Please Ban Torpor Orb | *Primer*

Commander / EDH GregariousG

SCORE: 152 | 69 COMMENTS | 33935 VIEWS | IN 49 FOLDERS

Penthoplayer says... #1

If your budget allows, Survival of the Fittest is strictly better than Fauna Shaman.

May 31, 2017 6:25 p.m.

teslamon says... #2

Crib Swap is a great addition to the deck. Solid removal at worst, five mana recurible removal with HoN out because of changeling.

July 31, 2017 8:21 p.m.

In the past I would have recommended Conspiracy to make all your creatures targets for your commander.

However, leaks have blessed us with the knowledge that a strictly better alternative is in Ixalan that I suggest once it's available--Arcane Adaptation:

August 13, 2017 1:35 a.m.

Magnivore says... #4

I think your average CMC is high for the number of lands you have. Hope do you combat an early Blood Moon (Magus) or Torpor Orb (Hushwing) effect?

October 4, 2017 8:27 a.m. Edited.

Penthoplayer says... #5

If you want another easy wincon, I'd like to show you Protean Hulk, Viscera Seer, and Saffi Eriksdotter. All three of these are good outside the combo, but with Karmic Guide and Reveilark, already in your deck, you get to tutor out to the field all creatures with CMC 6 or less, and put them on the field. Go further? Flash means all your ETBs are now potentially 2-mana instant.

October 4, 2017 10:11 a.m.

GregariousG says... #6

Thanks everyone for the comments and input. It's been awhile since I've been able to sit down, update the deck, and answer some questions.

To Penthoplayer,

    Originally, I was kinda against using Protean Hulk. However, this card and the cards that support it are just to silly not to play.

To Magnivore,

    My experience as a Tron player has taught me to fetch for a forest early if I see a red player. Torpor Orb-effects don't really bug me that much. Caustic Caterpillar is for Torpor Orb and I added some non-creature removal for Hushwing Gryff and Tocatli Honor Guard. These types of effects also hinder other players so I won't be the only one trying to remove them. However, your comment inspired me to lower my curve to a reasonable level

October 14, 2017 8:16 a.m. Edited.

halophilic says... #7

So....doesn't Ramos, Dragon Engine just become the default 5c commander or what?

October 23, 2017 12:28 p.m.

Because you don't have many elementals Ramos, Dragon Engine might be a better commander

October 24, 2017 3:42 p.m.

DBras says... #9

Maybe im missing something, but how do you trigger the slow lands? theres only two asics that i see. do they just come in tapped usually? just curious

December 2, 2017 8:01 a.m.

GregariousG says... #10

To DBras,

Yes, they usually come in tapped. I try to fetch for them first if my hand is slow. Canopy Vista and Cinder Glade are remnants from when the deck was slower. In all reality, I could get away with them just being Forests.I just never thought about changing them because it hasn't bitten me in the butt.....yet.

December 2, 2017 8:26 a.m.

HashMasta says... #11

you know how to ban torpor orb? Tell your local play group to not use it. And if they are to boneheaded to use it, don't play with them

February 16, 2018 1:52 p.m.

GregariousG says... #12

To HashMasta,

I actually don't want Torpor Orb banned. I just wanted a catchy name. That and most people don't play Torpor Orb because it stops the most popular win cons, such as Kiki-jiki and other ETB loops. Now that I think about, most competitive Sans-Blue Hatebears builds (which puts everything to a grinding halt) don't even play Torpor Orb effects.

February 16, 2018 3:03 p.m.

ersatz_olorin says... #13

There have been a lot of suggestions already but have you considered something along the lines of Impact Tremors or Warstorm Surge that would give you more value for your creatures coming into play. or maybe Oversold Cemetery to get your creatures back into your hand after a board wipe, and if you get a sac outlet into play you could get recurring value on all these creatures. If you go down that route I suggest Grave Pact like effects, and Fleshbag Marauder to really mess up their day. Good luck with your deck!

February 17, 2018 6:41 p.m.

GregariousG says... #14

To ersatz_olorin,

Even though I really like cards like Impact Tremors and Warstorm Surge, I only want to see these types of cards if I'm close to winning the game. Let me clarify. In general, I only tutor Purphoros, God of the Forge if I can't swing in for the win because of some kind of effect (ex: Sphere of Safety, Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, etc). Other than that, Purphoros is just a cute ping for 2 or 4. I feel like I don't produce enough creatures per turn to justify adding more of these effects. However,

Project Genesis

Commander / EDH* GregariousG


looks to abuse Purphoros-like effects because it has multiple creatures entering per turn.

I think Oversold Cemetery is a card for a different type of deck. I don't really mind board wipes that much because I have multiple forms of recursion. I've tried Fleshbag Marauder in the deck before and I wasn't pleased with it. I think it's because 1.) I can't actually target the creature I want and 2.) it really only hurts voltron players (which at my LGS, that's me) unless Fleshbag Marauder enters the field multiple times. Thank you so much for the suggestions and stopping by!

February 19, 2018 9:32 a.m.

Fiend Hunter is some nice protection from nasty creatures, as well as a way to go infinite with Karmic Guide, Sun Titan or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker as long as you have a sac outlet. Swift Warkite can be used as a second Sun Titan as far as your combos are concerned as it combos with Saffi Eriksdotter and Fiend Hunter, as well as just good value when you have so many 1 2 and 3 drops. Boonweaver Giant and Pattern of Rebirth act like another Protean Hulk.

February 27, 2018 9:36 a.m.

IronTiger says... #16

Nice deck. It seems like you've overlooked Goblin Bombardment. You run multiple pairs of cards that combo for infinite damage with GB. And you're running infinite combo already, so it's not a moral objection to combo....

Check out my Horde of Notions deck on my profile for more explaination. I've been working on a primer.

February 28, 2018 1:34 p.m.

tomhiggart says... #17

Ramos, Dragon Engine. That's all I have to say.

March 2, 2018 8:14 a.m.

GregariousG says... #18

To luther and IronTiger,

You both make great points. Fiend Hunter and Goblin Bombardment are going straight into the deck. To make room for these, Im cutting Phyrexian Metamorph and Nahiri, the Harbinger. Clones get worse as a deck gets better. Nahiri is good, but another combo piece/sacrifice outlet is much better. Those were easy cuts.

Here comes the tricky part. I really want to play Swift Warkite. I like the fact that Warkite pulls from the hand or graveyard, which adds some flexibility. However, Im not sure that I need a second Sun Titan effect. As for Boonweaver/Patterns of Rebirth, its nice, but this deck packs enough combos as it is. I rather add things that synergize with existing combos, such as the suggested Fiend Hunter and Goblin Bombardment.

March 2, 2018 3:23 p.m.

Glad I could help! As far as the warkite goes, I totally understand. My suggestion would be to keep it in the back of your mind, and if you feel like anything is underperforming at all give it a shot.

March 2, 2018 4:28 p.m.

IronTiger says... #20

I can't tell you how much it pleases me to introduce someone to Goblin Bombardment in this combo set. You seriously have all the other pieces present to make SEVERAL combinations with GB. Word of warning: don't run it out there until you need to, because people know how dangerous GB is and will kill on sight if possible.

Also, can't believe I didn't notice that you do not run Mirror Entity. There are several infinite combos that he would open up, using cards you already run. It's a bit complicated, but easy once you know the trick. I have the details in the primer for my Horde of Notions deck. Five Color Control & Combo (with Primer) I also have details about how to use Goblin Bombardment.

March 2, 2018 8:34 p.m.

IronTiger says... #21

If you're looking for cuts, I'd say the weakest links I see are Elvish Visionary (only one card draw is not that much of an impact, yes I know you can recur it and stuff, but still, gotta make tough cuts when you optimize) and Village Bell-Ringer (you already have Pestermite, and you don't need a ton of redundancy when you have so many combo arrangements.)

Also, any reason you don't run Tooth and Nail?

March 2, 2018 8:44 p.m.

IronTiger says... #22

Another note on Goblin Bombardment: there are a few other combo lines that it opens up for your deck that aren't listed in my primer, because I am not running Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker in my current build. So, with Kiki-Jiki and Karmic Guide you can deal infinite damage. The trick is, tap Kiki-Jiki to copy Guide, hold priority and respond to your own activation by sacrificing Kiki-Jiki to Goblin Bombardment (or Viscera Seer for scry). The copy of Guide then comes into play, bringing back Kiki-Jiki, thus completing the loop.

Fiend Hunter works similarly to loop with Kiki-Jiki. Start with both in play, tap to copy Hunter, copy enters, exiles Kiki-Jiki, sac the token, bringing back Kiki-Jiki untapped. Repeat!

Good luck!

March 3, 2018 2:23 p.m.

GregariousG says... #23

To IronTiger,

I actually had Tooth and Nail in previous versions of this deck. My problem with Tooth and Nail is that it requires without any form of counterspell backup. Being truthful, I don't cast any of my six drops, besides Garruk, most of the time. I cheat them in. As for TnN, I found myself leaning on other ways to combo, which left it dead in my hand most of the time. As for Mirror Entity, it is another sacrifice outlet essentially. I'll have to consider it. However, I would include Flash before Mirror Entity.

I really appreciate your input. Because of your comments and continuous editing the primer, I realized the Felidar Guardian also loops with Reveillark/Karmic Guide. Without such a helpful community, this deck would not be the thrilling collective mess of cards that is today. Thanks

March 4, 2018 7:40 a.m.

tomhiggart says... #24

Hi, I've been testing this list for a while and think it's fantastic. I'm still quite new so take my opinion with a pinch of salt. Firstly I think Garruk, Caller of Beasts has quite a high cmc and even though he can cheat things out and can draw monsters, personally I think he's a little bit janky and even though its a bit pricey a Worldly Tutor would be better potentially with Flash as well to allow for slandered flash hulk shenanigans, however I can see why you would play him. My other thought was that Reflector Mage should be taken out for something like a Path to Exile which does essentially the same thing but for cheaper and at instant speed. Also have you considered using Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar in a similar way to Goblin Bombardment but to to generate infinite mana.

March 8, 2018 6:01 p.m.

GregariousG says... #25

To tomhiggart,

Hey and thanks again for your input. I agree with you about Garruk, Caller of Beasts. He has won me plenty of games, but I do feel that is because people didn't respect his ultimate. However, Garruk is the only 6 mana card I actually cast in this deck. I prefer to cheat my high cost cards in. Because of that, he has been on the chopping block for Flash actually, so we are on the same page. I think your assessment regarding Reflector Mage is correct. I like Reflector Mage because he essentially blanks Commanders. He is also has 2 power, which is important, and is tutorable. However, the main reason that I'm hesitate to cut Reflector Mage, along with Thought-Knot Seer, is because he is a pet card of mine. Path is probably just better competitively instead of Reflector Mage. I've thought about adding Phyrexian Altar. I just never felt the need to have another infinite mana outlet.

March 9, 2018 4:27 p.m.

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