It's all fun and games until you can't play anything...
This deck mainly abuses the Fate Unraveler
Master of the Feast
combo, with all assortments of discard and ways to screw with your opponents deck until you kill them. Here is the breakdown of the cards in the deck:
Fate Unraveler
- This guy is the backbone of the deck. Making my opponents pay when they draw a card is absolutely hilarious, especially when they are forced to draw more cards and pay more life!
Master of the Feast- A 5/5 for 3 is insane. Making my opponents draw is meh. Making them pay more life than they have: Priceless.
Bloodsoaked Champion- One of my alternate wincons, if I don't have a Thoughtseize or anything to that matter, he comes down and does work.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel- Why not make my opponent pay more life? This guy is severely lethal if able to resolve.
Other Spells
Thoughtseize- That's a nice Siege Rhino you got there. It would be a shame if you had to discard it.
Waste Not- This card is an absolute bomb in the early game, making me zombies, drawing cards, and making mana.
Mind Rot
- A feeder for Waste Not, this card makes my opponent have no hand in the early board stall.
Dark Deal- The biggest feeder for Waste Not, this card also pairs well with
Fate Unraveler
Hero's Downfall- Must have in any color with black.
Damnable Pact is my finisher in this deck. Make them pay a lot of life in the late game and double it with
Fate Unraveler
, this card makes the cut.
That really sums it up here. Any suggestions and help would be amazing.
Have fun, and happy slaughtering!