How about Turn Aside until you can get out your Cowardice ?
May 11, 2012 7:03 a.m.
I never really thought that my 1/1's would get targeted in before they realized what was going on. I just realized that the Drain Power s would not be a way to counter the opponents actions as it is just a sorcery. What if I were to remove 2 Drain Power s and the 2 Pirate Ship s (didn't think that they were a good fit before) and add in 2 Mana Leak and 2 Turn Aside . Any other good options for low CMC creatures with gg activated abilities? I like the Niblis of the Breath just because if they do get a creature out, I can be tapping it.
I was also thinking of trying to get another Hurkyl's Recall s, 2 Mystical Tutor s and a Icy Manipulator into the deck. The idea behind the Hurkyl's Recall s would be to get all their creatures and artifacts into their hand so they have to discard.
May 11, 2012 10:47 a.m.
There's also Outwit as another low-cost counter, and Dissipation Field for when some pesky artifacts or creatures get past you.
May 11, 2012 11:13 a.m.
Ohhh... I like Dissipation Field
Do you think the concept of this deck is viable?
May 11, 2012 11:21 a.m.
Side note: I just noticed you had this listed as Commander/EDH. Did you mean Legacy?
As for your concern, keep in mind I am not an avid Blue Magic player, green is more of my color, so take my advice for what it's worth. There are really only eight sources of damage that this deck contains; twelve if you start attacking with the Niblis of the Breath also. So the chances of drawing them or having them at any time are sort of slim. As I run this through in my mind it seems like this deck is too slow (what if somebody plays more than you can counter?) and it takes a lot of time to whittle them down to 0, which is what Blue sort of does anyway because it's not about sheer strength, but this deck just seems too slow at doing that. Maybe something else thrown in like Latch Seeker maybe?
May 11, 2012 11:30 a.m.
I was not really sure what to put for the Format. I know it qualifies for both but this isn't a deck you would play in large multiplayer games.
I would agree 100% that more will get played then what you would counter. You would need to manage certain creature cards with your Niblis of the Breath s and Icy Manipulator . You also have the option of Control Magic to add some beef if they play something worth taking. You would save your counter spells for any cards that would result in a mass army that would overwhelm you. Once you get some of the plinkers out, you would be able manage some of the creatures as well. I think I would be better off adding 2 more Control Magic s then the Latch Seeker and let my opponent cast the larger creatures.
There is just something about killing someone 1-2 life at a time and them not being able to do anything about it.
Thoughts on this?
May 11, 2012 12:24 p.m.
As for the Icy Manipulator I think I would opt for something like Fatestitcher , but that's just me. The only real difference is that F doesn't need one mana to tap while IM does so you can save your lands for countering, but IM can be used the turn it comes out, while F can't. And as for the Control Magic VS adding some creatures debate, the difference is that with Control Magic it's only useful if your opponent has a creature worth taking. Sometimes you play against creature-less decks or decks with itty bitty creatures (such as yours), whereas adding in a creature is always a prime candidate for removal spells which can be all too common.
But, it is YOUR deck after all and you know the main objective, weaknesses, strengths, etc., more than I do.
May 11, 2012 12:43 p.m.
I think I need to play around with it a bit to see where some of the weaknesses are. Thanks for all your help. If you think of anything else, let me know.
May 11, 2012 3:36 p.m.
Relak_Eagleyes says... #10
I would recommend Psychic Venom and Suq'Ata Firewalker . Both would fit in with theme of killing your opponents with lots of paper cuts. Sigil of Sleep might also be more affective than Cowardice as Cowardice affects your creatures as well. You can enchant one of your Creatures for one blue, Deal damage to player and then have that player return a creature to their hand.
May 15, 2012 12:47 p.m.
Relak_Eagleyes says... #11
Also, I think you need some more card draw, otherwise you will find yourself with an empty hand and no way to counter anything that comes at you. Ponder and/or Think Twice would be good for this.
May 15, 2012 12:50 p.m.
Changed a few things up. Added 2x Snapcaster Mage because I can keep sending him back to my hand and recasting spells. I added 4x Sigil of Sleep as a cheaper alternative to getting return to hand sooner in the game. I added 2x Ponder to get more drawing ability. I also removed the Control Magic s, Remove Soul s, Icy Manipulator and a Hurkyl's Recall . Think I may remove 1-2x Cowardice to help get down to 60.
May 15, 2012 4:57 p.m.
EDH decks are 100 card decks where you have no more than a single copy of each card aside from basic lands, so this isn't actually an EDH deck.
darken99 says... #1
Use the Counterspell
s, Negate
s, Remove Soul
s, and Mana Short
s as your defence until you are able to get going. The combination of Cowardice
with Pirate Ship
s, Prodigal Sorcerer
s, Zuran Spellcaster
s and Niblis of the Breath
to target your opponents creatures will make it difficult for them to get anything on the board. The Arm with AEthers can also be used to direct damage to your opponent also resulting in them returning their creatures to their hand.
May 11, 2012 5:36 a.m.