

Land (1)


Lets face it! There are people playing jund, Uw control, company and humans. There are a lot of solid mathcups, for tron, in the current modern metagame (especially now with Jace and BBE). Tron has never been the best modern deck, but always been one of the best modern decks (i believe). Tron has been my first actual modern deck, and now i've played it for almost 4 years, with good results as top 64 at GP Copenhagen, ptq and wmcq top 8, lcq win, and about 10 fnm wins. For me personally, it really shows how valuable it can be, to be well experienced with a deck. Also, tron is very satisfying to play with, by making the lifes of other people miserable.

The deck is based around the combination of the three tron lands ( Urza's Tower , Urza's Mine and Urza's Power Plant ). With all of those in play, you have access to seven mana, not counting additional lands.

Playing a karn or wurmcoil on turn three, is sometimes just to much for your opponent. People where more prepared for turn seven Karn Liberated , not a turn three one.

People keeps telling how lucky i am when it comes to having turn three tron, but actually there's really not that much luck to it (of course there is, but not as much as you might think). The deck basicly plays 20 tron lands (if you count Expedition Map and Sylvan Scrying ), plus 8 artifact cantrips alongside 4 Ancient Stirrings . Having acces tron on turn three happens over 1/2 of the games, and having acces to it by turn 4 happens about 90% procent of the games.

Karn is usually better than wurmcoil engine, but wurmcoil engine is just "the way" to beat very aggressive decks, like burn and aggressive zoo, wich are hard matchups. some decks litteraly can't beat wurmcoil engine, if they don't have an answer in some way.

What makes tron good, is that it's a combo deck that is very effective at finding what it needs, while destroying the late game, and ways to clear the board with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Oblivion Stone . What makes o-stone good in longer games, is that you keeps putting fate counters on your permanents, so you get more value out of your o-stone later on, once you blow it up. Remember to put counters on your permanents on the end step, also on o-stone itself, since it works with other o-stones.

Gx Tron is probably on of the most (if not the most) resillient modern decks.

The bannings of Eye of Ugin has made tron a bit worse, since you now has to naturally draw your long game threads (wich is now why i'm playing with World Breaker ), but it's not that bad for tron, since i've so far only had one game, where not having eye was a problem. I will say i've had games where eye would have made it easier to win, but wasen't a big deal. The bannings of Gitaxian Probe has also been good, since infect and Death's Shadow aggro really isen't that much of a part in the format anymore. Death's Shadow still is a very big part of the format, but that is more of a midrange deck now, which is much better for tron than the aggro version was.

Tron does require you to have all the three tron lands in play, so let's take a look at what cantrips G/W tron uses to find what it's looking for. That's why tron is a combo deck, and NOT a control deck. It does have controlling elements, but it's pretty much just a combo/ramp deck.

Expedition Map and Sylvan Scrying pretty much just says "find a tron land", wich is exactly what this deck is looking for (of course you sometimes needs to get colored mana, and sometimes Ghost Quarter as well). There are other cards like Reap and Sow that you can play, but all of those costs too much mana. You want cards that helps you set up turn three tron. Also,the deck only plays 19 lands, so you're more looking for cheap spells. There a big difference between playing a karn on turn three, four or five. You just have to play four copies of both Expedition Map and Sylvan Scrying . You needs as many ways as possible to get your tron lands quickly, since modern is not a slow format. The chances of you winning the game, if you have tron on turn three, is much higer than you winning if you only get it on turn four.

The best card/cantrip in the deck is Ancient Stirrings . Ancient Stirrings allows you for one mana to look at five cards and choose whatever you want.

There are decks that just hammers tron, but there also a good portion of the modern field that just gets crushed by tron. Burn is rough and combo decks are pretty terrible. That's why we're on black, so we can play Collective Brutality . The best matchups Includes, boggles, Jund, jace control, living end and chord/company decks. Lantern control is also good, as long as they dosen't draw Ghost Quarter + Surgical Extraction early. Dregde is another nice deck to play against. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is game over on most spots, and the rest of the pay off are also very good here, like Wurmcoil Engine and oblivion stone as sweeper that gives you a lot of time. Plus, there's also relic in the main and bord.

Scapeshift is bad, since you don't have the right desruption and a too slow clock.

There's other decks that are weak/good against tron as well, but those decks aren't seeing very much play.

Playing tron is usually pretty straight forward, but there is some nice plays you can make with tron. Fx, the decision between either playing Chromatic Sphere or Chromatic Star is relevant. If you're going to tap out playing Sphere/Star, always go with star, since if they have artifact removal like Abrupt Decay and Ancient Grudge , Star will still draw you a card when it dies, whereas Sphere won't.

There's been a lot of conversation about which version of tron is the best one. Is it, red-green, green-white or green-black? All of these versions of green-x tron have their own values. So i'm gonna talk about when to play which version.

If you play green-white, you get access to maindeck Path to Exile , and in the sideboard, you get access to Leyline of Sanctity , Blessed Alliance and Timely Reinforcements . The main two cards here are Path to Exile , and Blessed Alliance , since Timely Reinforcements is only good against burn, where Blessed Alliance also can be used against Death's Shadow and eldrazi. Leyline of Sanctity to me, has just been very underperfoming and a terrible topdeck. This version is good, when you expect a lot of eldrazi and Death's Shadow . Just to make it clear, the reasoning for not mentioning Rest in Piece, is that Relic of Progenitus is almost as good graveyard hate AND cycles.

Playing green-red tron, is good when sweepers are important. Kozilek's Return is great against, the like of elves and affinity. It's also an answer to Geist of Saint, one of the best cards control can have against tron (believe me, i've had many games, where i lost to an unchecked geist after board).

First Collective Brutality and Ravenous Trap , then Dismember and Thoughtseize . Wasen't impressed in the beginning, but after some time, I realized that black is the real deal for tron. Collective Brutality alongside with Thoughtseize helps you a lot against different combo strategies, like storm and Ad Nauseam , as well as doing tons of work against burn and infect. Black is good against combo and burn.

As for cards i'm considering, i've found these to be pretty good: a second Ghost Quarter , the fourth Nature's Claim and Warping Wail . The scethy one, which i'm considering cutting, is Spellskite .

All those cards mentioned above, are cards that are very good options for tron, depending on the metagame you expect. Ghost Quarter is nice against mirrors and scapeshift. Warping Wail is for affinity, infect and sorceries like Crumble to Dust , and Nature's Claim is when you wanna beat affinity.


(Note: remember only too bring in the nessescary cards, since you wanna keep the deck stay functional, wich is something people sometimes do a bit too much with combo decks)


Thanks to Walking Ballista , Oblivion Stone and sideboard Nature's Claim , you're favored.


3x Nature's Claim , and 2 Walking Ballista .


2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , 2 Relic of Progenitus and 1 Wurmcoil Engine .


Burn is a nightmare matchup game one, and a 50% mathcup games 2 and 3, thanks to Brutality and Thragtusk . Remember Ghost Quarter can be used to cut them of green, to stop them from casting Destructive Revelry . Sometimes you can also cut them from white, but don't count on it.


3 Thragtusk , 3 Nature's Claim , 1 Spellskite and 3 Collective Brutality .


2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , 2 Relic of Progenitus , 2 Dismember, 3 Oblivion Stone and 1 World Breaker .


This is a very good matchup, since they haven't got enough early pressure, and don't have enough ways to interact. All threads are hard to answer and can win single-handedly.


3x Thragtusk


2 Dismember and 1 Relic of Progenitus .

Death's Shadow (jund and grixis)

The matchup is kinda close, since they're faster than normal jund and plays eight discard spells. They usually dosen't play with that many copies of Liliana of the Veil though, wich is an excellent card against tron. Relic of Progenitus , is great here, since it slows down Liliana, the Last Hope , Gurmag Angler and Tasigur, the Golden Fang , leaving only Death's Shadow left as a real big thread.


3 Thragtusk .


2 dismember and 1 World Breaker .


Bad. You really need turn 3 karn to win, and a ulamog to finish the job.


2 Thoughtseize , 1 Spellskite , 1 Nature's Claim and 3 Collective Brutality .


2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , 2 Dismember and 2 Relic of Progenitus and 1 Walking Ballista .

If they're playing white, you probably want at least another Nature's Claim over a Oblivion Stone to deal with Stony Silence .

Eldrazi tron

Great matchup, terrible deck. Somehow i always run into those t2 TKS and t3 Reality Smasher draws. But for those of you who dosen't, here's how i would sideboard.


2 Thoughtseize , 3 Thragtusk and 1 Nature's Claim .


2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , 1 Chromatic Sphere , 2 Relic of Progenitus and 1 Walking Ballista .

Counters company

Good matchup. Just make shure they don't combo off.


3 Collective Brutality , 2 Walking Ballista and 1 Grafdigger's Cage .


1 World Breaker , 2 Wurmcoil Engine , 2 Relic of Progenitus and 1 Chromatic Sphere .


Storm is bad. Look for a fast start that also includes graveyard hate.


1 Grafdigger's Cage , 2 Thoughtseize and 3 Collective Brutality .


2 Oblivion Stone , 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , 1 World Breaker and 2 Wurmcoil Engine .

Uw/Jeskai control

Control is always good.


3 Thragtusk , 2 Thoughtseize and 2 Nature's Claim .


2 Dismember , 2 Oblivion Stone and 3 Wurmcoil Engine .

If there's any questions, ideas or whatever, feel free to post a comment.



Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 2 Mythic Rares

9 - 10 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Decks, Build this, MDN, Deck Ideas, Tracking Decks
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