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"please help" The undying love of the black rose.

Commander / EDH* Theme/Gimmick UBR (Grixis)


alright time for a break down of this deck and its contents.il explain as to why i run some cards as to why i dont run there quote unquote betters. i take all feed back into consideration and welcome it greatly. a deck built by one great mind is good a deck built by council of great minds is better. you might see something i missed or even suggest something i never thought of. suggest it even if you don't think it would fully work. never know tell you try.

major reason for not haves some cards in here that i should is i just don't have them. odds are i can get them but im not made of money. im not shy of spending it but prefer not to.

ok break down time.

Mana base is pretty strait forward. i love pain lands in this deck. if it hurts me in the long run its gonna really hurt your. Dethrone is a key thing so if i can keep my health lower than yours just by even 1 im gonna swing and get my +1/+1 counters.

Creatures: here i was going for undying, good enter or leave effects, creatures that can get counters on them self's via their own effects, or just out right evil monsters.

Undying: Pyreheart Wolf Makes it Harder for my opponents to properly block my creatures.

Geralf's Messenger deals a bit of damage on entry always good. i could probably get better but he has undying so he is gonna at the minimum deal four dmg for 3 mana so there is that.

Flayer of the Hatebound this guy here this guy is the guy. he is brutal with marchesa every time a creature comes back to me he drops dmg like a boss. and he make people not wanna board wipe fearing the backlash from him on his way back with 5 or so friends.

Geralf's Mindcrusher now i know mill in edh isnt one of the best things out there, but ive used him as a diplomatic tool to for people who play decks that want grave yards and such also mill can hurt in a format of singleton i mean i hit your sol ring 2 lands and a planeswalker or what ever and it hurts to know your not getting them on the field or worse someone els might play a spell and take creatures in your grave.... like me.

Hound of Griselbrand has doublesrike and undying so over all just a good attacker.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed if he is not in your marchesa you are not doing it right. with him and marchesa on the field at the same time odds are your non human creatures are never ever not gonna come back. every creature you have now has undying. let the reckless swinging begin. now he doesn't have Undying him self but we can always work around that.

Dethrone: sadly a little known fact about dethrone is it stacks with other instances of well Dethrone. so with marchesa out. these guys get two +1/+1 counters when they attack he/she who has the most health. i was running almost all the dethroners, but took a few out for other cards here are the ones i kept and why.

Scourge of the Throne i love dragons i love this dragon! he is in any deck i run with red and if he is not its because i dont have enuff of him to do so, so i switch him out on the fly. when he dethrones for the first time i untap my creatures that attacked and get a second combat. so lets say i attack somone with marchesa out he double dethrones on the first attack "now i dont get two extra combats this i know" then after that attack il just aim for the kill or if a kill isnt avalible then go for the person who is in the lead now. and if its me then i swing on who ever i want. i cant state my love for this guy in words. he is just.. just... LOVE!!

Marchesa's Smuggler has dethrone and can give a creature haste and make it unblockable for the turn. all around great Red blue creature for the deck.

Grenzo's Cutthroat a two drop first strike 1/1 that while marchesa is out becomes a two drop first strike 3/3 in one swing and only bigger from there. so he puts in work.

Dack's Duplicate whats better than a copy of something mean, a copy with haste and Dethrone that's what. beyond that i dont know what to say about this guy he is just good for the deck in that respect.

Enters the field: here are the ones that i added for there enter the field so dying for them in this deck is a good thing. you get a lot of use/abuse out of them because of the mechanics of this deck. i don't have the best i can get but what i had on hand for these so there is not a lot of em.

Augur of Bolas this card has really put in work in this deck for me. nothing beats getting that extra instant or sorcery, and if you work him alot you can slowy stack your deck. he would be even better if i could get my hands on a

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden to set up creatures on the bottom of the deck as well good synergy there.

Baleful Strix good card draw, good blocker, good attacker in this deck. nothing left to say here.

Rune-Scarred Demon Flying 6/6 and tutors ever time he hits the field. why would i not run this. and if i use right of replication on him that is five tutors right then and there. great card.

Inferno Titan enters and kills something small and annoying, swing and kill something small and annoying, kill players that are small and annoying.everything to the titan is small.... and annoying. im thinking of adding the black and blue titans but i wouldn't know what to take out at the moment.

WHEN IT DIES: here are the ones i put in for there when they or something else dies effects.

Stalking Vengeance when things of mine die he deals dmg, a great board wipe Nuclear deterrent. and seeing how odds are he will just come back and deal his five with the help of the Flayer of the Hatebound on his way back with the others he is not something my opponents will want to see.

Deathbringer Throctar when something dies he gets a counter, in this deck when he attacks he gets a counter, he can also utilize his counters to kill things or people. good creature for what this deck does.

Harvester of Souls if something dies i draw a card. i like it, you like it, we all like it. death touch is a plus.

Butcher of Malakir Great for when my things die yours die too, and if i get a counter on him then if he dies he comes back to kill again.a creature with a build in grave pact. whats not to like.

Creatures that are just good or good in the deck; here are the creatures i added because of why not or i had nothing better or they work in the deck or built in +1/+1 counter gets.

Nightscape Familiar makes things cheaper.

Dimir Doppelganger i have killed a problem child and i don't want to see if come back to haunt me. so im going to exile it and make it your problem now. oh a new problem has arrived well i guess il kill that one and then make that one your problem as now too.Magus of the Mirror my life total is a resource to me and i need lots off it and i spend hard and with this once i am very low and you some how are very high il just take yours and spend it now.

Keranos, God of Storms draw a extra card or bolt for free. il take yes please for 500 hundred.

Hellrider i am going to attack alot. why not get the biggest bang for my buck.

Charmbreaker Devils great card allows the use of my used instants or sorcery's again. granted its at random but who cares when its every upkeep for free. and if ive only used one instant or sorcery then i just keep getting that one back and use it over and over.

Burnished Hart now i don't run a lot of basics but with this guy coming back via marchesa's effect if he gets a +1/+1 counter on him it makes him worth it just to pull all of them out of my deck as fast as i can early game. after the second time doing it it pays for it self each time after.

Ogre Battledriver haste makes waste my ass. i like to attack in this deck and he makes it awesome. gives haste to anything i play and a boost to atk.

Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch great card to have on the field if i have a way to drop a +1/+1 counter on something i just played. so it will have haste plus if i unleash her she becomes a 4 drop first strike haste 5/5 if she dethrones that turn.

Blood Tyrant Grixis good stuff baby. flying trample and he makes his own +1/+1 counters while taking life.and in a multi match if he is out and someone dies he gets very big very fast.

Thraximundar again grixis good stuff, he is just a amazing card for this deck makes people sac a creature gets a counter when they do "great synergy with the Butcher" and has haste and will only cost 5 with nightscape out.

Invisible Stalker hexproof unblockable is win win. yes he is a 1/1 but only at the start. he is like a barbarian to me he only gets stronger every swing.

Phyrexian Obliterator because PHYREXIAN OBLITERATOR! and what is worse than fighting one of these? one that wont go away.

Vampire Nighthawk just a solid card in any deck that runs black. i mean i do use life as a resource in here. so i may need a little gain now and then.

Chasm Skulker omg this guy omg. every time i draw a card get a +1/+1 counter and if he dies i get 1/1's all over for days seeing as he will almost always have a counter on him so with marchesa his death is always my gain.

Jalira, Master Polymorphist great i think or what the deck can do. sac a creature get a new creature and then if the creature i sac has a +1/+1 counter on it it come back. i lose nothing.

thats it for the creatures. please let me know if you can think of better ones and what i should take out in there place.

Planes walkers: at the moment i run two a jace and a dack.

Jace Beleren card draw is nice card draw that helps others can be used as a tool to make people want you to stay around. do i want to mill for twenty? Nope. will i mill for twenty....? only if it would kill you.

Dack Fayden Love this guy. card drawing politics for days i say. il make you draw if you do this or don't do this. or thats a nice artifact you got there....YOINK mine now sucka. i dont think i run alot of stuff that can abuse his emblem but putting it out there some times scares people into just scooping lol.

Sorcery's: at this time i only run 4... probably need to work on that.... and maybe i dont. not sure what i should use. ive never run grixis.

Cruel Ultimatum love this card there is no ultimatum about it. its more like bolas said " ok thats nice... now this is what IS going to happen." good card for any grixis deck.

Prosperity Share the love, like i said i love card draw politics, plus once i get my hands on a Notion Thief this card will be nuts.

Killing Wave in a deck where i want my health lower than yours and you have a lot of creatures and i don't at times. this is a god send. yeah il keep these two and pay ten. while you keep only one and pay 5 oh look at that i have 3 less health than you now. SWING!

Rite of Replication Amazing card! thats a nice creature/problem child you have there.... il take 5 please. turns a game around from 0 to hero in no time flat.

INSTANTS: At this time i run 7 and they are kinda meh but they do the job. will love suggestions on this part of the deck.

Wild Ricochet this is a card i don't think gets enough credit, someone wants to target you or something you own or maybe even someone els's stuff and you want it to stay or could just use what they are using to your advantage. you change the target and copy the spell... whats not to like on this card.

Split Decision i find this card is fun. could do better but i like the look on their face as the voteing goes down and if i don't counter it i at least copy it and do to them what they did to me.

Vision Skeins EVERYBODY DRAW!! ... thats it. i like it.

Dismiss counter spell, get a draw. could use just a cheaper counter spell, but i like to draw.

Fated Return EDH has the room for heavy cost spells. so when i saw this one i fell in love. get a creature from any grave yard and its Indestructible now. and it can scry 2 if i use it on my turn so why not.

Grixis Charm great utility here, grixis good stuff. ive used to to bounce problems for a turn just to get a kill and take a creature that is indestructible down before it can get to strong, or give a boost to mine in a pinch.

Crosis's Charm once again like grixis charm its grixis good stuff, utility, answers. so forth.

ENCHANTMENTS: this section i think i could use work on but what i have for the time works very well for what i need.

Unspeakable Symbol if there was ever a card that someone must have for got about while making Marchesa, the Black Rose then this is it. i can drop my life total and any time to put a +1/+1 counter on any creature on the field. so who is in the lead in terms of health, oh its me lets drop a bit put some counters on my guys. also here comes a bored wipe drop some counters and i don't care if you wipe.

Propaganda i like to use life as a resource in this deck so i need it and i need it low to do what i do. i don't need you helping me with that unless you want to pay.

rystic study yours stuff now costs one more or i draw,. i can get card advantage or slow you down.

Inexorable Tide i run counters so yeah... what is there to say against this card, i know i cant name all the reasons to so i list the ones not to.... there i did it did you see that il do it again.... that is all.

layine of anticipation every thing i use now has flash.

geed pay life draw cards does what it does.

Goblin Bombardment sac outlet works well with flayer and other creatures i run.

Military Intelligence great card for agro and thats the way im gonna play it.

Feast on the Fallen great card in multi man for counter building.

That is it for my enchantments. if you can think of some others let me know.

ARTIFACTS: here i have artifacts that help me stay in the game, assist my creatures or ramp my mana.

Temple Bell what edh have i played against that doesn't run this card. draw politics are my thing and i will help others only so they don't want me gone just yet. and before they know it il have what i need to get going.

Obelisk of Grixis i run grixis, mana ramp never hurts.

Sol Ring its a must have in any edh.

Jar of Eyeballs love this card let it get to ten or more and you can look for an answer or that missing piece or even mana if your low on it.

Ring of Valkas great little card for getting the +1/+1 counters on my red guys or giving something haste.

Ring of Xathrid any creature i put it on has tap two mana regenerate. great on marchesa because if you are playing someone who knows what they are doing they will try and kill off marchesa before they go for your other guys or a board wipe. and black creatures gain +1/+1 counters.

Chromatic Lantern 3 color deck, hell two color decks should all run this. 3 more so than 2 but yeah mana fixing for days.

Swiftfoot Boots hexproof on marchesa or any other thing i want not to die to a simple target dies or exiles or what have you. haste is a bonus.

Vedalken Orrery every thing has flash. i have the lay-line but yeah got to get to one fast so why not two sources of it.

Akroma's Memorial flying, first strike, vigilance, trample, haste, and pro black and red. i mostly put this in here becuase as far as i know its the only way to get Vigilance in this color combo, if i am wrong on this one please tell me if there is another way in these colors to do so.

Dolmen Gate i like to attack a lot and i don't need no death touch or bigger than my guys stopping me from attacking and keeping my guys when i do. great agro card

And there you have it. My Marchesa Grixis good stuff Build. please leave a comment, suggestion, or a simple +1 vote. thank you for your time.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.84
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Dack Fayden, Squid 1/1 U
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