Planeswalkers Perfected

Commander / EDH heinrichgraum

SCORE: 159 | 115 COMMENTS | 57562 VIEWS | IN 93 FOLDERS

Wicker says... #1

Do you see yourself adding Ajani, Strength of the Pride to this build?

July 6, 2019 12:56 a.m.

heinrichgraum says... #2

The only card I'm looking at from M20 is Kethis, the Hidden Hand . Ajani is kind of underwhelming to me although his tokens are nice and I do like the idea of having a big board wipe on a walker.

July 6, 2019 11:14 a.m.
October 27, 2019 7:01 p.m.

heinrichgraum says... #4

That's mostly because Interplanar Beacon isn't good.

October 27, 2019 10:38 p.m.

Swim_ish says... #5

The Chain Veil + Astral Cornucopia + Tezzeret the Seeker = unlimited planeswalker activations :)

November 10, 2019 8:06 p.m.

Ashapiro20 says... #6

Why don’t you play crystalline crawler? It seems like it’s always good in my atraxa. Basically a free cast if you’re going to play atraxa the same turn and it generates huge amounts of free mana if it sits out. Throw in doubling season or ajani mentor of heroes and it gets crazy fast

February 17, 2020 7:29 a.m.

heinrichgraum says... #7

You're right, Crystalline Crawler is really solid in Atraxa decks. The big reason I don't run it in this list is my mana base is very solid, so its more of what I already have. The other reason is I'm trying to run as few creatures, especially non-legends, as I can to keep the spotlight on enchantments and walkers.

February 18, 2020 1:49 p.m.

Youngdigaton says... #8

There are so many bonkers card in Ikoria. What are your thought's on cards like titan's nest? I'd love to hear your take on this set

April 17, 2020 12:25 p.m.

heinrichgraum says... #9

I'm a pretty huge fan of Ikoria, it explores really interesting design space and has some of the coolest cards I've seen printed in years. It also includes a lot of nifty card references to my favorite set, Shard of Alara. This deck, sadly, isn't going to get much a boost from Ikoria mainly because its such a heavily creature focused deck and this deck doesn't really rely on creatures. The big cards that I have been eyeing for here (other than the two relevant Triomes) are Eerie Ultimatum and Mythos of Nethroi. Mythos is really nice spot removal. Ultimatum has some massive swing potential, like a second copy of Primevals' Glorious Rebirth which is basically game ending with the vast amount of value walkers produce the moment they touch the field. As for Titans' Nest specifially, generating colorless mana isn't really a priority for this deck due to the abnormally high number of colored pips in the costs of the cards in this deck. It also sits right at four mana, which is the sweet spot for powerful walkers (and Atraxa).

April 17, 2020 5:27 p.m.

osumatthew says... #10

Hey, so I'm working on my own Superfriends list for Atraxa, and I'd love to hear some thoughts on a few things.

How do you feel about Garruk, Cursed Huntsman compared to Apex Predator? It's 1 mana less, you get two 2/2s instead of a 3/3 deathtouch, even if the loyalty they provide is delayed, the minus draws a card instead of gaining life, and the Ult is more versatile compared to Apex Predator. You lose the ability to kill other walkers, but I've rarely seen that as an issue in commander.

Do you think Vraska, Golgari Queen is a solid inclusion? She can't ult immediately off doubling season, but it's very strong, and she with a +2, her loyalty can increase very quickly. And, her minus is solid to clear out a variety of annoying cards.

What are your thoughts on removal and counter magic? I know you only run one instant, but disregarding personal taste, is it a good idea to run things like Veil of Summer, Swan Song and Counterspell to help protect your board state?

May 27, 2020 2:50 p.m.

Are any of the more recent walkers such as Teferi, Master of Time something you would add to this list?

August 3, 2020 6:13 p.m.

Aven_Phoenix says... #12

Hey man! Sweet list. I'm actually building something very similar, except some of the cards you don't run because of hate I think I'm still going to run. I do have a curious question though: why not run Ancient Tomb over Temple of the False God? With your logic of running Toxic Deluge as a board wipe because our commander has lifelink, you could argue the same thing for that substitution. Plus you don't have to worry about the stipulation of tapping for 2 only if you have 5 lands in case you get it early game.

August 13, 2020 10:19 a.m.

heinrichgraum says... #13

  1. I think Garruk, Cursed Huntsman does a fine Apex Predator Impression, and his ability to ult thanks to proliferation is amazing. I think Deathtouch on the blockers and walker removal are very important, especially in my meta, but if you find yourself in a meta without need for them, it seems worth the reduction in mana to swap them for each other. Vraska, Golgari Queen is a fantastic card, I considered finding a slot for her in here, but ultimately I dont think I could reliably find fodder for her +2 and without that, I am unsure about her value across a game. Her -3 is wonderfully versatile and hits so much in the format. Overall I think she's a very good walker, but not the tightest fit for this deck. If you've got the patience to play instants, they're probably one of the best ways to improve and protect this deck. Counterspells and reactive protection are very good and should not be overlooked while adjusting this deck to suit the specific needs of your playgroup.

  2. I don't think Teferi, Master of Time is worth a slot mainly because you have to use him on other folks' turns which is going to get annoying quick and they're gonna target him with gusto. Also Personally I dont want to play on other people's turns, which is why I run almost no instants. Unfortunately the most interesting and exciting walkers recently have all been Chandras which is part of why I built Fireheart, that and Chandra's my favorite Magic character.

  3. I don't like Ancient Tomb, or really any pain lands in general. I think a lot of people write off the life loss as incidental and not worth worrying about especially when their commander has lifelink, but over the course of a game you're going to lose so much life just from doing damage to yourself to play spells you are going to become fragile. If you let your life total get low enough, even if you recover the life, folks will realize that they can use their efforts to kill you instead of your walkers, negating one of the planeswalker card type's strongest advantage, its built in psudo-lifegain. This deck bleeds itself pretty heavily already, what with the fetches and the shocks and cards like Toxic Deluge as you mentioned, dealing an additional two damage to yourself most turns really puts strain on your life total, making it hard to recover all the way.

August 13, 2020 10:59 a.m.

heinrichgraum says... #14

It does weaken your boardstate when you're playing superfriends. The biggest advantage of Planeswalkers is that people have to attack them to stop them, and while they're doing that they are not attacking you, however if your life total drops to a point where your opponents decide to focus you, you lose that entire advantage, not to mention the creatures this deck gets on board don't have enough heft to save you because their job is to save your walkers. In many decks Ancient Tomb is worth it. This is not one of those decks.

August 13, 2020 11:22 a.m.

Aven_Phoenix says... #15

Ah, ok. I see where you are coming from. Maybe I will at least test out the temple for a bit before I make a final decision on which to run. You do make some pretty valid points though. I dig it.

August 13, 2020 12:46 p.m.

Dorion says... #16

Hello there. Juste seems nice and fun ans effective. I was thinking, in duel commander do you think your deck is fast enough? I am considering such a planeswalker deck but more for duel Com. From m'y side it seems to me fine, i dont really see major adjustment? Maybe a bit more control ( counterspell, wipe, destroy enchantement or créature). Or maybe more ways to get HP (as you have only 20), and it may take Time to get your planeswalkers on the board if you te unlucky with mana? Well maybe you see other adjustments. Whatever, nice job!

August 15, 2020 1:34 p.m.

Youngdigaton says... #17

Toxic Deluge finally has a full-art foil. ;-) One step closer to full bling haha

August 15, 2020 9:21 p.m.

heinrichgraum says... #18

I am seriously considering picking up the full art, but not the foil so I don't support folks who bought into the VIP booster rip off

August 15, 2020 10:40 p.m.

heinrichgraum says... #19

Dorion In my admittedly very limited duel commander experience, this deck is probably going to be way to slow for duel commander. This is the kind of deck where you slowly gain a lot of value across longer games, which are much more common in multiplayer.If you want to use it start chopping at the top of the curve for early game protection, maybe more ramp to get to the high high impact creatures, maybe some shroud equipment to protect atraxa bc she'll be the biggest help advancing towards a win con

August 16, 2020 10:20 a.m.

garrettlonz says... #20

I really do enjoy your justifications for inclusions/exclusions, they seem Just. I also did not buy into the VIPs.

August 22, 2020 1:06 a.m.

Dorion says... #21

Thanks you for help, Indeed i thought Also about more ramp, ans that it could be more dependant on my commander. I will see what i Can Do to make it faster. Whatever i like so much This style of deck. I will think again about it.

August 22, 2020 4:27 p.m.

skillboom2 says... #22

Why don't you include Toothy, Imaginary Friend? Is it because its not worth the creature slot? It looks like it would add draw, counters, and fetches Pir, Imaginative Rascal, which you've already explained is worth it; but I'm kind of new at deck building so I'm sure there's a good reason for its exclusion.

October 18, 2020 9:47 p.m.

heinrichgraum says... #23

Yeah, its partly because there's not room, but less importantly is that the draw trigger is not a may and can be used to deck you if your opponents are clever.

October 18, 2020 10:18 p.m.

DC4582 says... #24

I pulled a foil extended art Atraxa out of a 2xm pack and have been debating doing super friends. Thanks for writing up this amazing primer, but my God I think I'd get kicked out of my playgroup with this power level. This stuff is so dirty lol.

October 23, 2020 8:51 p.m.

DC4582 says... #25

Also what are your thoughts on Vraska the Unseen?

October 23, 2020 8:55 p.m.

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