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Standard gotmilk at me


Doolbeurt says... #1

Only things i would suggest have already been suggested (i.e.- Obzedat, Ghost Council and Tormented Hero and i think Desecration Demon is great for continuing the theme of screwing with your opponents field.

November 17, 2013 2:34 a.m.

gotmilk at me says... #2

lol thanks alot

November 17, 2013 2:36 a.m.

inzane14 says... #3

Deck looks solid. I recommend maxing out to 4x your Agent of the Fates , Alms Beast and High Priest of Penance . You could also replace Celestial Flare , Devour Flesh , and Orzhov Charm with Gods Willing since you'll need to protect your enchanted creatures from removal. Plus it also triggers Agent of the Fates so it also acts like pseudo-removal.

You could also mainboard 2x Sphere of Safety while taking out 1x Spear of Heliod and 1x Underworld Connections .

If you wanna go with a black devotion route, you could add in Gray Merchant of Asphodel , Whip of Erebos , and more Underworld Connections .

November 17, 2013 3:05 a.m.

gotmilk at me says... #4

Thanks really apreciate it.:)

November 17, 2013 3:10 a.m.

djpickering says... #5

This deck looks awesome dude, +1 from me :D if you can get them I'd put in a playset of Godless Shrine and 2 or 3 Temple of Silence .

November 17, 2013 3:49 a.m.

mahouneko says... #6

An Erebos, God of the Dead would be great in here as it would make Alms Beast 's downside non-existant. Also, I really hate Devour Flesh as it gives life to your opponent. Also, I would replace your Hopeful Eidolon s with Nighthowler s as they are so much bigger.

November 17, 2013 3:59 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #7

I like the combo of Agent of Fates and Orzhov Charm . Save him from a Hero's Downfall and edict one of their dudes in the process.

The spell list looks good. If you have money Boros Reckoner is a beast and isn't going away until rotation. Also, this works as a budget deck but to run with the big dogs you're going to have to get the shocklands and scrylands at some point. The idea is good though so stick with it.

November 17, 2013 4:44 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #8

Also Thoughtseize would be good here. Grab a Supreme Verdict , grab an Elspeth, Sun's Champion , even grab a Stormbreath Dragon . Duress is a good sub if you're on a budget but I wouldn't maindeck duress over thoughtseize, it's a sideboard card.

November 17, 2013 4:47 a.m.

HappehNinja says... #9

You could try lowering Gift of Orzhova to three, Underworld Connections to two (the third one goes into the sideboard), Doom Blade to three.

You might want to remove Alms Beast , Hopeful Eidolon , High Priest of Penance and Celestial Flare .

I suggest adding in their place four Tithe Drinker , three Thrull Parasite , three Basilica Screecher , one Orzhov Charm , one Devour Flesh , and another Spear of Heliod .

I recommend a sideboard like this one:

November 17, 2013 8:11 a.m.

HappehNinja says... #10

Also, consider acquiring four Godless Shrine .

November 17, 2013 8:13 a.m.

thewyzman says... #11

i personally don't like running more than 2 Underworld Connections cuz they hog up my land, and if i've got land to spare i'm probably in late-game and have bigger things to worry about.

Depending who you're playing, i don't run 4 doom blades main board, maybe 2 and 2x Ultimate Price and keep 2 of each in the sideboard (my local FNM has a couple really mean decks that run a lot of black creatures, making doom blade useless).

November 17, 2013 10:51 a.m.

Midwest says... #12

"You could try lowering Gift of Orzhova to three, Underworld Connections to two (the third one goes into the sideboard), Doom Blade to three."- I agree

You seem to be pretty attached to your creature base so rather than tell you to change a whole lot (I will be recommending a change later though) of it I'd recommend adding Baleful Eidolon . I just told you to cut two enchantments and he gives you 3 to add to your Ethereal Armor . Not to mention if you plop him out early he's not a bad deterrent for when people swing stuff at you. I do however feel a Blood Baron of Vizkopa or Obzedat, Ghost Council needs to find it's way in here. Alms Beast could be replaced for either of those, I think.

November 17, 2013 11 a.m.

VinylScratch says... #13

I have about 0 clue how to play orzhov but +1 cus you +1d mine!

November 17, 2013 11:12 a.m.

Timber says... #14

I really like the Agent of the Fates - Orzhov Charm combo and I would max out on that with 4x of each. I'll reiterate what has already been said that you need more creatures. I will not suggest a bunch of $15+ rares and mythics for you to add though :) I also agree that 4x Doom Blade is too many and would mix it up with some Ultimate Price or a Hero's Downfall if you pull one in a pack.

I also like that you can do some pretty nasty damage early if you play turn 1 Eidolon and turn 2 Ethereal Armor.

Don't forget about Brave the Elements . That card can be a great finisher, or it can save you from a 2-for-1 or 3-for-1, especially because you only have 4 Charms to protect your dudes.

November 17, 2013 11:41 a.m.

Jimbabwe88 says... #15

I like this deck. I like the concept of it a lot. I would go down to 2 Underworld Connections and I would put the Celestial Flare in the sideboard, removing 2 Sphere of Safety . They're nice to have around in enchantment decks, but at 5 converted mana cost, you don't need 4 of them. I would add in a second Celestial Flare to the sideboard. Also, until you have money to buy a few Hero's Downfall I would suggest running 2 Doom Blade and 2 Ultimate Price . You'll want a way to get rid of those pesky black creatures like Desecration Demon . Also, I would run 1 more Agent of the Fates .

November 17, 2013 1 p.m.

MrKnify says... #16

i'd drop a Doom Blade for another Devour Flesh , maybe look at Thoughtseize or Duress I like duress myself as you have enough creature removal already. +1 from me.

November 17, 2013 4:39 p.m.

jyork1213 says... #17

Alms Beast should be Desecration Demon . Infinitely better. Especially in a deck with as much removal as yours.

November 17, 2013 5:48 p.m.

Grabnar says... #18

jyork1213 my friend is trying to get some Desecration demons, he's just working on the money right now.

November 17, 2013 5:50 p.m.

kyjellyfish says... #19

If I were you I'd drop Devour Flesh and put in a full play set of Celestial Flare . much better for when they decide to just swing at you with the big creature with with hex proof, flying, death touch, awesomeness and then you shut them down. I only say that cause you really don't want them gaining life while you're trying to poke them to death. also Whip of Erebos would be nice to help you with your enchantments and a little life gain never hurt anybody.

November 17, 2013 6:16 p.m.

thewyzman says... #20

with Devour Flesh and Alms Beast , you're potentially giving your opponent lots of life. With 14 enchantment spells, you might try mainboarding your Blightcaster , especially against aggro decks (since they don't often run many creatures with more than 2 toughness). Just a random thought.

November 17, 2013 7:06 p.m.

gotmilk at me says... #21

Thanks for the likes and suggestions :)

November 17, 2013 8:51 p.m.

Namron88 says... #22

ok so the suggestions i would make most likely have already been suggested and are also expensive now alms beast is a great 4 drop and very underrated but that is mostly due to the more popular Desecration Demon which also has downsides of his own Erebos, God of the Dead would be great in this deck as he would be a creature the majority of the time plus his weapon is amazing giving you lifelink as well as possible reanimation to keep board pressure Lifebane Zombie would be great mainboard for multiple reasons intimidate being one of them plus you get to hit the opponents hand and also hits 2 out of 5 colors by exiling a green or white creature which a lot of different decks run either one of those colors also i would definitely invest in Thoughtseize as well as Hero's Downfall instant speed kill for creature or planeswalker there is a reason it is so expensive right now and that is because it is the best form of removal in theros of course if this isnt meant for competitive play there is no reason to dump tons of money into it and you can just play for fun there are also some more suggestions but then you would end up paying around 600 or 700 out of pocket to build the deck im happy i was able to trade for the rbw deck you saw cause i would still be trying to build it right now also i made some changes to it if you want to grab a few ideas or leave some of your own that is also appreciated again thank you for the +1 and i will give your deck one as well

November 17, 2013 11 p.m.

shinobigarth says... #23

dont run Alms Beast without Erebos. like someone said Desecration Demon is much better.

November 18, 2013 3:19 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #24

I like the strategy and angle of attack being used here. What about maindeck 4x Gods Willing ? Respond to a Lightning Strike on your Agent of Fates with gods willing, it's blowout city.

November 18, 2013 3:38 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #25

could probably cut Devour Flesh since already have agent mainboard.

November 18, 2013 3:39 a.m.

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