'd rather run the 3-2 split of Tombs and Cities, since I found out that cracking a fetch with a city in play doesn't trigger the sacrifice on city, which makes it better than I originally thought. I do like having a total of 5 sol lands though, if that's what you're asking. I'm the type of player that likes to jam the combo as fast as possible just to make my opponent 'have it' or not, so I like running all 5.

I don't like the thought of cutting any of the bigger creatures personally. I've played plenty of games where I'm digging for a bomb or digging for an enabler, so I haven't noticed any issues having too many of one or the other. Against a counter-heavy deck, sometimes it feels like my hand gets bunched up with nothing but fatties if I can't resolve an enabling spell, but that's to be expected. Personally I like seeing Emrakul in my hand moreso than G-brizzle, but that's personal preference.

As far as cantrips go, I don't like having only a Probe in my opening hand as my only cantrip. Preordain digs farther, and I figure that learning the legacy meta will help me know whether or not to respect FoW against my opponents, so the knowledge of Probe won't be as important to me as the additional dig from Preordain. I suppose I could run more cantrips if I wanted in place of the Top or Flusterstorm, but I kind of like how it's set up right now. Plus I like saving the life to make sure I can activate Griselbrand more than once if needed.

Hopefully I answered your questions to your satisfaction. I'm always down for discussing Sneak & Show anytime!

January 29, 2016 12:27 p.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #9

I'm currently running a 2/2 split between Cities and Tombs, and I totally didn't realize fetching doesn't trigger sacrifice! Thank you! Lol

I run a "fun of" Intuition and it's been a pretty great card, especially when one of the three you grab is an Emrakul. Either you get an Emrakul or you get to shuffle your graveyard back in.

How does the MD Flusterstorm work for you? I tried it and it just didn't do enough, so I threw two in the SB and called it good enough.

January 29, 2016 3:14 p.m.

Yeah, I was super surprised when I learned that fact about City. It's on the gatherer, so I guess it pays to look up all those old cards you use in your legacy deck lol.

Against the super counter-heavy local meta that I play in, the MD Flusterstorm does help win the counter war nicely, but in other metas I can see the justification for moving it to the SB. SnS only has 2-3 flex spots, so picking the correct cards for those spots is likely what makes the difference in any given event. It really just helps to know your meta.

I'd like to try out an Intuition in my list sometime. I think I'll proxy it and swap out top for it to see how it fares. I really like the idea of having a tutor without splashing black in the deck.

January 29, 2016 4:03 p.m.

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