This 5-colored deck is based around the Planeswalkers and to win by them.

<> Creatures <> Besides the Commander, Keranos is the ONLY actual creature in the deck. There are 5 lands that may animate into a creature, which is why Breathstealer's Crypt is in the deck. So you can laugh when an opponent plays Bribery and you already have Keranos on the field.

<> The Planeswalkers <> There are 27 Walkers in the deck, with many deadly ultimate's effect. With Contagion Engine, Doubling Season, and Inexorable Tide out, you can reach such ultimate effects pretty quick.

<> Nukes <> This deck is equipped to continuously keep the field clear from creatures, keeping your Walkers somewhat safe. Other enchantments also assist on your Walker's survival, such as Dueling Grounds, Frozen Aether, and Bitterblossom (for chump blockers). Jukulhaups is another nuke, great to use when you have a few Walkers out. It also leaves any of your enchantments on the field as well.

<> Overall <> This is a great deck to play and have fun with. Hope this helps anyone thinking of making a Planeswalker deck. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment below and thanks for checking out my deck.


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